《Ambassadors to another world》Chapter 48: Whisky and Wagyu


While Karl was getting eased into his new life inside Dawnward, Nelson and company were getting settled into the Earth Embassy.

They were given a villa far larger than the mansion that they had in Larien. The back garden was large enough to accommodate up to 7 transport carriers making the transport of equipment easier. The personnel wasted no time in setting up all the equipment.

Firstly they dealt with the power supply. They set up solar tapes (a kind of solar panel that can be bent and is very thin) and placed them on the roof and even the walls of the villa. It was then attached to large pioneer battery ensuring an almost endless supply of electricity.

Of course a Quantum internet router was also set up so even if they were this far away from Fort Spearhead, communications would not be a problem. But most importantly internet access, because internet connection is very important.

Next was the staff equipment.

Dr Susan’s clinic/lab was the first one set up in a large room on the first floor of the villa, a sort of boundary was also made in order to separate the clinic and the lab. Dr. Susan was also given a few assistants from the Larien outreach center since she would not be able to handle everyone that will come to the clinic.

Yamato didn’t really bring anything noteworthy except for a laptop since he will be moving around a lot inspecting the mining sites. Internet connection is most important since this way he would also be able to monitor the progress of the Orbital Launcher construction and keep up with his Engineering guild duties.

Nelson didn’t ask for much, he just wanted a modern looking office and nothing more same with Leia and Steven, although Leia did also ask for a modern looking classroom for her writing and math classes.

Other necessities like a Kitchen, and even a relaxation room was also set up. Bathrooms already existed so that was something they didn’t need to take care off. Upon seeing it again, Yamato was still quite angry about the flaming toilet. Food supplies would be sent to the embassy weekly via an air transport carrier.


Security was also a concern, thus an automated defense system controlled by a central AI was put in place. This included gun turrets and defense drones hidden throughout the compound. They would were equipped with both lethal and non-thal rounds to deal with whatever threat appears.Additionally, about 20 soldiers that were equipped with class 2 exoskeletons and clearance level 2 rounds were stationed at the embassy.

It was also agreed to have 4 air buses on sand by at the embassy at all times just in case they needed to evacuate the personnel.

By nightfall all the embassy was fully operational and the transport personnel returned to Fort Spearhead.

As a small token of gratitude Nelson invited the King and the Prime Minister over dinner to celebrate the establishment of the embassy. Nelson ordered some high quality ingredients like A5 Wagyu beef, caviar etc, in order to show off to the King and let him have a taste of high quality earth food.

While the chefs at hand weren’t 10 star restaurant materials, they did a great job in preparing for the dinner.

Sadly Leia, Yamato, Dr. Susan, and Engr. Yamato didn’t join Nelson and the King for dinner. Partly because they still had things they need to prepare and the fact that they really didn’t want to be around another political exchange. It might just be dinner but they didn’t want to feel that hang tension that was inevitably going to consume the dinner.

The King and the Prime Minister were then served a delicious 10 course meal. Nelson could see the eyes of the King and the Prime Minister widen upon tasting the food. While the food served to them during the banquet was indeed delicious, he still believed Earth cuisine to be superior, a sentiment the King and his Prime Minister probably share with him by now.

“I must say Ambassador, the steak was unlike anything I’ve had in my entire life. It was soft and juicy, and melted in my mouth!” said the King in astonishment.

“I admit I was a bit reluctant upon cutting it and seeing that it was still pink in the middle, I have always eaten meat cooked through.” The Prime Minster added his praises.


“While I don’t know the specifics, the beef used is a very high grade beef from cows that were raised in a very controlled environment.” Nelson replied.

“Controlled environment?” The King asked with curiosity.

“Yes, the temperature of the pen and even the amount of food, are all controlled in order to ensure that meat is of great quality.” Nelson proudly explained.

“Do your people get to eat this meat every day?” The Prime Minister asked with great expectation.

“Sadly no. Beef this good, is extremely rare and expensive and are commonly served in high rated restaurants only.” Nelson replied shaking his head.

“I see.” The King replied a bit dejected.

“Anyway, that’s not all that everything I wanted to show off.” Nelson said confident tone.

“So you no longer hide your intentions?” The King said while smiling.

“Whatever do you mean?” Nelson replied feigning ignorance as he signaled for an attendant who was standing at the door.

A few moments later the attendant returned with a bottle in hand and three drinking glasses on a tray. The bottle had 1987 printed on it. The attendant then gave it to Nelson and placed the drinking glasses where then placed in front of Nelson.

“What you see here gentlemen is whisky.” Nelson proudly explained.

“Whisky?” The Prime Minster and the King asked in unison.

“It’s an alcoholic drink similar to wine but stronger.” Nelson replied.


“You’ll see what I mean.” Nelson said as he poured a bit of the contents of the bottle onto the drinking glasses.

He also added a little bit of water to the whisky, something the King and the Prime Minister found to be odd.

Nelson than handed the glasses to the King and prime Minister.

“Now I would like you to smell it first.”

The Prime Minister didn’t know why it was necessary but they did as Nelson told and immediately their noses encountered a strong delicious aroma.

“I can see now why you say this is a strong drink.” The King declared as he swirled the contents around the glass.

“I don’t understand why you added water though. Won’t it just dilute the drink?” The Prime Minister asked.

“Trust me, a little bit of water makes it better.” Nelson replied with a laugh.

Nelson then stood up and postured for a toast. Upon seeing this, the King and the Prime Minister followed suit.

“To Aleria.” Nelson said as he looked at the two men with him.

“To Earth.” The King replied

They then made a toast and then drank the whisky. Nelson expected the King and the Prime Minister to gag because of the strong flavor of the whisky, but to his surprise no such thing happened.

“I see you two are very strong men.” Nelson commended the two.

“Why do say that?” The King asked curiously.

“Well, first timers typically have a negative reaction when drinking something this strong.” Nelson explained.

“While the flavor is different, this isn’t the first time we had a drink this strong.” The Prime Minister replied.

“Oh, do tell.” Nelson replied a bit skeptical.

“You see, there is this very rare drink from Henice called Vernaal, and it’s almost as strong as this drink you gave me.” The King replied.

Nelson was now a bit curious about the drink and his expression gave away his thoughts to the King.

“Don’t worry Mr. Nelson, if I ever get my hands on Vernaal again, I would invite you to have a taste.” The King said to Nelson.

“I see, then I shall be looking forward to it.” Nelson replied.

Because it was already dark outside, the King and the Prime Minister were then flown back to the castle via an air bus.

Nelson on the other hand couldn’t get that Vernaal drink out of his mind. He was now quite interested in Henice just because of that drink.

“Henice huh, now I know which Kingdom I should make relations to next.” Nelson said to himself as he walked to his sleeping quarters.

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