《Ambassadors to another world》Chapter 23: Prelude to the battle


Morning arrived and tensions were already high at the castle.

King Xavier instructed his servants to wake him up early and somehow managed to get up before them. He was definitely feeling the pressure; after all, this meeting will finalize Aleria’s diplomatic ties with the Outsiders. They may have had contact with them for the last two years but for the most part their relationship could only be described as tolerance. Their base was located somewhere at the Endless Grasslands making them beyond their jurisdiction. Oh how the King wished that the Outsiders arrived inside the Kingdom’s borders, that way the negotiations would go his way better since he can just make an excuse of them infringing on his kingdom.

Nevertheless he will not let this opportunity slip by. A successful diplomatic meeting with the Outsiders would definitely bring untold benefits to his Kingdom, potentially making Aleria the strongest Nation in Nelithea. Although he was sure that the Outsiders will not provide them with weapons, he was sure their consumer products alone would elevate the Kingdom. If he can gain access to their goods and become the largest distributor it would bring untold wealth to his kingdom and his trading potential would naturally rival that of the Merchant Kingdom of Henice.

He also plans to secure a military agreement between the two worlds. While he does not expect the Outsiders to fight for him he was confident that he could secure a joint defense agreement, at least against the demonic threat.

He also thought the an alliance with the Outsiders would prove to be a great deterrent to their neighbour, the Naztec Empire, to not try anything funny. While a war hasn’t broken out in years, they still have a very frictional relationship that could easily deteriorate into war.

However he does fear the Outsider’s power. He knew full well he cannot control these people and that he would most likely not win a war against them. The flying metal bird was proof of that, and it was foolish to think that they would not have even more powerful weapons than that.


He can’t be forceful because he doesn’t have the might to back it up, and he can’t be too submissive since it would the same as giving his Kingdom and people to the outsiders. He had to find the right balance while maintaining a dignified figure.

“Can I really do this?” The King said already second guessing himself.

“Maria, please watch over me” The King whispered as he stared out the window

Suddenly a knock can be heard on his door.

“Your Majesty. Prime Minister Herman has arrived” The servant said.

“I see, tell him to wait for me at my private study, oh and as for my breakfast, please deliver it to my study as well.” The King said

He then freshened up and proceeded to meet the Prime Minister before preparing himself for the incoming talks.

When he arrived at his private study he saw his old friend walking back and forth inside the room. Obviously he was just a nervous as him, still he found it funny just how nervous and silly he looked. He realized he must have looked like this when his children went up to him in the Throne room.

“Oh you’re here your Majesty” The Prime Minister said finally noticing his arrival.

“What’s the matter old friend, are you feeling nverous?” The King jokingly said

“Of course I am old friend, you shouldn’t make jokes a time like this” The Prime Minister replied, a bit annoyed at the King’s joke.

“How about you? You look kind of pale” The Prime Minister found an opportunity to fire back at his old friend.

“Haha, I haven’t eaten anything yet so I will obviously look pale” The King tried to brush off the comment

After a bit of light hearted laughter the mood in the room sank immediately. Both the King and the Prime Minister now have a very serious expression on their faces.

“Are you sure you’re going be to alright facing them alone?” The Prime Minister asked

“I have to, this is not only for my pride but for the people. As a King I cannot be seen as weak by the Outsiders.” The King gave an earnest reply


“There you are again, trying to carry the world on your shoulders. If Maria was here she would ha-” The Prime Minister then stopped

“I-I’m sorry old friend” The Prime Minister said apologetically.

“Don’t be, you’re right” The King then smiled

“If she was here she would have forced herself into the meeting like the stubborn woman that she is” The King laughed

“Sadly I feel she would have caused a lot of trouble so I would have most likely locked her up in the bedroom”

“You know she would probably ignore you for a long time if you did that right?”

“Haha, I know” The king replied

“Still, If I show any weakness now I wouldn’t be able to face her when I meet her again in the afterlife” The king exclaimed

“As a King, as a Husband, and finally as a father. I must carry this burden alone, and make everyone feel secure.”

“Well, I guess I really can’t persuade you to let me join the meeting.”

“But you can help me with other things” Said the king

“Now that you’re here, let’s talk about a little strategy. Haha, I remember we used to have talks like these when we were boys!”

“Hmmph, I expected this much. Its reason I was here anyway” The Prime Minister smiled as the King’s breakfast was delivered into the study


An hour later the Delegation members were then woken up individually by castle maids. They were thankful for this since the bed was too soft and comfortable that slept too well. If it wasn’t for the maids they would have woken up at noon. Nelson’s interest in the kingdom’s products then increased, especially for this bed.

The maids then offered to bath the Ambassadors but they obviously refused since this isn’t a thing they were used to. They completely forgot that this kind of thing was normal for royalty in this “era”.

After freshening up in the admittedly luxurious bath, the delegation was then lead to the dining hall where they were served a wonderful and hearty breakfast. Admittedly they felt that the breakfast was too “heavy” for them but they finished the food they were given because they didn’t want to be rude.

They were the made to wait for a while longer in the dining room as the King was still preparing himself to meet them.

“H-hey, Mr. Nelson-Sir uh” Karl asked nervously.

“What is it?” Nelson replied

“When you said, that we would tell the King himself what we wanted, you actually meant that literally right?” Karl asked

Nelson looked at him with a puzzled face

“Well of course, you are the experts in your field and would be able to communicate your terms to the King better than me. Are you perhaps afraid?” Nelson asked Karl

“N-no sir, in fact I was looking forward to this” Karl replied excitement now in his voice

“Just hope the King doesn’t remember your incident yesterday” Dr. Susan said, obviously still mocking Karl.

“N-now, now. I’m sure what happened was just an accident” Leia then tried to intervene

A servant then entered the dining hall and told them that the King was ready to receive them. They were then lead to room with a huge wooden door in front. Upon seeing this Nelson took this opportunity to lecture his team one last time.

“I don’t want to repeat myself but I need to remind you, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE OF THAT SCENE LAST NIGHT, that we represent Earth therefore I expe-”

“Yeah yeah we know already, can we get this over with?” Dr. Susan interrupted Nelson, obviously tired with his speeches.

Nelson then stopped and faced the door, and with both hands the pushed it open. He then saw a round table inside with the King sitting directly opposite them

Nelson and King’s eyes met once again as they both thought of the same thing.

“Let the battle begin”

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