《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 10


Chapter Ten

After a year and a half at the academy I have started to see really improvements in my mind and body.

Even if I find the games in classes boring it is building up my strength and Chakra as we go along.

There is a child with unruly hair cut in a bowl cut and combed slightly to the right and large black caterpillar like eyebrows by the name of Might Dai who gets incredibly worked up during these games. If he wins any then he usually starts sobbing tears of joy and dripping snot from his bulbous nose.

This is the person destined to be the Father of Might Guy and probably the one with the personality in the class I find most amusing. He is constantly exercising his body even during breaks so I started tagging along with him.

I am fully aware of his future potential so I join him in his exercises. We do 100 push ups followed by 100 squats followed by 100 sit ups. Then when that is done we go for a 10Km run around the academy every day.

We are looked at as weird by the other children but we find it amusing racing between us to see who gets finished first.

With the increase in my physical strength due to these exercises my Chakra is also growing proportionately. Dai and I regularly spar against one another. I am forbidden from using Ninjutsu or Genjutsu against him so I fight with pure Taijutsu.

As it would be suspicious if I used the Hyuga's gentle fist I have been learning the strong fist style he uses. Usually when we begin our usual daily routine the other children chuckle and laugh at us. There are only a few that watch intently.

Nawaki the Hyuga twins and Fugaku have all been known to sneak a peek at us from time to time. however as we only use Taijutsu they always lose interest pretty quickly.


We return to class after our lunch break ends. Both Dai and I are sweating heavily after our workout. Dai is pleased because today he beat me bringing our score up to 136 wins for him and 135 wins for me. We have been doing this for over a year now and when it comes to Taijutsu me and Dai are in the top four of our class along with the Hyuga twins.

Its not just Taijutsu where I am excelling either. With the growth of my Chakra due to these exercises I am in the top four when it comes to Genjutsu and Ninjutsu too.

I wish the Saiyan clans Ki techniques were taught here as well because I would love to learn more about them instead of relying on memories of my past life.

We are to be tested next week to see if we graduate to the next level of the ninja academy. I have no reason to doubt I will fail as I can cast every Jutsu they have ever taught me.

After the day is finished at the academy I return home and begin my training with my Mothers. Since the incident with the Uchiha we have moved to a more fortified and closed off area of Konoha. It was in the hope that I could be trained in secrecy with little chance of my secrets being revealed.

Silvia has recently realised she awakened her Mangekyo Sharingan after the time we were attacked by the Uchiha. She uses them during our training despite my fear she may lose her eye sight.

It seems both Mothers have become quite desperate in their desire to make me strong enough to defend myself from the clans of Konoha.

Training with both of them is incredibly stressful. I have to combat the pair of them simultaneously while using a mixture of Sharingan and Byakugan.


Since Silvia awakened her Mangekyo Sharingan she attempts to trap me in a Tsukuyomi like Genjutsu. This constant mental pressure from Silvia and physical pressure from Mother is more arduous than you can imagine.

Just combating Mother requires the Sharingan and the Byakugan with Strong Fist style Taijutsu. Mothers Taijutsu style is frighteningly similar to the future Tsunade. Each attack holds incredible amounts of power. As such she is forging my Taijutsu to follow suit.

After we finished our training we got cleaned off and had a family meal together. Afterwards we went to bed early as Ninjas are required to be early risers.

I however waited till they were in a deep sleep and stealthily made my way to their room.When I got close enough to Silvia I lay on the floor next to their bed so I wouldn't fall and wake them then I reached my hand over and used Body snatcher on her.

Once in control of Silvia’s mind I began using Auto Copy. I then cancelled Body Snatcher after I had gotten what I wanted. I backed up the data then returned to my room as quietly as possible.

I decoded the data about her Mangekyo Sharingan and found that in her right eye gives her the ability to trap others in a Tsukuyomi like Genjutsu and her left eye gives her the ability to access a black form of lightening. Silvia’s memories show she is poor at controlling that lightening however.

I was able to quickly switch between Kotoro's Mangekyo and Silvia’s mixing both of their abilities.

Since my Chakra control has increased I no longer have as much strain on my eyes when switching between Dojutsu.

I have however failed to summon a Susanoo. The humanoid avatar made up of ones own Chakra is still outside my grasp. As much as my Chakra has increased it is still lacking enough to be able to summon a Susanoo.

After making sure I had fully decoded and integrated Silvia’s Mangekyo Sharingan I then went to bed expecting to be woken up early the next morning.

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