《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 8


Chapter Eight

I spent the next few days recovering my Chakra and Ki. I couldn't help but wish that Senzu Beans were a thing in this world.

I did however make good use of my time. When a Doctor came in to check on me I used my body snatcher abilities on him and made a back up of all his medical Ninjutsu knowledge.

The incident with the Uchiha made it clear just how important being able to heal one self and their loved ones were.

I cast a Genjutsu on him using my Sharingan forcing him to forget what had happened. Because of this I now have a larger amount of knowledge than I had before. This also included far more Chakra control too.

I decided that I have to be less reserved about gaining strength. If the Uchiha are targeting my family I have to be able to protect us.

One evening in the Hospital I was visited by my cousin Tsunade. While she was seemingly quite affable I could tell there was another reason here than just visiting me.

I played along for a while but I quickly caught on that she was asking questions about what happened when we were attacked.

It turns out that some one had removed the body of the Uchiha, I suspect his clan did so as to not be suspected.

I would guess Mother and Silvia are being tight lipped so the Senju clan sent Tsunade to talk to me.

They truly think I'm just a regular child who wouldn't be able to tell what I should and shouldn't say.

I pretended to get upset thinking about it. Big ugly tears welled up within my eyes and Tsunade wanting to protect the little child before her wrapped her arms around me.

It was Just then I activated Body Snatcher. I quickly backed up all the data I could from her mind, I was desperate to find out what the main branch of the family think of this incident.

I had no need of copying her cells as they have next to no difference from the ones I copied from Nawaki so long ago.

I quickly cancelled the Body Snatcher skill after I copied her brains data. I backed it up ready to examine later. I continued crying so as she wouldn't realise she had lost any time comforting me.

I let slip a few half truths about the attack so as she felt she accomplished her goals.

I simply said that the Ninja was strong and fast. They used a fire Jutsu, that doesn't really help as most ninjas in Konoha can use a fire Jutsu.

When she left I began going through the back up data.


It turns out she wasn't sent here by the Senju clan head but by great Aunt Mito. I sighed with relief that the clan didn't suspect us of anything.

I then went through all the knowledge within Tsunade’s mind. there was a great deal more medical Ninjutsu knowledge than I gained from the Doctors. Not to mention a lot of training Methods and jutsus of the main family.

I was also glad to find knowledge she had gained from great Aunt Mito. this will eventually be used by her to develop the Strength of One Hundred Seal

Unfortunately as she has only recently begun training under the Third Hokage so there wasn't much I could gain there.

I will however be putting the knowledge she has to use and develop my own Strength of One hundred Seal.

I will however have to form the seal on a part of my body where it will not be seen as it would be suspicious if the main branch saw me.

By combining the Uchiha and Tsunade’s knowledge on Chakra control I should be able to gather enough Chakra over the next few years in order to form the seal.

I also suspect that great Aunt Mito's seal is filled with the Chakra of the Nine Tailed Fox. It would be great if I could somehow gather some of that Chakra.

After my Mothers and I were well enough we were discharged from the hospital. Our home which was for the most part ruined will have to be rebuilt. Until then we were given the option to stay at the Senju compound.

Mother and Silvia debated the correct choice as we were walking the Konoha streets. Before they could decide we were surrounded by Uchiha ninjas. We were issued a summons to the Uchiha clan district to meet with the head of the Uchiha clan.

Both my Mothers were visibly shaken by this but I grabbed their hands and fearlessly said "lets go then".

Silvia and Mother both looked at me but I simply told them "its okay we don't have anything to worry about".

We were escorted to a large building within the Uchiha clan district. The atmosphere inside was stuffy and tense.

"Welcome Emily and Rowan Senju" a man with black hair with strands of grey said.

He was sat at the head of a large table with a glass of green tea placed before him. This is the Uchiha clan head I saw in the memories of Kotoro Uchiha.

I disliked how he seemingly dismissed Silvia as though she was not even here but we managed to keep a straight face none the less. It was obviously a tactic used to get us annoyed or uncomfortable.


Mother was just about to speak but was shocked as I interrupted her.

"Hello sir clan head of the Uchiha. So then how do you intend to compensate us for sending an Uchiha to attack us in our home?"

My brazen attitude took the Uchiha head by surprise his face twisted with anger and he furrowed his brow. I couldn't help but laugh internally as I turned his attempt to make us uncomfortable against him.

"You have some guts child. Who says that the person that attacked you was an Uchiha?"

I then quickly activated my Byakygan in both eyes "are you saying my eyes were unable to see correctly".

As I activated the Byakugan everyone in the room was shocked. Mother and Silvia barely kept their composure.

I managed to further push the Uchiha off guard. Their desire to find out if I have the Sharingan would now surely be answered that they heard wrong given as I have proven I have the Byakugan.

The Uchiha head then cleared his throat. "Very well you have proven your innocence. My clan had reason to suspect you had either stolen out Sharingan or were of our bloodline. But you have proven our understanding to be false.

Mother then interjected "So you send a member of your clan to kill us without any proof of the crimes you say we were suspected of. If this got out it would bring shame to the face of the Uchiha wouldn't you agree?"

The Uchiha clan head smiled and said "Oh I don't think it will get out. Although your child has proven not to be of Uchiha bloodline, What would the Hyuga do If we told them your child possessed their Dojutsu?"

It was then that I began talking again "we don't have to worry about the Hyuga go ahead and tell them". My confidence took the Uchiha Clan head by surprise.

I then repeated word for word "We have had a worrying report Kotoro. Fugaku's Mother over heard Silvia Uchiha of the branch family and Emily senju warning a child of the Senju not to use his Sharingan".

As I repeated his words verbatim the Uchiha clan head looked shocked again.

"Mr Uchiha clan head I have taken precautions during my time in hospital to make sure any damning information I have about the Uchiha would be delivered directly to the Hokage". I said with not an ounce of my usual childishness

As an extra little bluff I added "you see the information I extracted from… Erm Kotoro was it was quite illuminating. The Uchiha having a stone tablet that only those with the Sharingan can read. Oh what interesting contents Kotoro told me about. If you wish not for your clan secrets to be exposed I suggest you leave me and my Mothers alone from now on".

I looked at Silvia indicating that she is one of my Mothers who protection I demand.

The Uchiha clan head looked shocked for a moment. A small child not even six years old had managed to corner him so much.

"Very well. You and your ahem Mothers are free to go" Said the clan head with a tinge of regret in his voice

As we were leaving the Uchiha district we made our way to retrieve Kuma. One of our neighbours were looking after him. He looked happy to see us and jumped up licking my face. He almost knocked me over.

Then we all went to a hotel. In our room my Mothers both looked at me shocked.

"Rowan what happened to your Sharingan" Silvia was the first to ask. I quickly activated it showing I still possess it. "Three Tomoe" both my Mothers said in unison.

I then took them further by surprise by activating my Byakugan in both eyes.

"You see I can switch between them for some reason. I awakened my Byakugan when you were both Injured by that Uchiha. Luckily however if the Uchiha aren’t to be trusted and tell the Hyuga I possess their Dojutsu I can just do what I did today. I showed the Uchiha the Byakugan and I can show the Hyuga the Sharingan".

After I explained my plan they both looked a little relieved. I don't expect it to work forever but it will surely buy us some time.

"Okay little Rowan but how did you know so much about the Uchiha. Not even I knew about that stone tablet you mentioned" said Silvia

I then reactivated my Sharingan and switched it to a Mangekyo Sharingan. This really shocked Silvia and Mother. They both gasped loudly and held their hands to their mouths.

I lied and said "I also awakened this when seeing you injured. It can greatly power up my Genjutsu as such I was able to extract all that information from the Uchiha that attacked us".

Silvia said "The Mangekyo Sharingan is thought to be only a myth to us in the Branch family. Who would have thought it truly exists and that little Rowan would awaken it?"

I returned my eyes back to normal. All this constant switching between Dojutsu left a great deal of strain in my eyes.

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