《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 15


Chapter Fifteen

Now back at Konoha I finally have chance to decode the huge amounts of backup data I got from the Gold and Silver Brothers. I was amazed to find that yet again Body Snatcher had levelled up under the strain what I put it through.

Because of the level up the Data base has been divided into several sections.

They are:

Ninjutsu backup, Genjutsu backup, Taijutsu Backup, Kekkei Genkai backup, Mental backup, Physical backup.

Under each section is an alphabetised directory of everything I have ever copied using Body Snatcher.

In the Physical Backup section it involves things such as the Saiyan Clans biology and the biology of the Gold and Silver Brothers. I quickly implemented the Gold and Silver Brothers Cells into my own. My body felt hot and my mind became sluggish. It put a humongous toll on my body. Luckily though I now have enough Chakra to cope with these changes.

If not for the large amount of Chakra I had gained from the Brothers I would have probably ended up in the hospital again like when I was a child.

Because of the large amount of Chakra I Can now perform almost every Jutsu I haver backed up. Another sudden gain from Body Snatcher levelling up is the fact that using a Jutsu that has been backed up costs me even less Chakra than it would normally cost. This combined with how much Chakra I now have has made me very excited.

A major gain of having the Chakra sealed within the Strength of One Hundred Seal is that no one can sense how much Chakra I have. To them I am just a slightly gifted Seven year old. I don't plan on relying on The Nine Tails Chakra however as I still want to develop my own Chakra levels to its maximum.

I see the Nine Tails Chakra as more of a trump card to play when I am in need.

Besides why would I get caught up in holding such a small amount of Nine Tails Chakra when there are full Jinchuriki’s out there with far more Chakra at their disposal.

Because of this I decided I have to increase the cards I have to play at any cost necessary. I never want to be too weak to protect my family again.


Later under the shadow of night I was dressed in my Crow mask and black robe. I sneak into the Hokage residence. Using the Third Hokage’s knowledge it was relatively simple.

Because of the knowledge I gained from the White Zetsu I can manipulate my Chakra to appear identical to the Third Hokage's. Because of this I have not caught the attention of the Anbu around the Hokage residence. Once I slipped in unnoticed I quickly used the Thirds stealth Jutsu.

The reason I am here is there is a scroll I want to examine. The Scroll of Sealing contains the combined knowledge of the first two Hokage's I want to get my hands on this so that I can Memorise Great Uncle Hashiramas Wood Release Jutsu's and Grandfather Tobiramas invented Jutsu's such as the Flying Thunder God.

As I entered the secret parts of the Hokage residence my Byakugan noticed a large barrier sealing off this section from anyone gaining entrance. I found that the Barrier seamed to react to the Chakra I have sealed within my Strength of One Hundred Seal.

If I had to guess Hashirama allowed his wife Great aunt Mito to be able to enter and exit the barrier. As she is the Nine Tails Jinchuriki only she should have been able to enter and exit freely. I chuckled at how convenient it was for me to gain the Chakra from those brothers.

Because of this I can enter easily without setting off the Barrier. I walked through and came to a large scroll that was displayed on an alter. I quickly opened the scroll and using my Mangekyo Sharingans perception based abilities I read the scroll at such a speed one would usually find impossible.

Every secret Jutsu Tobirama ever came up with and every Wood Release Jutsu of Hashirama was now mine. I quickly closed the Scroll placed it back and exited the barrier.

However to my surprise I found that I had been discovered. Standing before me was Great Aunt Mito. The widow of Hashirama Senju and the Nine Tails Jinchuriki.

"Hello there Little Rowan. I see you are on another one of your excursions. Her face looked quite stern but even in her middle to late age she was a stunningly beautiful woman.


"Erm hello Great Aunt Mito long time no see" I took off my crow mask as there is no point hiding myself if she already knew it was me

"Would you mind telling me what you are doing here Little Rowan" She asked in a strict sounding voice.

"I erm wanted to learn Great Uncle Hashiramas Wood release". I decided to bluff a little bit and cast a small Wood release Jutsu "You see I have awoken the Same Kekkei Genkai but I had no other way of learning to control it".

Mito looked shocked at me but a smile drifted on her face. As I have no negative emotion towards Great Aunt I should be able to bluff my way out of this without her suspecting anything.

"You see Great Aunt I was a little scared to reveal this to the Main family, You are aware that relations between the branch family and them isn't great. I was scared they would use me as a tool to gain power or worse eliminate me as a threat".

Mito looked at me nodding in agreement but then she asked about how I managed to get passed the barrier.

"Deciding there is no point hiding it from her I took off my boot and showed her the Strength of One Hundred Seal on the bottom of my foot.

"Did Aunt hear about a mission involving the Gold and Silver Brothers. I was on that mission and managed to extract their Chakra and sealed it" I said trying to sound as innocent as I could possibly be.

"You know Rowan that Seal is an Uzumaki secret I'm surprised you managed to be able to use it". She said testing me yet again

"You see I saw Cousin Tsunade practising gathering Chakra to a place on her body. It seemed interesting so I kind of stealthily watched how she was doing it". I watched to see if she was buying it.

I quickly continued "However I was unable to gather my own Chakra as I lack the control to do it over such a long time, But when I sealed the Nine Tails Chakra from the Gold and Silver Brothers it took me far less time to form the seal".

"So that is how you have the seal and the Barrier recognised the Nine Tails Chakra in you" She said looking at me gently as though understanding.

"But you know little Rowan if anyone else knows that you hold some of the Nine Tails Chakra it won't only be the Senju clan you will have to worry about"

"I know Great Aunt Mito, That is why i formed the seal on the bottom of my foot where not many people would see it". I hope my forethought is enough to convince her I am not a threat.

"You see I heard a rumour that Great Uncle Hashirama was a sage. It is because of this his Wood Release was so strong. As I have no way of learning to be a sage I expected the Nine Tails Chakra I sealed to be an alternative" I gave her a plausible reason why I sealed the Nine Tails chakra in me.

Mito seemed shocked that I knew so much about Hashirama, but shrugged it off as me investigating because I awakened Wood Release.

"Okay then little Rowan. From now on when you are not on mission I want you to come to my home. I am going to teach you how to effectively control your Nine Tails Chakra".

I was incredibly shocked I didn't think this confrontation was going to go this way. I was half expecting to get into trouble.

"However little Rowan we must keep this a secret between us, you should tell them I am training you in Fuinjutsu.

You may not know but people don't look to fondly on Jinchuriki, and even if you don't have the beast sealed within you you have it's Chakra. I'm afraid people would be able to differentiate between you and a Jinchuriki".

I gave my word I would keep it secret. I was in fact quite touched that Great Aunt Mito would go so far to protect me. After that we went our separate ways and I returned home.

I had to make a concious effort to remember every Jutsu I read using my Mangekyo Sharingan. Because of this I woke up the next morning feeling incredibly tired.

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