《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 16


Chapter Sixteen

I spent the next few weeks familiarising myself with the Jutsu’s I memorised from the scroll. I got permission from the Hokage to use one of the training grounds so that I could work undisturbed.

The hardest Jutsu I memorised from the scroll was by far the Flying Thunder God technique. While I understand the basic premise it requires such fine Chakra control it is like threading a needle blindfolded.

Even with the improved sensory abilities I got from the Yamanaka clan I was still starting out at a disadvantage.

I managed the forming a mark in which to teleport to. My mark looked like a black flower for some reason. This is done by making a seal with your own Chakra that you use as a target. After that it requires a degree of skill in moving ones Chakra to the marking at a distance which triggers the teleportation.

The Flying Thunder God behaves far differently than the sight based teleportation of my Mangekyo Sharingan. However the feeling of teleporting does offer some clues.

After practising for several hours I finally managed to trigger the teleportation. However the concentration required takes far too much time for it to be usable in battle. It would be quicker to just use my Mangekyo Sharingan.

If I manage to get the time down however it will be far more effective as it uses next to no Chakra.

The next step in my training is implementing Hashirama Senjus Wood Release Jutsu. Unlike the Flying Thunder God these Jutsu's are incredibly demanding of Chakra. Just sprouting a small tree uses up most of my personal Chakra. I could use the Nine Tails Chakra but I feel that would be a waste until I get more skilled at this Jutsu.

Sadly The White Zetsu whose memory I backed up only knows the basics of Wood Release.

Once I finished my personal training for the day I head towards Great Aunt Mito's. This has been my routine for the last several weeks.

Under Great Aunt Mito I have been learning about the Nine Tailed Chakra. As I expected the seal on Great Aunt Mito’s head is filled with the Nine Tails Chakra just like mine. She is able to extract the Chakra in much the same way Naruto.


Aunt Mito taught me not the Version one and Version Two Chakra mode which she says drain too much Chakra but a special state that only the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails can access, the Nine Tails Chakra Cloak.

Aunt Mito modified my seal to allow more Chakra then she sealed more of the Tailed Beasts Chakra into it. I currently have ten times the amount of Nine Tails Chakra I gained from the Gold and Silver Brothers. This however is still a small fraction compared to how much Great Aunt Mito has at her disposal.

As the Chakra she sealed into me no longer contains any of the Nine Tails will I found transforming into the Nine Tails Chakra Cloak incredibly easy with a few helpful pointers from Aunt Mito.

The Only Problem I face however is that while I am in the Chakra cloak I can no longer access my own Chakra I have to willingly put my Chakra separate so as I can access this form.

With this period of time I have grown quite fond of Aunt Mito. I believe that it is mutual as she has spoken to me about more than just the Nine Tails Chakra. She would tell me stories of Hashirama and Tobiramas era. She would also teach me secrets seals of the Uzumaki clan.

I got the feeling she was feeling lonely after her Husband died. Sure she has her children and grandchildren but with everyone so busy she is left by herself quite often. Only Tsunade really visits her and just like with me Aunt Mito gladly teaches her all she knows about seals.

I watched as she looked a little sad so I decided to use the Wood Release I have been training. I create a small plant that blooms a beautiful red petal just like her hair. I then use Earth release to make a small pot place the plant in it and give it to her.

She seems remarkably Happy even saying "Hashirama did the same thing on our first date" She takes the flower and becomes lost in her thoughts for a while.

After we finish training Aunt Mito see that I return home safely. Both of my Mothers invite her in and we all have a family meal together. I watched as Aunt Mito seemed to really savour the atmosphere of being around loved ones.


If I had to guess she uses her love for her Family and the village her Husband built in order to fight the hatred of the Nine Tails.

As we are eating a message comes from the Hokage’s office. It seems I have a mission. My equipment is always ready within my storage box so I quickly say my goodbyes and head towards the Hokage's Office.

I duck into a side street where no one is around and use a new feature of my Item Box. It allows me to change clothes immediately. I simply have to indicate what outfit I want, In this case I choose My Anbu equipment and in a flash of light my clothing has changed with my prior outfit now residing in the storage box.

Once I am in my Anbu uniform I enter the Hokage’s Office where the Third Hokage gives me a run down of my target. Apparently to Missing Nin from the Village hidden in the wind have been detected on the borders of the Land of fire.

According to the data one is a puppet user and the others techniques are unknown. Because of this the level of difficulty is quite high.

I am to track them uncover their purpose in entering the Land of Fire and exterminate them if they are a threat.

I travel over several days to their last known location. I wait until night and begin moving through the small village. I stick to the shadows and under my mask I activate My Byakugan. With the radius of around 30Km I can see almost all of the small village.

I notice there are a few ninjas pretending to be regular civilians but they don't seem to be the ones I am hunting. My guess is they too are hunting the Missing Nin. It is a risky move by the Land of Wind sending some of their ninjas across the border even if it is to search for some of their own.

I however take this opportunity to see what kind of information I can gather from these Suna Ninjas.

I activate my left Mangekyo Sharingan and Teleport into their hideout without being seen. Then switching my right to the same Mangekyo as Silvia I trap them all in a Tsukuyomi like Genjutsu before they know what happened to them.

From there it is a simple case of using Body Snatcher on each of them backing up the data from their minds one by one and then exiting.

I got quite a shock however when I saw the face of the final one of the Wind Ninjas I had captured. it was a very young Rasa the Father of Gaara. He looked to be roughly the same age as myself so even though he was young I didn't take his abilities for granted. I had managed to capture quite a big fish indeed.

I backed up his data and left I fully expect someone of Rasas skills to be able to break out of that Genjutsu when the Chakra I inserted into them begins to weaken. I decided not to kill them as if Rasa was here, if he was killed it would alter the future to much.

I teleport back to where I was at the outskirts of the village and while hidden I decode the data I got from them. This included Rasas ability to use the Magnet Release Kekkei Genkai.

As it turns out by going through their memories the Missing Nin whose abilities we weren't aware of can also use Magnet Release which is why a young Rasa was sent on this mission. The two Missing Nin have been rumoured to have moved further into the Land of Fire. They are meant to be heading towards the Fire Temple.

I wrote a report and just like my last mission sent it flying off to Konoha on a hawk I released from a scroll. I then used a great deal of concentration and Teleport to a Flying Thunder God mark I left along the way. This has drastically shortened my travel time in reaching the Fire Temple.

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