《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 17


Chapter Seventeen

I quickly head towards the Fire Temple. The temple itself is a large monastery that houses Twelve Guardian Ninja Monks. Each member of the Twelve Guardian Monks wear a white ceremonial robe and a grey sash indicating they are part of the twelve. They all have the shaved head making them look a lot like Shaolin Monks.

Upon arriving at the Fire Temple I activate my Byakugan under my mask. I search the area and as luck would have it there are no signs of the Missing Nin from the hidden wind village.

I hide in the forest that surrounds the temple and keep a watch. I have brought enough supplies within my Item Box so I should be able to survive in comfort for a while.

I use Wood release and Grow a hollow tree that blends in with the surroundings. I am able to use this tree for shelter for the time being until I detect the Missing Nin.

Several days pass and I constantly scout the area with my Byakugan until I finally detect the presence of two Ninjas approaching. With My Byakugan I can see that they are dressed as though a Ninja from the Hidden wind would dress.

I notice one of them has a humanoid figure strapped to his back that is wrapped in bandages. This must be the puppet user of the two. he was a relatively short ninja barely more than 5 feet tall. He also has dull brown hair and pale unhealthy looking skin.

His partner on the other hand is quite tall well over 6 feet tall with silver messy hair. If anyone described him they would undoubtedly say he was a handsome person. That is if not for the cruel look he has in his eyes.

The two are headed towards the Fire Temple and are being careful of their surroundings. Luckily with My Byakugan I can see them from all the way over here.

I watch as the two stop to rest. They seem to be gathering their strength before they do whatever they are doing here.

The sky has gone dark with the setting sun and I make my move. I Teleport with the Left Mangekyo Sharingan active. I cut the puppet masters tendons making him unable to move his hands and feet thus eliminating whatever threat he posed.

Before I could do anything else though I was attacked by a giant wave of copper sand. I felt like complaining to him that Copper isn't magnetic but then again neither is gold and that doesn't stop Rasa.

I dodge the copper sand by jumping into a tree branch above but no soon as my feet are set the branch is cut by the sand leaving me to plummet.

The copper sand forms a Sphere around me and begins to shrink. I manage to teleport out of it by relying on my Mangekyo Sharingan.

I appear right in-front of the Magnet Release user, The exact second we are face to face I have captured him in my Genjutsu. His copper sand falls to the floor as all of his Chakra is drained from it.


Rather than leaving it to waste I use my recently gained and shoddily executed Magnet Release to move the copper sand towards me. As It gets close I place it within my Item Box. I will practice with this copper sand when I return to Konoha.

The puppet user is laying on the floor yelling some rather abuse language at me so I quickly use Body Snatcher on him. I do the usual with Auto copy then the moment I have all his Data I return to my body and kill him.

I then place his puppet within my Item Box too along with all his hidden weapons. I was surprised to find he had a large amount of money on him so that also went into my item box as it was no longer any use to him.

Next is the Magnet Release user I body Snatch him and the second I do I am notified that Body Snatcher has levelled up again. Along with auto copy there is an option to absorb all of his Chakra. I figure you can never have enough Chakra so I select that too.

I'm glad my Body Snatcher ability doesn't require Chakra because while I am in his body I feel myself getting weaker and weaker. The Auto Copy and the Chakra drain finish at the same time So I return to my body backing up everything. It seems the Chakra I drain doesn't go to my own stores of Chakra but remains in Body Snatcher making any Jutsu I use that has been backed up by i use that Chakra instead.

Now that I have everything backed up I kill the Magnet Release user too.

I take away any useful items he may have on him too and put them in my Item Box then I place them both within a scroll and make my way back to Konoha.

After returning to Konoha I give my Mission report to the captain of the Hunter Nin. I then unsealed the bodies of the two Missing Nin from Suna. After getting my mission marked as complete I head back home.

What I find however is Mother ans Silvia both injured. Physically from the outside they seem okay but they are struggling to move. I used my Byakugan and see that their Tenketsu have been targeted disrupting their Chakra flow.

As soon as they see me their faces sink with sorrow. I asked them "Mothers what happened?"

They looked at each other then nodded before they explained "The Uchiha have reported to the Hyuga that you possess a Byakygan. They came but as you weren't here we explained that you didn't possess the Byakugan but hey wouldn't take no for an answer demanding to examine you themselves. When we refused they attacked us to leave a message.

I was Furious I quickly healed their Tenketsu and while they were rested I set off to the Hyuga compound.

I moved through the Konoha night with such speed that everything around me seemed to blur. Using Ki I am almost flying through the air


I arrived outside the Hyuga compound to find two Hyuga’s waiting for me.

"I demand to see the clan head immediately" My voice was almost a roar

They looked at me with a pretentious smirk. They both activated their Byakugans and took a fighting pose indicating that If I want to see the clan head it is going to be on their terms.

I However moved with such speed that even with their Byakugan they couldn't react. Using the Taijutsu style I learned with from Mother I punched them both with so much force they went flying through the compound walls.

With a Ki beam I broke their gate and made my way inside. I was besieged by almost a hundred Hyuga but my rage went unabated.

I moulded my Chakra and used Wood Release The ground split apart as dozens of trees erupted and destroyed their compound. The Hyuga’s were looking upon me like I was some kind of monster. To bad for them that this is a monster they brought upon their selves.

Using up the Chakra of the wind ninja I summoned two ten feet tall wooden golems and set them upon the Hyuga's while I strolled on through.

there were many more Hyuga’s coming out of the woodwork but I simply knocked them out as soon as they approached me or used one of the Thirds many Jutsu’s to disable them.

No matter who challenged me the result remained the same. My anger at this clan will not be abated until I put them in their place. I received every attack they could throw at me without taking any damage.

Even the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Wall Palm was returned using Kiai. This Ki technique reflects air currents around me so by using this I deflect every single Eight Trigrams Vacuum Wall Palm right back to its sender

I even began systematically targeting the weak points of all of their Byakgan’s. I threw a single Shuriken then with the hand signs OX-DOG-DRAGON-RAT-DOG-BOAR-SNAKE-TIGER they quickly became hundreds upon hundreds.

The least skilled Hyuga were taken down almost at once. The ones who avoided was greeted to the sight of me laughing as I began using Fire Release jutsu to create a hell-scape.

I used my sensor abilities that I got from he Yamanaka clan to avoid injuring and children but the adults who stood before me were fair game. I got quite a wicked idea and began using Chakra threads I learned from the puppet ninja and began attaching them to all the Hyuga’s while they were distracted. Using Body Snatchers ability to drain Chakra I gained the Chakra of over one hundred people.

Using this Chakra I summoned more Wood Release golems. Sadly for the one hundred peoples Chakra I stole I could only make twenty five golems, but with the two that are still causing destruction it made the scene even tougher for the Hyuga to manage.

Finally I made my way to the clan head of the Hyuga. I recognised his Chakra from the time I used Body Snatcher on him. He looked at me with a face filled with rage.

"I like that face you are making Hyuga, maybe you understand my rage after you targeted my family!" I yelled at him over the sounds of explosions and buildings crumbling.

"You think you can get away with this. You have made an enemy of the Hyuga" I began laughing maniacally.

"The Hyuga became my enemy the second you targeted my Mothers. Don't act so high an mighty. You target my family I target yours. It just so happens your family is larger than mine so I had to spread the punishment around"

"Your crazy. We simply wanted to know if you stole our Byakugan" he said his voice audibly cracking with emotion.

"I'm crazy am I. The crazy one is the stupid clan head who made an enemy of someone he relly shouldn't have." In my Rage both sets of my Mangekyo Sharingan and my Byakugan tried to activate. The interference caused by all three Dojutsu brought unbelievable pain to my head.

I however started laughing more and more as I felt the Nine Tails Chakra seeping out of my seal little by little. It rushed to my eyes that were flickering a orange light. With the extra power supplied by the Nine Tails Chakra my Body Snatcher ability merged all three sets of Dojutsu into a new never before seen one.

I could see in the reflection of his eyes My Dojutsu had become orange in colour with a black flower in its centre. The black flower looked identical to my mark that activates the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Sadly however I became aware immediately that these eyes require a huge amount of Chakra to activate which is why they used some of the Nine Tails Chakra I had sealed.

"what is that Dojutsu?" The Hyuga head gasped in shock. I teleport and arrived right before him and giving him a taste of his own medicine branded a cursed seal upon his forehead.

This seal is directly linked to this Dojutsu so with a small amount of Chakra sent through it I forced him to activate his Byakugan. I then made his Byakugan drain every ounce of Chakra from his body until the clan head became thin and emaciated.

His hair turned white and his Byakugan turned blood red. I have now cursed the very Byakugan he was so proud of. If he ever attempts to activate his Dojutsu again they will steal all his Chakra and life energy and send it directly to me.

I watched as the weakened clan head collapsed on the floor. with my work done I had the now almost destroyed Golems return to the earth while I walked briskly through the destruction I had wrought and returned home.

Making sure both Mothers were resting I crawled into bed and fell into a deep peaceful sleep almost right away.

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