《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 14


Chapter Fourteen

I decided to take the middle road between both options. I released a hawk from a scroll and sent it flying to the Konoha Anbu holding my report explaining the situation. I told them I am going to their location and request backup when I have confirmed the situation.

I Made my way to their hideout as indicated in the Information Brokers data. I didn't head straight in instead I stealthily skulked around the periphery. I used My Byakugan to search inside and found the two brothers and Ketsueki. I activated the Sharingan in my right eye giving me the ability to read their lips.

They were talking about an assassination they are planning. Their target none other than the Fire Daimyo. This would plunge the Land of Fire and as a result Konoha into chaos.

Luckily however their plan wasn't to be immediately carried out. I quickly wrote this Intel down and sent it back to the Anbu.

I decided it isn't best to wait for a reply however as time is of the essence.

As such I waited until late at night. The Brothers and Ketsueki had drank a great deal. They stumbled their way back to their own beds. I kept watch of them with my Byakugan for a long time making sure they didn't suspect anything.

I activated my left Mangekyo Sharingan and teleport to my first target. The older of the two brother known as Kinkaku.

I quickly activated Body Snatcher. My thought and vision was impaired by a great deal because of how much Alcohol Kinkaku had had to drink. I was however barely able to keep to my plan.

I was amazed by the power I felt within this body. The amount of Chakra is unbelievable. It is hard to believe they aren't even full Jinchuriki.


I activated the Auto Copy function. As they are distantly related to the Sage of Six Paths I want their DNA and Cells in order to boost my own.

As Auto copy is active I slowly made my way to myself that is laying on the floor. I then begin pouring the Nine Tailed Fox Chakra from Kinkaku into the Strength of One Hundred Seal I materialised on the bottom of my foot. I chose here as it would likely be the least seen part of my body. By doing this while using the stealth Technique of the Third Hokage should make it so that I'm not discovered.

I barely managed to complete the Chakra transfer before my Body Snatcher timer ran out. I lay Kinkaku back on the bed and returned to my body. I then made my way to his brother Ginkaku. I repeated the process stealing his share of the Nine Tails Chakra too. Luckily he wasn't quite as drunk as his brother so the Chakra transfer proceeded quicker.

I noticed then with My Byakugan that several Konoha Anbu Were arriving in the vicinity. I quickly teleport out and deactivated my Dojutsu. I didn't have time to decode the data I got from copying their bodies so that will just have to wait until later. I am however incredibly pleased with myself having managed to seal such a large amount of Nine Tails Chakra into my Strength of One Hundred seal.

I explained to the Anbu the situation inside including how all the targets are inebriated. Just as we were planning to launch our assault however the Three from inside noticed the presence of so many ninjas.

They quickly sobered up and came out attacking. The two brothers were as wild as you would expect. They have had so Much Chakra for so long they just brute forced most problems. Luckily they hadn't noticed that they only had their own Chakra and not the Nine tails Chakra.


It became an all out slaughter-fest. the two Brothers although weakened were incredibly powerful. They used the treasure tool of the Six Paths. Their entire offence was built around these tools

Luckily with their Chakra remaining they could no longer use them as effectively as they once did. The huge drain on Chakra these tool cause quickly tired the brothers out. It was only then they noticed something was wrong.

Just as they were about to voice that they lost their share of the Nine Tails Chakra I appeared behind them killing the pair simultaneously in order to keep them from spilling the beans.

I then managed to capture the fleeing Ketsueki completing the mission.

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