《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 2


Chapter Two

I found myself floating around in the blurry environment for who knows how long.

My sense of time has been messed up completely.

Suddenly however a box filled with text appeared before my very eyes.

[Welcome..... So you are the stray my little brother and sister sent my way.

I am the Goddess of Light novels. I hear you spun the question mark icon.

That means I have sent you to a world of my own devising. I hope you like it.

Don't worry. You will find lots of things you are familiar with. I have however made just enough tweaks to keep you on your toes.

I hope you enjoy your time in this world after you are born]

What does this mean after I am born. Is this place my new mothers womb. Just as I began thinking another box filled with text appeared.

[Oh by the way as I am the goddess of Light Novels I have taken the opportunity to grant you a few Light novel like abilities..... I know you are grateful there's no need to thank me.

You have the standard Appraisal, Storage box, even an ability to steal the bodies of others and replicate any part to your liking..... See aren’t I nice.

Good luck Hun XX]

After this message my entire body felt incredibly hot. I found myself being constricted from all angles. Is this what a pythons victim feels like.

This continued on and off over the next several hours. Occasionally I could hear screaming and even the occasional swear word.

That’s right I was being born and from the sounds of it my new Mother is one lady you do not want to get on the wrong side of.

It has been three months since I was born. Using my appraisal ability i have gathered some quite odd results. For example I am


Name: Rowan

Clan: Senju

Race: Human

Age: Three Months

Chakra Nature: Water, Earth,Lightning

Kekkei Genkai: Not yet activated

Unique ability: Body Snatcher, Appraisal, Item box

It would turn out that I have been born as a cousin of Tsunade within the hidden leaf village oh Konoha.

My Mother Emily Senju is from one of the branch family of the Senju clan. My Father is Seemingly absent.

She has beautiful blonde hair and a full figure much like the grown up Tsunade.

I am being raised with a fellow newborn called Nawaki. He is loud and cries a lot. I swear to god I feel like Broly in the old Dragon Ball movie’s.

We have a wet nurse that is responsible for our care. It seems Mother has already resumed missions. Damn women are tough.

Just as I was Lost in my thoughts baby Nawaki rolled over and his sharp little baby nails pocked me right in the eye.

I was so pissed off but sadly the only way my body responded was to also cry. Just when I couldn't feel any more embarrassed by myself as I took an intake of air to continue crying I soiled myself. Damn stupid baby body.

The Wet Nurse came in and began to settle us both down. First she got Nawaki to sleep then when rocking me I decided now would be a good time to try out my Unique ability.

I pretended to also fall asleep and just as she was placing me upon my cot i struck.

My mind suddenly took over her body. I looked down at my adorable little baby face. I have the same blonde hair as Mother but my skin is a bit more dark almost tanned in complexion. I was amazed at how delicate and squishy my body looked.


My body has fallen fast asleep. This is very much like the Yamanaka clans the only difference is that My version requires physical contact.

The mind of my victim has been put soundly to sleep within my own body so I don't have to worry about them forcing me out of their body.

The only downside to this however is that I am on a strict timer. I can see in the top corner of my vision saying I have exactly 30minutes before our minds switch back.

I was amazed to find myself in the body of a woman but what I find most amazing is the strength this body holds.

The wet nurse is a woman from the Uchiha clan. She is a retired Ninja from a branch family of the Uchiha. Her leg was injured during a mission and was unable to be healed completely. It doesn't effect her day to day life but she is no longer capable of being a ninja.

It was thought by giving an Uchiha such an important job as caring for the new generation of Senju it would bring our clans closer together. I couldn't help but think there was more to it though.

I slowly walked towards the mirror in the living room and looked at the woman whose body I control. I activated my Appraisal ability to find she

Name: Silvia

Clan: Uchiha

Race: Human

Age: Twenty Two years old

Chakra Nature: Fire, Water, Earth

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan (TWO TOMOE)

Because of the effects of Body snatcher I am intimately familiar with the workings of this body. I activate the Sharingan.

I could see that Silvia’s Chakra had an almost flame like appearance. I was hypnotised by the way these eyes see the world and quickly lost track of the timer at the top.

I quickly deactivated the Sharingan and returned to the room I share with Nawaki.

I reached down and held myself in the same way I was being held before the body swap and as the clock hit zero we switched back.

Silvia looked momentarily confused but quickly shrugged it off. I while pretending to be asleep allowed her to place me down and leave the room.

I quickly noticed a new timer that replaced the old one. As I focused on it information flooded my brain telling me that I had until the timer was up to make the alterations on my body before I forgot How Silvia's body operated.

It was at the moment she left the room that I gave the second ability of Body Snatcher a try. I felt a warm feeling within my eyes.

It was almost as though wax was being melted then reformed and hardened again.

As it did I looked around keenly aware that my vision is now the same as Silvia’s when her Sharingan is active. In my mind I was doing some epic evil bad guy laugh as I had stolen the Sharingan from the Uchiha.

My joy was short lived however. I had barely even altered two Cells to produce Uchiha like Chakra when the timer ran out. I quickly came down with a fever and lost conciousness.

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