《Ambassadors to another world》Chapter 14: Sleepless night


After the confrontation with captain Clarks, Nelson walked back to his living quarters to rest. He didn’t want to admit it but the Vodka’s effect was kicking in as he began to feel woozy. Thankfully keys are not a thing here so he won’t need to worry about trying to slip in a key to open the door to his room. All he needed to do was stand in front of it, and after short delay due to facial scanning, the door would slide open on its own.

Nelson then took off his clothes and dumped it into the laundry unit. This machine does both cleaning and drying and uses a special cleaning solution that also incorporates Nano-technology. It truly is a modern convenience like no other.

After changing back into some more comfortable clothes he slid into his bed and tried to sleep. The problem is that he can’t seem to be able to sleep. Even with the Vodka circulating his system he found himself staring at his ceiling for a good 30 minutes. In the end he got up and went to get his sleeping cure.

He opened his closet that was filled with a lot of alcohol and took out a wooden box with golden engravings. Inside the box was a bottle of whisky and a drinking glass. According to the label the whisky was dated back to the year 2001. He removed the cork and poured a bit of the whisky into the drinking glass. There was no ice on hand so he drank it straight up and the flavour of the whisky gave him a feeling of nostalgia.

He wanted to pour himself a bit more but stopped after seeing that there was only 1/3 of the bottle filled with whisky. He then washed the drinking glass and placed the whisky and glass back into the wooden box. After returning it to his closet he went back to bed hoping that he can disappear into the land of dreams and after a few short minutes, he was fast asleep.



There was another soul still awake in this solemn night and it was none other than Engineer Yamato. Yamato spent the entire day studying the ore samples of Mithril and Adamantite, as well as other unique ores found in Nelithea. But right now he was working on something completely different; he was reviewing a prototype proposal for a new Jet Engine.

Even when he was sent to Nelithea his engineering guild duties followed him, and so did the deadlines.

While being a member of the engineering guild came with great acclaim, it also had a heavy burden. Since they were at the forefront of anything engineering it also stands to reason that they will be given mountains upon mountains of work. The members of the guild were also very competitive and this helped drive the rapid technological evolution the guild bestowed upon the earth.

The Jet engine proposal he was reviewing was submitted by an Engineer who worked for a weapons development agency back on earth. Members of the guild are required to submit their design proposals to the guild to be reviewed by higher ranking members. This was to ensure that the quality expected from a guild member was reached.

The guild had a high mortality rate when it comes to its members. A lot of newly appointed people either cracked from the immense pressure or simply couldn’t reach the design standard that the guild upheld thus their membership was revoked. Most newcomers only survived a month before leaving the guild forever. Yet despite this unforgiving environment, the total population of the guild was around 200,000 people spread across the world.

After checking the calculations and reviewing the design itself, Yamato gave this Jet engine proposal his seal of approval and sent it back to the guild. Yes, they had internet in Nelithea courtesy of the Quantum internet network. It is an internet network that used Quantum entangled particles to send information instead of the old method of using electronic signals.


After he sent he sent the email containing the proposal back to the guild, he opened up another folder from his desktop screen and a list containing 20 items appeared. These were all project proposals waiting for his approval and the deadlines were fast approaching.

Yamato stretched his arms and let out a yawn. He then checked the time on his computer and found out it was already 2 AM in the morning. He got up to go get a glass of water then sat back down in front of his computer and opened one of the items.

“I guess one more hour can’t hurt” Yamato said to himself as he began reviewing this new proposal.

In the end Yamato fell asleep on his computer at round 3:30 AM.


A new dawn breaks at Lancia, the capital city of Aleria. As the sun rose, people can be seen walking around the streets busily. They were the servants of nobility and common folk going about their Morning routines. The nobles however were still asleep at this hour and some of them even slept until noon.

However the streets were alive for another reason, the people of Lancia were busy preparing for the arrival of the Outsider’s Ambassador. The king wanted to display the city’s full glory and splendour these guests and therefore ordered the entire capital to be glamorously decorated, a sentiment the people of Lancia shared.

The King woke up a bit earlier than usual today. His servants them helped him to freshen up and was lead down to the dining hall in order to have breakfast. After finishing his breakfast he then gestured for a knight to come close

“Is there any word from my children?” The King asked

“We received a carrier pigeon from them just a few moments ago actually. The 1st prince is almost done with his journey from the Naztec empire border and said that he will arrive by nightfall. The 2nd princess said that she would be arriving by afternoon.” The knight replied.

“I see, well that’s good news. It seems they will arrive just in time for the banquet.” The king said with a smile

Suddenly the Prime Minster came bursting into the Dining hall. Panic can be seen on his face.

“Your majesty, I have some very troubling news”

“What is it?” The King knew it had to be something big since he came to the castle first thing in the morning.

“Your Majesty, it’s the Outsiders. T-they. They have defeated three Manticores that attacked Larien village”

The King and everyone in the dining hall stared at him in shock.

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