《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 9


Chapter Nine

Late at night after both my Mothers fell asleep I sneaked out of our hotel room. There is something I desperately needed to do. Although I had awoken the Byakugan I had next to no idea how to use it.

Outside I activated my Byakugan and sneaked through the late night streets of Konoha. The streets were eerily quite. I managed to locate guard ninjas using the Byakugan and avoided them as best as I could.

In a shop that has been closed my eyes found a black crow mask and a black cloak. I teleport them to me by activating my right Mangekyo Sharingan.

I quickly got changed and continued on, through many twists and turns and back alleys I managed to find my way to the Hyuga compound.

I used the Byakygan to search and found the clan heads room. He and his wife were fast asleep in their bed.

I activated the Mangekyo Sharingan in my left eye. I teleport directly into his room. This ability used far more chakra than I was hoping but luckily I still retained enough to make my escape.

I gently placed my hand on the sleeping Clan head. He momentarily moved as though detecting my presence but I quickly activated Body Snatcher.

I quickly selected the Auto copy. As soon as his Byakygan were also copied I reverted back to my body. Before he could react I used my Mangekyo Sharingan to teleport back outside the compound.

I selected Yes to back up the data I copied and rushed my way back to the hotel. I ran like the wind dodging all the guard ninja I detected.

As soon as I got back within sight of the Hotel I teleport directly into my room.

My Mangekyo had been drastically over used and had begun to bleed. I deactivated it and cleaned myself off. I put the cloak and Mask into my storage box and got myself in bed.


In bed I decoded all the data I had backed up from the Hyuga clan head. I was amazed that it contained all the clans secret techniques. including their cursed marks and the secrets of their gentle fist Taijutsu.

There are many things yet again that I am currently Physically unable to do but as I get older and stronger I should manage the techniques just fine.

The clan heads Byakugan was also far more powerful than my own. As soon as this data was decoded My Byakygan activated and began maturing to the same point as the clan heads data indicated.

I had made a great deal of gains tonight. My only regret is that my body and Chakra are unable to match the knowledge and the techniques I possess. After altering my Cells with those of the Senju main family I have been unable to find any other person with enough Chakra to match.

It seems that despite all my cheats I can't get out of working hard to improve my physical and spiritual strength.

The following day Konoha is in chaos. The Hyuga have reported that someone broke into their compound. Their clan head says it was an attempted assassination. The only known facts are that the assassin disappeared right before the clan head had chance to activate his Byakugan.

As I heard my Mothers talking about this I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The only positive is that there is no trace of the culprit.

After we have our breakfast in the hotel I am walked to the academy as both of my Mothers say I have missed too much time.

When I enter the academy I am swamped with students asking if I am okay. Both my Mothers are standing off to the side and giving Fugaku’s Mother an evil stare.


School was yet again quite boring until around lunch time. A child of the Hatake clan that is a few years older is attempting to boss around some of the younger children.

Nawaki being the kind of person he is attempts to stand up for the other children.

I watch from a distance as the situation begins to escalate. Soon the Hatake child pushes Nawaki. The two begin a scuffle which gathers the attention of a lot of other students.

Unfortunately Nawaki is no match for the older Hatake child. Soon Nawaki is pinned to the ground as the Hatake child pummels him.

I sigh wondering what the hell the teachers are doing at such a time. I have been sharpening a small stick this entire time and having decided Nawaki is unable to take any more I appear behind the Hatake with the stick to the back of his neck.

The Hatake recognises the skill I just displayed and turns his attention to me.

"I think that's enough don't you?" I said to him as firmly as possible. His dirty looking silver hair was blown by the afternoon breeze.

He made a swallowing sound when he realised I hadn't left him any openings to attack.

"Fine!" he yelled before walking off.

I helped Nawaki up to his feet and took him towards the academy Nurse.

On the way he said "Thanks Rowan. Wow you got strong".

I simply nodded and said "Mother and Aunt Silvia are very strict with my training time".

I managed to get Nawaki to the nurses after some more idle chit chat. Nawaki may be my cousin but as he is from the main family we aren't that close. We were only really together at birth because we were born around the same time.

I quickly made my way back to class and explained that Nawaki is at the nurses office to the teacher.

I continued the rest of the day doing the exercises disguised as games along with the other children.

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