《Ambassadors to another world》Prologue: First contact


The year was 2144.

At this time Humanity has achieved many wonders. The year 2035 saw the reveal of the first ever fusion reactor which became the catalyst for many future breakthroughs, one of which was a breakthrough in space exploration, but this event came with a most fortunate accident. Humanity’s desire to explore was re-ignited and with it came a unity among nations to expand beyond our home planet. The first moon mining colonies were established in 2090, and the first Mars settlements appeared in 2130.

But this isn’t a story about space exploration; this is a story of something even more bizarre.

In 2144 CERN experimented on wormholes. They wanted to see if the wormhole can solve one of the most glaring problems in space exploration; the huge and insurmountable distance between stars. Even with the almost unlimited energy fusion reactors gave, the amount of time to travel between planet to planet was absurd, thus colonizing the nearest star was nothing more than a pipe dream.

The experiment proved to be a success and they created a wormhole under controlled conditions, but something was odd. The wormhole was predicted to only last one minute, yet after an hour of observations it did not disappear. This shocked the scientists and their mind were filled with questions. How did it stabilize? Where is getting the energy to remain open? But the most importantly what would they find on the other side? The tear in space time was completely stable and with each second it remained the desire to explore burned up inside man once again.

At first they sent probes to see what is on the other side, yet what they found was something very perplexing. What waited on the other side was a vast grassland, what waited for them on the other side was a new world! News of the findings quickly spread and the decision to explore the new world was immediately issued with people eager to hop into this new frontier.


But before they sent humans there, they first had to make sure it was even safe. It was found that the atmosphere was very similar to earth only having a 2% higher concentration of Oxygen. Gravity was 0.5% stronger on this new world suggesting that this world was larger than earth. With these findings the first few humans finally set foot on this world. Everything was going well until the first contact.

Approximately 48 hours after an FOB was established at the entry point, a recon team that was heading north spotted what seemed to be smoke from far away. This gave a faint hope of another civilization existing in this world! The team immediately sent drones to the direction of the smoke, and what they found was horrifying.

They found a small medieval looking village that was under attack, but what was most surprising is what lived in the village. They found what appeared to be humans under attack by what could only be described as monsters. Upon seeing this commander of the recon team, captain Christopher Clarks, ignored the chain of command issued an order. Rescue the village and repel the monsters.

The recon team that consisted of 25 people equipped with state of the art equipment rode into battle despite the risks. They pointed their weapons at the monsters that some would describe to be demons. Yet these “demons” despite their frightening appearance and intimidating stature were still flesh and blood and thus fell easily to humanity’s weapons. Weapons that were created to destroy one another were now pointed against a foe of unknown origin. And after an hour of fighting, the monsters were driven off.

This is the summary of humanity’s first taste of that world, and with this first contact, the destiny of our world and theirs were intertwined.

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