《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 7


Chapter Seven

I awoke to find myself in the Konoha hospital. I was feeling incredibly weak. My Chakra levels were at the bare minimum required to keep concious.

I got up from the bed as my legs and arms began to shake. As I was about to but my foot onto the floor a nurse of the hospital ran in to stop me.

"Please just lay back down young man you are far too weak" she said sternly.

I looked at her and asked "Where is my Mother and Silvia?" The woman sighed and said "wait right there I will go get a wheel chair and take you to them".

She left the room I felt a moment of relief as it is obvious they aren't dead from her response.

The nurse came back and helped me on the wheel chair and pushed me to the intensive care ward.

Mother was wrapped up in bandages soaked in burn medicine and Silvia had her ribs bandaged up.

Silvia was awake but looked to be in obvious pain. The moment she saw me she tried to move but the nurse scolded her just like she did to me. She rolled me by Silvia and said "I will let you two talk for a few minutes but don't over do it okay".

When the nurse left Silvia looked at me with the kind of relief only a Mother can have when she knows her child is okay.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"I'm okay just tired. are you and Mother going to be okay?" I asked in reply.

"Yes little Row. Your Mothers skin has been being healed and regenerated by the Doctors here. Their Medical Ninjutsu is of a really high level". She explained to me as simply as she could.


The Doctors had simply wrapped mother up in order to keep the parts of her skin that hadn't yet been healed from rotting.

Regenerating skin is heavily Chakra draining and unlike characters such as Tsunade or Sakura from the manga they lack the control of their Chakra to keep at it for long periods of time only using the bare minimum Chakra required to regenerate the skin.

This reminded me of the part in Shippuden where Sakura regenerates Naruto’s skin after he goes four tailed Chakra cloak. She even had the healing effect of Naruto being a Jinchuriki on her side for that too.

Myself and Silvia talked for a while but the nurse soon came back and told me I need to return to my room to rest. Silvia agreed and encouraged me saying that when she is allowed to move she will come to talk to me some more.

After I returned to my room I activated the backup data I got from the Uchiha.

I was delved deep within his memories there I saw him talking to the head of their clan.

"We have had a worrying report Kotoro. Fugaku's Mother over heard Silvia Uchiha of the branch family and Emily Senju warning a child of the Senju not to use his Sharingan".

"Is that true leader" Kotoro replied with a shocked expression.

"We are not sure but I wish for you to see for your self if the child has a Sharingan. If you put enough mental pressure on him it should activate without his control. I order you to attack them when you have the chance. If he does indeed have a Sharingan you are to kill the Senju child his Mother and the traitor to our clan".

Kotoro then used the body flicker technique and left the clan heads room and headed towards the home of Emily Senju.


He explored their house and found no traces of Uchiha scrolls that could be used to train a Sharingan.

As He was looking around the family arrived home. Kotoro attempted to take them by surprise yet the Senju woman managed to detect him.

She flew through the door to attack Kotoro. The battled quickly knocking over many objects within the house. The Senju woman threw an incredible punch that knocked the house off its foundation.

Feeling pressured Kotoro used the fireball jutsu at full power blasting the charging Senju through the front door".

At this point its was exactly what Rowan knew about. He watched on as he awakened the Byakugan. He saw as The Uchiha was at a loss. His mission was to determine if Rowan had Uchiha blood and awakened a Sharingan yet he seemed to have proved he was of Hyuga descent.

After that I simply went through all his knowledge pertaining to Jutsu's. There are many I am not yet physically able to do but as I get older and stronger there should be no trouble.

I then implemented a change to my Sharingan and upgraded them to match his Mangekyo. I was a bit worried that I would gain the same level of eye sight as the Uchiha but luckily my Body snatcher seemed to replicate the eyes as though they were at their prime.

As I have also backed up this data Should I ever start loosing my eye sight I should be able to just reapply the modification and return to the eyes at their prime again.

I was also quite happy to find that the powers of the Uchiha's Mangekyo Sharingan allowed him to teleport over short distances with his left eye. His right eye was able to summon things to him from an equal distance. The problem being that everything has to be within the field of my vision. If I combine it with my Byakugan though that should greatly improve its capabilities.

If I had faced the Uchiha while he was using the Mangekyo Sharingan I could only see my possible death. It was quite lucky he wasn't taking me serious as a threat.

Within my room I activated the Mangekyo Sharingan I was quite happy with its capabilities. Suddenly an idea struck me. I switched back to a regular Sharingan which now had all three Tomoe.

And with my left eye I kept the Sharingan active and with my right I activated the Byakugan. The two Dojutsu seemed to worked well together combining the strength of both and eliminating their weakness.

I saw through the wall a nurse heading towards my room so I quickly deactivated them.

I felt incredibly weak so I now curled myself up under my blankets and fell into a deep sleep.

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