《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 18


Chapter Eighteen

The following morning as expected I am awoken to find I have received a summons from the Hokage.

I quickly head over to his office to find him looking incredibly stressed. I walk in jovially however with a huge smile on my face. "Good morning Lord Third" I say gaining his attention.

With a stern expression he cuts right to the chase "So then young Rowan care to explain why I have a report that a single person almost destroyed the whole Hyuga compound".

I simply chuckled and said "Lord Third must already be aware they targeted my Mothers while I was on a mission. I simply returned the favour they attacked my family so I attacked theirs"

with a shocked expression the Third said "didn't you consider the possibility of reprisals coming from the Hyuga clan. As Hokage I cannot allow such incidents to continue. Every member of this village is like family to me I cannot stand by and watch them attack each other".

I sneered at these words "Like family really! If that is true then how come my Mothers were attacked by the Hyuga. I am fully aware of Lord thirds ability to gather information. As you were more than likely aware the Hyuga were targeting my Mothers I wonder why you or your Anbu didn't act to stop them".

"It is not so simple as stopping such an important clan to the village" He said with a tone of melancholia.

"Ah so If the clan is important the Hokage wouldn't act. Does that mean the Hokage sees two women ostracised from their Clans as expendable. So much for your everyone is like family Bullshit you spout all the while"

"That is not true I used every ounce of my power as Hokage because of that the Hyuga didn't kill your parents" He said trying to muster up some kind of defence.

"Oh well thank you Lord Hokage. You know that by doing that you only made sure I didn't wipe the Hyuga clan off the face of the earth. The way I see it we are even now. I didn't kill any of them I just returned the pain they inflicted on my Mothers".

Before the Hokage could say anything else I said "Now if there is nothing else to discuss I have something I have to take care of". I turned around and left the Hokage's Office. Walking through Konoha people were busy gossiping about the Hyuga being attacked. No one truly knew what happened so there were wild speculations filling in the blanks.

I decided that if things continue as they are I am going to need even more power than I already hold in order to protect my family from not just The Hyuga but possibly the whole Village.

I summoned the White Zetsu whose mind I had altered and had him explain the situation with Madara. He is now getting old and quite weak. He has recently awakened the Rinnegan but doing so has weakened him even more than he originally was. Because of that he can't survive for long without being attached to the Demon Statue Of Outer Path.

Hearing this I had the White Zetsu produce a clone of himself by giving him a small amount of Chakra to use as a catalyst. I placed a Teleport Mark upon the White Zetsu clone and had it travel to the region where Madara is in hiding.

I returned home waiting for the time when White Zetsu is within the range of Madara. Until then I had to prepare. Madara even weakened will undoubtedly be the toughest opponent I have ever faced.


My Mothers were obviously on edge as they had become aware of my taking revenge on the Hyuga clan. As such I teleport them to the forest near the Fire temple using the Flying Thunder God technique in order to keep them safe.

They were shocked when I used Wood Release to create a small home for them to live in for the time being.

Once they had settled and I take out several items from my Item Box for them to live in peace for at least a few weeks.

I simply told them the item box was a unique seal Aunt Mito had taught me and they soon forgot about the strange appearance of goods and began settling down.

I returned home and began by meditating and forming my Ki. As Ki is more powerful than Chakra but far more unstable I decided to see if I can use this as an alternative power source for my new Dojutsu than the Nine Tail’s Chakra. As such I can manage to activate only a single eye but it completely wipes out all of the Ki from within my body.

Even though this is only able to activate it in one eye this is more than enough to confirm my suspicion. I simply need a way to raise the amount of Ki in my body quickly and I have an idea that may help in doing just that.

I travelled to Aunt Mito's, She was worried about me after hearing of the incident with the Hyuga clan. I simply brushed it off and bluffed saying "I have far more important things to worry about which is why I took such drastic methods with the Hyuga".

Aunt Mito looked at me with surprise wondering what can be more important than the Hyuga. I summoned White Zetsu and Aunt Mito's sensory capabilities saw immediately the similarities between White Zetsu and Great Uncle Hashirama.

I explained that "Madara survived the battle with Hashirama". The shock on her face was clear for all to see. For a moment she lost control of the Nine Tails Chakra within her. I was taken aback by the suffocating aura it produced.

I told her he used the battle to gain Hashiramas DNA which he used to create these White Zetsu's. Then I told her he also used Hashiramas DNA to make his Sharingan evolve into the Rinnegan and that he is now plotting against not just the village but the entire world.

I also lied saying that with his spies in the village he learned that I had awakened the Wood Release and has targeted me as the only threat that could put an end to his plans.

Mito looked at me her face a mix of shock and sadness. "Very well she said what can I do to help?" She said.

"I wish to form a summoning contract with Lady Katsuyu. With the powers of those that dwell within Shikkotsu Forest I may stand a chance".

Aunt Mito quickly took out a summoning scroll already on it were the names of Tsunade, Mito, and Hashirama. "You already know that Hashirama was a Sage but what you don't know is that he learned his form of Sage mode from the inhabitants of the Shikkotsu Forest".

I quickly signed my name on the scroll in my own blood. Mito then Summoned a portion of Lady Katsuyu.

The small white slug with blue streaks that run vertically down the middle and sides of its body. "Hello Mistress Mito. What can I do for you today?" The slug politely asked. Her voice was tender and soft.


"I wish for you to reverse summon this new summoner to the Shikkotsu Forest. As It would turn out Madara is still alive and is plotting something we must put an end to. We have reason to believe he has awakened the Rinnegan". Mito succinctly summed up the situation we found ourselves in.

When I heard that I was going to be learning the sage mode of the Shikkotsu Forest I placed a teleportation mark on White Zetsu and gave him an order to go to a specific place and wait there for me.

After giving it some thought he slug before me said "very well Mistress Mito". The small slug and myself both disappeared within a puff of white smoke. The next thing I knew I was surrounded blue grass and bizarre looking trees. This forest looked so unlike anywhere else in the world.

"This way young man" Katsuyu politely said. I followed her until I cam upon what appeared to be a large white cliff face. To my Surprise however the Katsuyu I have been following simply merged with it and the cliff began to move. It was only then that I realised that cliff was in-fact Katsuyu's full body. When she stood upright she was larger than the tallest mountains.

Her polite speaking tone remained however creating quite the contradiction between intimidation and approachable.

"Well then young summoner as lady Mito seems to trust you then allow me to begin your preparation" The huge mountain sized slug crouched down towards me I was too taken aback to realise that she was opening her mouth.

Suddenly I found my self swallowed hole by Lady Katsuyu. My entire body was completely covered with slime. As I began to panic I heard the voice of Lady Katsuyu within my mind.

"Do not panic. You should not be harmed just allow yourself to give in to the slime". Despite my best judgement I did just that. The slime began hardening making me unable to move even a pinky finger.

I don't know how long we stayed like this as the canopy from the trees blocked out the sunlight so I quickly lost track of time. If I had to guess it has been over a week. Katsuyu kept my body healthy while I was encased within her hardened slime.

Through this slime I suddenly felt a strange for of energy flowing into my body. It was then that I realised what Lady Katsuyu was doing. She was using her slime as a medium to pull Nature energy into my body.

Lady Katsuyu perfectly balance the amount of Nature Energy to my Chakra level eliminating the fear of transforming into a toad like the training Naruto undertook in the anime and manga.

She kept this nature balance while keeping me unable to move until my body began to integrate the Nature energy. Suddenly it fused with my Chakra forming Senjutsu Chakra. My body became a Sage that had the exact same markings of Hashirama when he is in Sage Mode.

Seeing that I had become a Sage so quickly Lady Katsuyu was a little shocked. She said "When Hashirama was your age it took him almost a month to adapt to Senjutsu Chakra. Perhaps its the fact your body also holds Ki".

The slime cocoon I was within crumbled to dust I moved for the first time in over a week yet my body felt no weakness if anything I felt powerful. Entering Sage mode had boosted every function of my body.

"As you also possess Ki you should follow me. one of the elders within the forest may be able to further help you" I listened to Katsuyu's bell like voice. She split off another small slug from her body who lead the way so I followed her expectantly.

Through the thick and magical looking forest I followed the slug that was part of the great sage Lady Katsuyu. With my sage mode I could easily sense that the small section was lacking the Senjutsu Chakra that the full form of her possesses.

I however obediently followed this slug as the promise of more power is irresistible. Suddenly we came to a clearing deep within the forest. The Blue grass is short and there are many lakes of emerald green water. There are several houses that are almost dome shaped with pointy protrusions sticking out of them.

My eyes went wide as I recognised the architecture "Namekians" I whispered to my self.

Lady Katsuyu took me to the largest of these dwellings. There a powerful looking Namekian exited fully aware of our arrival. "Hello there Sir Guru" lady Katsuyu said politely.

The Namekian looked nothing like the Guru from the Dragon Ball anime and manga. He was thin and tall with powerful looking muscles. The only similarity are his slitted eyes that barely look open.

"What can I do for you Miss Katsuyu?" The Namekian known as Guru politely replied.

"This young man came here to learn Sage Mode but he also possesses Ki strangely enough I was hoping you would be able to help unlock some of his latent Ki for him.

Guru looked at me his eyes narrowed and said "I could do but his Ki abilities are shoddy. If I increased them as is his body may not be able to handle the sudden increase".

I put some thought to it. It is more than obvious my self taught Ki abilities look to a master like a monkey making a tool would to an engineer. Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

"Lord Guru I have a unique ability that will allow me to make use of all your knowledge with you permission may I use it on you this will allow me to master my Ki in mere moments".

Guru and Katsuyu looked intrigued by the ability I just described, ordinarily mastering Ki would take decades how can I say I could do it in mere moments. Guru looked at Katsuyu who nodded her little slug head.

Guru walked forward and said "Very well then show me this ability". I placed my hand upon Guru and used Body Snatcher. My own body dropped to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut. Lady Katsuyu was worried and rushed over.

"Don't worry lady Katsuyu. I have simply moved my mind into Guru's body" Katsuyu looked shocked but I gave it no though. I selected the Auto Copy and watched the progress bar until it was complete. Then I returned to my body and while backing up all of Guru's data I decoded his knowledge.

The Ki in my body began to fluctuate and rise out of my body forming a flowing almost fire like aura. I suddenly got it under control and returned it back within my body as though nothing happened. Gurus slitted eyes opened wide for the first time.

"Quite an amazing ability you have there thank you for showing it to us" Guru then walked towards me placed his hand on my forehead and as though pulling and invisible rope began to extract my latent potential. I felt the Ki in my body growing with each passing moment.

When Guru was finished I had access to ten times the Ki as I had to begin with. I thanked them from the bottom of my heart for their aid.

I explained that time is of the essence so I used my teleport mark to arrive at White Zetsu's location. I came to a small village close to the Ryuchi Cave. This is the home of a peculiar clan.

This is the clan that Jugo will eventually be born into. They have a bizarre ability to passively absorb nature energy. As they are unable to control the Nature energy however they have a habit of going berserk and wild with rage often transforming into monstrous appearances.

I thanked White Zetsu for his hard work. I waited until dark as usual and with my Byakugan and left Mangekyo Sharingan combination Teleport into the bedroom of the sleeping Clan head. I used Body Snatcher as usual used Auto Copy. Then the moment it was done I backed up the data to the external Server and Teleport out of the village. I took shelter in a secluded place where no one can find me and decoded and implemented their ability.

As soon as this was done Nature energy began flowing into my body weather I moved or not. I quickly switched to Sage Mode and felt that the Senjutsu usage of Sage Mode was offset by the production of Senjutsu production that this clans ability produces.

Because of this I can now stay in Sage mode permanently unless I somehow manage to use more Senjutsu Chakra than this ability can produce.

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