《Ambassadors to another world》Chapter 5: A different point of view


It was noon and the sun was high up in the sky, yet people can be seen moving about restlessly. This is Larien village, a frontier settlement built on the edge of human civilization. The people who lived here were once a nomadic people who decided to settle down a few generations back. While mostly isolated, merchants and adventurers visit the village from time to time. Merchants come to do their business while adventurers treat the village as a pit stop on their way to do their quests. Because of its near isolation, it was almost wiped out two years ago by a horde of demonic monsters. Thankfully men with strange looking armor and powerful weapons arrived at the last moment and rescued the people from certain doom.

The strange men spoke an unfamiliar language so communication was very difficult at the start. A fight nearly broke out when adventurers arrived at the village in response to the demonic attack. Because of the language barrier, they were forced to communicate through hand gestures and a strange device that could show vivid images.

It was then revealed that the saviors of the village did not come from any known kingdom, but actually came from another world hence they were dubbed as the outsiders. Their base was located at the endless grasslands, an unoccupied land that stretched for miles. These people then began studying the local language and at the same time taught the villagers theirs. This was the first step in forging a relationship between the locals and the foreign men.

Of course the villagers couldn’t keep this news to themselves and soon the nearest human kingdom, the Kingdom of Aleria, sent forth emissaries to negotiate and investigate the foreigners. Countless meetings were then set in motion in order to establish a diplomatic relationship between the kingdom and the world which these people came from. From there news of this visitation spread like wild fire to the known world


The once humble village was transformed into a bustling commercial area for merchants both human and non-human. Elves and Dwarves started to become a common presence in the village eager to acquire the products from a foreign world with the very comfortable cotton clothes being the most popular item.

A girl in her late teens can be seen running hurriedly towards a structure the outsiders built. This place called supermarket and it housed the products from the other world. The outsiders after learning their language decided to employ them as manpower to help them manage the ever growing commercial endeavour. And the girl was late for work. Very, very late.

“Oh no, I over slept again!” The girl screamed inwardly beating herself up over this blunder. This has wasn’t the first time she was late, but this the first time she would be coming to work at noon. She could see already feel that she would be scolded mercilessly by her superior, Lady Tulia. “I really hate when she scolds me, she turns into a frightening demon lord when angry” the girl lamented to herself as she kept running as fast as she could. When she arrived a very angry woman was waiting for her.


“I’m so sorry Lady Tulia!” she said in an apologetic voice. Lilly knew that the situation would get even worse for her if she started making excuses. She just stood there and took on the wrath that was being directed at her. As she expected she was scolded harshly, but what she didn’t expect was her salary for the day being cut in half. She let out a defeated groan and took her place at one of the counters. She currently works as a clerk for the supermarket.


When the demons attacked two years ago her parents were one of the unfortunate casualties and she would have been dead too if the outsiders didn’t arrive. She could still picture it in her head, this bittersweet memory that changed her life. The memory of her parents getting brutally murdered in front of her by the demons gives her nothing but sadness and grief. Yet every time she remembers the arrival of the outsiders, their shining armor and power weapons slaying the frightful beasts effortlessly, she would always be in a sense of awe. Even the adventurers, as powerful as they were, would not be able to defend against a demonic horde that large.

After her parents were killed she was then taken in by the outsiders and given education. According to them they didn’t want to leave those who were orphaned to the streets and fend for themselves, and this education would make them qualified to work under them and be given a stable salary. While she was happy with her current life, she still missed her parents dearly.

“Hey, why did you come in at noon? What happened?” a co-worker of hers asked

“Well, remember that drink the outsiders brought in as a new product? Beer was it?”


“I drank 5 cans of it last night”

Her co-worker just signed dumbfounded by what she heard.


The capital of Aleria, Lancia, was a magnificent city radiating an aura of wealth and prestige. Stone roads and large houses can be seen everywhere in this city showing its wealth and power. It is also home to the main Adventurer’s hub for Aleria and the premier magic institute of the kingdom, Dawnward. But even those pale in comparison to the majestic castle that stood in the middle of the city. Its brilliant white walls and curving structure give it an unmatched grace. Lancia's inhabitants never tire of seeing such a sight. With such an eye catching castle the power and majesty of the royal family was fully displayed.

An elderly man was enjoying his time in the castle gardens when a knight barged in on him carrying important news.

“Your majesty, King Julius, pardon me intruding on your tie of leisure” The knight said.

“It’s fine young one, now why have you come here?”

“I bring news from the outsiders” said the knight

“What did the outsiders have to say?” The king asked

“Their ambassador has finally arrived at this world and they are asking for an audience with you your majesty.”

The king then made an un readable expression.

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