《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 12


Chapter Twelve

Later at night while in my room I was looking over my status with Appraisal.

Name: Rowan

Clan: Senju

Race: Human


Chakra Nature: Water, Earth,Lightning,Fire,Wind,Yin,Yang


Unique ability: Body Snatcher(level 3), Appraisal, Item box

Tomorrow I will register as a ninja. While looking forward to being able to undertake missions the thought of gaining more strength is what is on my mind the most. I have one of the most complete understanding of jutsu in the entire village.

So much so that I think I would be able to counter any other ninja in the entire of Konoha for a short while. My problem however is my physical strength and Chakra levels are sorely lacking. I can make up for it with my shoddy knowledge of Ki to a certain extent but against a true expert I wouldn't be able to last long.

Should the Uchiha or another clan target my Mothers again I am not sure I would be able to defend them without relying on my Unique abilities like last time.

While my Chakra levels and physical strength has improved since the Uchiha incident it s only as far as I am slightly above the typical Genin. That is completely because of the training I went through with Might Dai.

I however think I have an idea which may help me increase the cards I have at my disposal. I want to capture a White Zetsu. Their DNA which is identical to that of Hashirama Senju allows them to use the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai.

White Zetsu however is a master of infiltration. It is going to require me improving my sensor capabilities to be able to find him. I suspect there is at least one clone of White Zetsu within the village as Madara Uchiha will undoubtedly want to keep abreast of the latest goings on within the Village.


Luckily since I have copied the knowledge of the Third Hokage I have the perfect stealth Jutsu available now that can block any trace of me and my Chakra from sensor type Ninjas.

I wait until everyone in the village should be deeply sleeping. I take out the crow mask and black cloak from my item box and put them on. I activate my Byakugan and the stealth Jutsu and jump out of my bedroom window into the Silent Konoha night.

I make my way to the Yamanaka clan headquarters. They are the best Sensor type ninjas in the village. Using my Byakugan I look throughout until I find the head of their clan. Just like with the Hyuga I activated my teleport ability using my left Mangekyo Sharingan.

I make sure to lay down quietly and then use Body Snatcher. Inside the body of the Yamanaka clan head I begin the Auto Copy. Since using this ability on the Third Hokage it has levelled up. This includes a huge upgrade in speed. In the time it once took to copy the head of a ninja it now copies their entire body.

As soon as it copies I cancel Body Snatcher returning to my body. I quickly make a backup of the data to the external server and Teleport away.

I make my way to a secluded location and decode the data. When all the Yamanaka clans secret techniques are known to me I begin sensing a large area. As White Zetsu is incredibly hard to find it takes me a while.

I do however know that he has the same kind of Chakra as Hashirama Senju. Knowing this I filter out all other Chakra Natures until I find a small response that indicates a fusion of Water Release and Earth Release.


It would seem I was correct White Zetsu or a clone of him at-least has been stationed within Konoha to report back to Madara the inner workings of the Village.

I make my way to the location I have detected White Zetsu. While using the stealth Jutsu I manage to sneak right on top of him. I see his head popping out of the ground. Maybe this is why I found him so easily

I quickly use Earth Release to expose him completely and Using the Genjutsu of Silvia's Mangekyo Sharingan I trap his mind in the Tsukuyomi like world before he even has chance to react.

I then use Body Snatcher on White Zetsu. I appear within my own Genjutsu just like I did with the Third Hokage. The difference this time is how powerful the Genjutsu is. I manage to shrug it off however.

As white Zetsu's physiology is so different to any person whose body I have taken before I felt disorientated for a moment. I however remained aware enough to begin the Auto Copy.

I wait till the exact moment the Auto Copy finishes and end Body Snatcher. I then back up his data to the external server which takes mere seconds.

With the White Zetsu clone back within the Genjutsu I set about manipulating its mind. I use a great deal of Chakra. I leave it almost catatonic.

I then get an idea I have never tried before. I backup my own Mind using Body Snatcher to the External Server. Once this is done I forcefully download the backup into the mind of the White Zetsu clone.

I make sure to over write all the previous data as such I make this one White Zetsu share the same mind as myself. I set up a security measure within the Genjutsu making the White Zetsu compelled to kill its self should the tampering be discovered.

Now by doing this I should have the perfect spy to use against Madara.

I end the Genjutsu and the White Zetsu immediately recognises myself. As its mind is a backup of my own it is keenly aware of what I expect from it. It sinks back into the ground and continues its spying mission only now it is working for me as a double agent of sorts.

I return home and begin decoding the data I got from White Zetsu. Its body is composed of Cells strikingly similar to Hashirama Senju. As I implement them I feel my life force being boosted to heights I have never felt before.

I am glad I used the weakened Cells of a White Zetsu as my body probably wouldn't be able to handle the raw cells of Hashirama. I then decode the mental data of the White Zetsu. All of the information it gathered for Madara now becomes my own.

I also gain its knowledge of how to use its inferior form of Wood Release. This however has a synergistic response to my Senju DNA allowing me to use a form a little more advanced than what Yamato was capable of in his youth. It still pails in comparison to Hashiramas use of the Kekkei Genkai.

After my busy night is over I return to bed. Tomorrow I have to register as a Ninja so I need my rest.

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