《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 5


Chapter Five

Today is my fifth birthday. It's hard to believe that it has been five years since I have been reborn into this world.

My Mothers gave me a gift I really wasn't expecting. A small black furred puppy.

According to Silvia it is a Ninken that was the runt of its litter. As such the Inuzuka clan had little use for it.

Silvia convinced them to allow us to take it.

I watched as the small ball of fur timidly examined our home. Its little nose sniffing all the unfamiliar smells.

As it came close to me I could sense how nervous it was. I gently placed my hand forward but not far enough to touch it. After a moment of hesitation the little Ninken rubbed its head against my hand.

Its warm incredibly soft fur rubbed against my palm. My Mothers watched this scene tenderly.

Ninken are far more intelligent than your standard dog. They have been raised by the Inuzuka clan for generations to be the perfect partners for their style of Ninjutsu.

I tenderly began stroking the little Ninken and watch as its little eyes began to get heavy and it fell asleep enjoying being stroked.

"What are you going to name it?!" Silvia asked.

I gave it some thought for a moment and replied "Kuma".

My mothers looked at me confused until I said "It looks like a tiny hibernating black bear while its asleep".

They both smiled and agreed "Very well Kuma it is".

Now that i have become five I am now allowed to join the academy. The first years a not much different than going to day care but there are introductions to Ninjutsu and Chakra.

I have learned pretty well from my Mothers how to form my Chakra.

Chakra is formed by moulding ones Spiritual and Physical energy together. This creates what is known as Chakra. This is the power source of all Ninjutsu Genjutsu and Taijutsu.

There is an exercise involving sticking a leaf to ones forehead with Chakra that helps concentrate and control their chakra.


I quickly grasped the leaf concentration method my Mothers taught me. They were amazed that I grasped it so quickly.

I have begun introducing the Saiyan Clans Ki into the formula but as of yet it is next to impossible to get the correct balance.

The Saiyan clans Ki unlike Chakra is made up of three separate parts. These are the Genki, the Yuki, and the Shoki.

Because of all the moving parts of forming both Ki and Chakra I am only able to use them separately as of yet. But given enough time and training I hope to combine them.

Luckily the Saiyan clan are able to naturally control this Ki so i didn't require much training to understand it. Also watching the anime and reading the manga in my past life helps me visualize its correct usage.

Today is my first day at the academy. I am walked there in the company of both my Mothers and Kuma. As we are outside I have to be careful not to call Silvia Mother though.

I can't help but see the sadness in her eyes each time I call her Aunt Silvia.

If it wasn't for the stupid relationships between clans I'm sure they would have been married long before now.

The sun is rising and illuminating the whole of Konoha. It couldn't be any better a day to begin my time at the academy.

The ninja academy is quite expensive for a parent to send their child to. There are however systems in place such as scholarships for students with gifted abilities.

Konoha is always looking to develop great ninjas so Grand Father Tobirama the second Hokage set in place this system to help nurture the best of the next generation.

I intend to make my self stand out just enough to qualify for this scholarship as I don't want my mothers to worry about our finances.

The first day at the academy begins with speech by the third Hokage. He is far younger than in the anime seemingly barely in his late twenties. Behind him were a young Tsunade Jiraiya and Orochimaru the three future Sannin.


He began his usual talk about the Will of Fire. All the children and even their parents watched on with looks of amazement.

Strangely enough it was Silvia not Mother who seemed the more amazed out of my parents.

Then again there were Uchiha in the anime and manga that avoided the curse of hatred caused by awakening the Sharingan.

Around me were all the bright eyed excitable children I must have been quite the odd duck looking as uninterested as I was.

As much as I enjoy my life in Konoha its my Mothers that make my life here so enjoyable. Because of that I find it hard to buy into the whole every clan and every person is one family within Konoha.

If that was the truth why are the Senju and Uchiha still at odds. Sure it may not be on the battlefield any more but behind the scenes they still battle each other with politics.

Not to mention some of the other clans who don't get along there are even rifts within their own clans for example the Hyuga and their constant branding of cursed marks on those in the branch family in order to control them.

While I think one should be kind to those around them I feel it is naive to assume we are all family.

I sat bored until the long winded speech finished. At the end every one gave a rousing round of applause to the smiling third Hokage.

Afterwards we were given a tour of the academy and directed to our classroom. It was brightly coloured there were toys around that at first glance seem to be just for play but hold training value for raising young ninjas.

Our parents were finally about to leave. There were some young children crying for their parents that were leaving. I however simply said my goodbyes to my Mothers, but not however before they warned me not to use my Sharingan.

The teachers gave us all a quick test to see if we have any skills. They weren't expecting much but there were some from a few major clans that raised an eye brow.

The test was the simple leaf concentration that my Mothers taught me. There were a few who managed to stick it for a little while before losing control of their chakra.

I did it with ease and gave my teachers a bored looking expression.

The day was at the academy after that was relatively boring. There were songs and games but to me that seemed to be kid stuff. There were a few others who were not really that interested. In the corner an Uchiha was getting bossy with two twin Hyuga’s over who had the better bloodlines.

The teachers quickly put a stop to it before anything could really happen.

All In all I was disappointed by my first day of Ninja academy. I think it showed as the teachers kept trying to get me involved and asking me questions.

I simply shut them down with quick and always correct answers. Even the ninja games that the other kids loved I felt were a complete waste of my time.

There was a point in the day when the kids tired themselves out. I was debating using my body snatcher ability on some of them but there were very few that really interested me.

I was tempted by the two Hyuga boys but from what I over heard neither had awakened their Byakugan yet.

The day ended and when my Mothers picked me up they asked how my day was to which I feigned some excitement just to appear slightly normal.

To celebrate we went to eat at the barbecue place known as Yakiniku Q. According to Mother I have been selected as one of the Scholarship students in the academy. This is the major reason we are celebrating.

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