《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 13


Chapter Thirteen

My ninja registration went off without a hitch. I was then ordered to report to the Hokage’s office where I went. Inside using the Yamanaka sensing techniques i could tell there were many ninja hidden but I chose to ignore that. I was more amused by the large amount of paper work piled upon the desk with the Third Hokage sat behind diligently completing.

It often occurred to me how the Third Hokage found time to train Orochimaru Jiraiya and Tsunade given how limited the Hokage’s time is.

I however chose to ignore that and instead bowed respectfully. "Lord Third I have arrived to receive your orders"

The third Hokage smiled and said "Don't be so tense young Rowan. As a Genin you would usually be placed on a team under the care of a Jonin but as manpower is short at the moment we are unable to find the ideal team for you to join"

I looked disappointed for a moment but that was quickly changed with the Hokage’s next words. "because of that I would like to draft you into the Anbu. This squad of Anbu report directly to me.

The Hokage makes a noise as though clearing his throat. As soon as he does a Ninja with an animal mask that looks a little like a red panda appears. He is kneeling on one knee in front of the Hokage.

The Third Hokage then tells him to take me to the Anbu headquarters to begin my training. Giving the affirmative to the Hokage we quickly left.

Within the Hokage’s offices lay a secret passage that led to the headquarters of the Hokage’s Anbu. The passages are filled with hard stone walls and many metal pipes. There are so many twists and turns that without a guide from the Anbu one would easily get lost.


I did my best to remember the directions I treated it almost like a dungeon crawler from my old life.

After many many redundant seeming turns we finally arrived. The Anbu were an organisation within Konoha where ones identity is kept strictly confidential. The Anbu handle some of the unseamly missions that the village has to handle.

I am told I am being transferred to the Hunter Nin department. These Anbu hunt down ninjas that have gone rogue. They some times work in teams but mostly they act independently so as to limit the chances of being discovered.

I am taken to a equipment department manned by a female ninja wearing Konoha Anbu equipment. She has a mask that looks a lot like a cat.

The woman took one look at me and the Anbu beside me realising I was a new recruit she went to the storage racks behind her and came back with a mask and an Anbu uniform that matches my size.

I was ordered to get changed so I went to a changing room next to the equipment department.

I came out wearing the Anbu uniform and a tiger like mask complete with stripes.

I was amazed that even wearing the mask my field of vision was not hampered despite the relatively small eye holes and it was easy to breath in. It was almost like I wasn't wearing a mask at all.

The people who develop ninja tools for the village must has put in a great deal of work on the Anbu masks.

Seeing that I was prepared the red panda Anbu who was my guide took me to the Hunter Nin corps. There he handed me over to their captain before departing without even saying goodbye.

The Hunter Nin captain was a tall lean man with flexible looking limbs. He almost seemed like an Olympic sprinter. One look at him indicated that this guy was explosively fast.


He introduced himself as Supurinto. This person is to be my superior for the time being so I was as polite as possible and absorbed everything he has to say like a sponge.

After a year of training with the Anbu Hunter Nin division I am finally given a mission. An A-Rank missing Nin from the Land of Water is rumoured to be hiding out in the Land of Fire. My mission is to track him down, If possible capture him alive but if not eliminate him.

According to the mission briefing he is name Ketsueki and has a unique Ninjutsu that manipulates the blood of his opponents after making physical contact with them. There is rumour that he is undertaking assassination missions in the ninja underworld.

After being briefed on my target I quickly left the village. My mothers both know I am leaving for my first official mission so there is no need to stop and say goodbye. Besides time is of the essence right now.

Travelling as stealthily as I can I erase my presence as taught to me by the Anbu while also using the stealth Ninjutsu I got from the Third Hokage. My stealth abilities are so impressive that the Anbu gave me the code name Miraju meaning Mirage.

I travel to a well known underground ninja hot spot within the Land Of Fire. Only the Ninjas with the most confidence in their abilities show up here. But because the cream of the underworld crop are here it is the best place to gather information.

I make my way to a seemingly normal looking Cafe bar. However at the back door if given the right password you are allowed to enter.

After gaining entrance I headed towards the Information Broker. I handed over an envelope to the Broker who quickly opened it. Inside was the name of my target along with payment. The payment comes in the form of a small card with a seal printed on it. Once the seal is broken the Information Broker will gain a large amount of money.

Only those is cooperation with Konoha know how to break this seal so it proves just how much faith the Village has with this Broker.

After taking payment he handed me a small scroll which I proceeded to put away and exit the underground Cafe.

When I was safely away and sure no one was around I opened the scroll. I was shocked by the information within. As it would turn out the Missing Nin I am searching for is working for the Gold and Silver Brothers from Kumo the Village Hidden in the Clouds

On one hand I wanted to return to Konoha and request backup but on the other this would be the perfect chance for me to gain their share of the Nine Tails Chakra.

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