《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 11


Chapter Eleven

The next day at the academy Might Dai and myself continue the usual routine of exercises. Only now they increased the difficulty as their have begun finding it too easy to get done. The pair have started their 10km run around the academy on their hands. The teachers and the other students look on bemused at the strange pair.

luckily this time I won the race bringing their score back even.

As I return to class however I find a surprise. The third Hokage has come at the behest of the teachers. The teacher takes the rest of the students to the obstacle course leaving just myself and the Hokage in the classroom.

My abilities are growing beyond the confides that the academy can teach and as it turns out they requested the Hokage to make a judgement on my abilities.

He walks towards me and says "hello young Rowan, It's a pleasure to meet you. I have heard a lot about your skills from your teachers".

I then politely say "Hello lord Third, I Simply love learning everything they have to offer is all". I figured acting child like wouldn't be in my best interest at the moment.

"well then young Rowan, I am going to ask you to perform a Ninjutsu a Genjutsu and test your Taijutsu. If I find you acceptable in any of the two out of the three i will give my blessing to have you graduate from the academy early".

I nodded to the Hokage and with a serious face I waited for his instructions.

"Okay first of all a Ninjutsu, can you show me the Clone Technique?"

I smiled at the simple nature of his request. I begin moulding my Chakra to the perfect level so as not to cause any wastage. I then quickly form the hand seals Tiger-Boar-Ox-Dog, then with a puff of white smoke I summon four clones of myself.


"Four clones and so easily" the Hokage said with a look of approval.

"Okay next is Genjutsu" The Hokage looks at me expectedly.

I begin casting the a fast series of hand signs. The Hokage willingly allowed himself to be caught in my Genjutsu. It was a mere D rank Genjutsu. The Hokage looked around as a series of clones of myself. This however is merely the beginning.

My clones begin to morph into a series of nude beautiful women. The Hokage who is a closet pervert immediately looses his focus and his nose begins to drip blood.

Outside the Genjutsu while the Hokage is enjoying himself I secretly touch the Hokage switching bodies with him. I suddenly find myself inside my own Genjutsu with a bunch of busty beauties rubbing up against me. I activate Auto Copy. The ability quickly copies the Hokage’s Brain and I return to My own body. I go to select Backup Data but amazingly it seems the sheer amount of Knowledge copied from the Hokage is more than every backup I have made put together.

My Body Snatcher ability is unable to cope and begins showing error signs. each time I acknowledge the error another one pops up. After way to many that almost fill my entire field of vision My Body Snatcher begins closing the errors itself. It bega backing up all the Hokage’s data on something called the External server.

Just as I breath a sigh of relief the Hokage breaks out of my Genjutsu. He has a perverted smile on his face and he quickly uses his robe to wipe away the blood dripping from his nose.

"Ahem... That is erm, Quite the Powerful Genjutsu. You pass young Rowan" While struggling to wipe off the perverted smile he hands me the Konoha forehead protector.


"As of today you are a full fledged ninja of Konoha". He said switching back to his thoughtful adult mode.

"Thank you lord Hokage. I shall strive to bring honour to Konoha" I replied

"Oh and also I'm not sure what you did to me while I was in the Genjutsu of yours but we shall keep it between ourselves okay".

I became pale as the Hokage realised I had done something. I decided to bluff and say "it is merely something that boosts the power of my Genjutsu. I'm sorry for testing it on the Hokage but I wanted to see how effective it is on a powerful Ninja".

"very well if that is all it was. Ahem perhaps that is why I found you Genjutsu so powerful. Very good very good indeed". He almost slipped back into the pervy look but quickly caught himself .

"Well then I shall be going then Young Rowan, Your should go tell your parents and have them bring you to the Hokage building tomorrow morning to complete your ninja registration".

It didn't go amiss that he used parents plural. I wondered just how much the Hokage really knows.

As the Hokage left I informed the teachers that I had passed the Hokage’s test and showed them the head protector as proof. They looked pleased and gave me permission to go home as I had now graduated from the academy.

I walked home as the backup data from the Hokage began decoding. My head almost began hurting. There were village secrets bordering on thousands upon thousands of jutsu’s. Secret techniques and many dirty secrets of several clans which the Hokage uses to keep some clans in line.

As I got home my brain was almost fried with the amount of data I had forced into it. But my Mother simply shrugged it off as me being tired from the Hokage’s test. They were over the moon with me graduating at such a young age. So much so that after I had a rest we went for barbecue. Silvia was almost in tears going on an on about "how her little boy has become a Ninja".

Mother attempted to shush her as people could hear but Silvia was so proud she didn't give a damn. Hell from what I gathered from the Hokage’s memories it was an open secret anyway at this point. The Hokage had even used his position to stop the Uchiha’s from interfering with their relationship.

It kind of made all the secrecy up until now worthless so I decided to surprise Silvia "so Mom now I'm a ninja can you and Mother ramp up my training please" the surroundings became silent but more and more tears flowed from Silvia’s eyes. Myself and Mother had to embrace her to calm her down. Mother was a little embarrassed but with the cat out of the bag already anyway she adapted pretty quickly.

The celebration that night held even greater meaning as it is the first time we have ever been open about our family in public. Everyone in Yakiniku Q simply looked on us warmly as we celebrated as a family.

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