《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 4


Chapter Four

I am now one year old. I am currently at Konoha daycare. I was amazed to find out that Konoha has such a place. In the anime and manga the only educational facility is the Ninja academy.

I am brought here once a day for a few hours to play with other children my age.

I am still however smaller than other children my age. Even though my body is now producing Chakra at a rate far higher than before It seems that the head start in development these children have over me is hard to over turn.

As I am so small a lot of the female children seem to fuss over me. I have to admit I find It rather annoying but should I voice such thoughts people would correctly state how unchildlike I am.

Pretending to be an ordinary child is incredibly stressful.

I was in for quite a shock however at day care. I originally thought this world was mostly based off of the Naruto anime and Manga. Imagine my surprise while in daycare to come across baby versions of Vegeta Nappa and Raditz from Dragon Ball.

It was only then that I remembered this universe had several things that the Goddess of Light Novel's said she inserted to keep me on my toes.

This no doubt means it is not just the world of Naruto that was inserted into this universe. Who would have thought Dragon Ball and who knows what else could be come across in this universe. My Otaku nature was abuzz with excitement at the possibilities.

Apparently they are from the Saiyan Clan. The Saiyan Clan are known to be one of the best when it comes to Taijutsu. Their abilities to use Chakra are negligible but they have overcome this handicap by developing the use of Ki.


While the Clan are not hired by the Village as Ninjas they are however hired as mercenaries that use their bizarre strength to fight along side the Ninja squadrons.

My eyes shined with this new prey before me. Just Imagine what I could do If I implemented a Saiyan’s physiology into myself.

Vegeta and Nappa are as a rule very unsociable. They avoid the other children. Raditz however is constantly left behind by the two.

Because of this he has little choice but to play with the other children. I take my chance and approach him.

He seems far more timid than a Saiyan should in my mind. I stumble over with a few tottering toddler steps.

"OH big brother looks stwong" I say in embarrassingly baby talk. This however puts a huge smile on Raditz's face.

"I like you. You can see just how strong this big brother is can't you" he said with a smug look on his face.

As the Saiyan clan are known to develop faster his speech and and physical strength are far higher than the other clans children at this age.

It took me less than a minute of flattery to get him to play with me. The Saiyan clan children are known to play roughly so it didn't take long for him to try and wrestle with me.

The second he did I activated Body snatcher.

"Hahahah" I stood with my legs apart with my hands on my hips. To the outside it looks like Raditz had played to roughly with me and caused me to lose consciousness.

The adult in charge quickly comes over and scolds Raditz. I can't help but smile however.

I quickly become intimate with the workings of the Saiyan clans physiology. Their muscles are far thicker and their bones are far denser. They also have the tail that was present in the Dragon Ball series.


No soon as the timer runs out I find myself being placed on a small matt with a blanket over me. They seem to have done quick first aid to make sure I am not injured.

When I am under the blanket I begin altering my bones and muscles to match a Saiyan clans body. I stop short at growing a tail as I am not sure if in this world they become a great ape or not but its not something I want to risk.

It would also be suspicious if I just suddenly grew a tail.

As their Cells are unable to produce Chakra but Ki instead I don't completely modify mine to match. I become something more akin to Gohan a half Saiyan

By doing this i am however find a perfect balance between Chakra and Ki production. The two forms of energy seem to fuse together within my Cells.

Just one look can see that it is a highly volatile form of energy.

I activate my Sharingan to look at the energy in more detail. The energy has retained the power of Ki and the adaptability of Chakra. The two forms of energy seem to multiply each other qualities rather than add to them

I use my memories of the Dragon ball z episode where Gohan teaches Videl about Ki. I manage to separate a small amount of the energy into the palm of my hand. I then found that it is far easier to inject a nature element than pure Chakra.

My fingers begin to crackle with electricity. I quickly shut it off before I lose control of it as its still new and requires experimentation. I did however find that the Saiyan body is unnaturally predisposed to energy manipulation, even as a half Saiyan.

I begin chuckling away under the blanket not realising that the sparks of electricity have accidentally scorched a few of the threads.

I decide there and then that should I come across any other characters from other anime and manga I will continually use body snatcher and rebuild myself as the ultimate Anime/manga protagonist.

I already possess the body of a Saiyan/Senju and the eyes of an Uchiha. Who wouldn't do the same thing if they were me right now.

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