《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 6


Chapter Six

We arrive back home and as soon as we do both of my Mothers faces become incredibly stern.

They look at each other then Silvia scoops me up and holds me protectively.

Mother enters the house then suddenly a bunch of shuriken’s crash through the window.

The sound s of a scuffle break out with the sound of clashing metal.

There is a sudden shock-wave as the house begins to tilt slightly.

Within moments a fireball erupts through the front door.

Mother is caught up in the blast. Silvia screams "Emie!" as I watch from within the now tightening grasp on Silvia.

Our breath is caught in our throat as we watch as Mother isn't moving. Silvia rushes towards her.

Suddenly a figure thrusts a kunai towards me. Silvia turns and uses her body to cover me. Blood erupts from her back as her face contorts in pain.

I then notice that the person who attacked has two glowing red eyes. I gasped both eyes were fully matured three Tomoe Sharingan.

As Silvia begins to move sluggishly she activates her own Sharingan. The unknown Uchiha makes a move but yet again Silvia attempts to protect me.

The Uchiha looks at Silvia condescendingly. He lands a swift kick from the side. His Silvia’s ribs make a crunching sound under the pressure. in the shock of the blow Silvia accidentally drops me and I'm sent rolling.

As I lift my head I see both my Mothers down and not moving. Something snaps in my brain. Tears begin to well up within my eyes.

These tears burn like acid. These are the type of tears no person should ever shed. These are tears containing all of my rage.

It was then the unknown Uchiha looks at me. His eyes lock on to mine and he says in surprise "Byakugan!".


I use my appraisal ability to see

Name: Kotaro

Clan: Uchiha

Race: Human

Age: Twenty Six years old

Chakra Nature: Fire, Earth, Lightening

Kekkei Genkai: Mangekyo Sharingan.

My entire vision now contains an almost 360 degree scope of my surroundings. While the Uchiha is off guard I focus a large amount of Ki into my feet. I push off the ground flying towards him with incredible speed.

I take out of my storage box a Kunai I managed to sneak away. I prepare to thrust it deep into the Uchiha.

The Uchiha attempts to dodge but he remains in my scope of vision.

I repeatedly chase him down and slash at him only for him to dodge. If not for the mobility from my Ki usage his speed would be far too much for me. I am soon getting exhausted though.

I feel as though every fibre of my being is on fire with each laboured breath. I struggle to channel my Chakra into my kunai while at the same time manipulating Ki to keep me mobile.

I am quickly running out of both and the situation is becoming more and more desperate.

I am sorely lacking any kind of finishing move. I would attempt to copy a move from Dragon ball but this Uchiha is moving far too quickly for me to be able to hit him with a shoddy imitation.

Suddenly I realise I have an ability that can turn this around. It will however be incredibly risky.

I feign a momentary lapse in concentration to which the Uchiha pounces. He almost disappears and reappears in-front of me. Even with my Byakugan he was difficult to track.

Just as he attempts to stab me with his kunai I grab on to his hand activating Body Snatcher.

My Small body drops to the floor and I suddenly catch myself. I didn't have time to think about what an odd situation catching my falling self is.


I could barely see so it was quite lucky I caught myself. A sudden thought flashed into my mind.

I quickly put myself down. A new feature was indicating underneath the timer. It said Automatic copy.

I focused on that and a prompt appeared "DO YOU WANT TO USE AUTOMATIC COPY Y/N".

I selected yes and It started to copy everything from the top of his head and his brain and worked my way down.

Somehow my Body Snatcher ability has improved since I last used it. If I had to guess awakening my Byakugan forced my skills to increase. They increased so much that by copying his brain I was able to access his memories.

This also included his Knowledge of Jutsu including techniques reserved for the main Uchiha family members.

I was shocked to find his eyes that could barely see were a drastically over used pair of Mangekyo Sharingan. It was no wonder Silvia was unable to combat him with her own Sharingan.

The timer was quickly running down. Copying his memories and his Mangekyo Sharingan took almost all my time.

I quickly took the Kunai and severed the tendons in his legs followed by his arm. This way if my plan fails he shouldn't be able to cause any damage.

I was struggling to cope with the pain but I watched as the timer ticked down.

Just as it reached its final ten seconds I slashed the Uchiha’s throat.

10,9,8,7 Blood began to gurgle and I could taste the metallic coppery taste of his blood.

5,4,3 My mind was becoming panicked. All my survival instincts told me to hold the wound tight but I refused.

I just watched the timer tick the final 2,1. Then suddenly I was back in my own body.

Another new prompt appeared asking "DO YOU WANT TO BACK UP NEW DATA Y/N". I clicked yes as I didn't have the time in implement the changes right now.

I watched as the Uchiha’s was gurgling his last breaths. I manage to drag myself over to Silvia and Mother.

I begin using the pathetic amount of medical Ninjutsu with my last remaining amount of Chakra.

I slowly heal Silvia as I decided I barely had enough Chakra to get her awake again.

I put all my hopes in her being able to heal Mother. Just as the wound on Silvia’s back and her bones began to heal I completely ran out of Chakra. As such I lost complete conciousness.

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