《The King Of Sloth》Chapter 12


Waking up in another unfamiliar location, I can feel a headache coming on already. My surroundings consist of a stone room and and an uncomfortable looking bed. Oh, actually make that two beds. There's some woman in the corner looking at me creepily.

The woman is wearing rags, has horns and looks so fucking muscular that she would put even the best body builders back on earth to shame. How can I tell she's a woman? Oh that's easy, her chest is as gigantic as her body is.

I'm positive that she's a demon, a powerful one too. However why am I in a room with someone who looks like they want to eat me? She's actually starting to scare me a little and that tells me a lot. I was never scared easily in my last life, I thing that the feeling has been dulled since I was born. Not that I mind it, it's actually pretty useful.

Most importantly my pillow is still here. It's still comfortable and I have to try my hardest to not fall asleep again.

I am currently floating a few meters in the air, just below the roof. Did I instinctively float away from that woman? Seems like it huh? Well it's nice to know that my instincts are good.

But why am I here? It seems to be some sort of prison and from what I can tell I'm a prisoner. But why? What did I do?

Realisation flashed through me.

My Gravity Shield is on. I probably turned it on for some reason when I fell asleep, I probably hurt someone or destroyed some merchandise. Might not be the case but I seems like I'm gonna be here for a bit.

Well fuck.

April POV (The Creepy Demon)

This guy....

He's dangerous, I can tell. I don't know why but my danger sensors are going through the roof, even though he looks so harmless.


Well he has to be a complete monster for him to scare me, I know I'm no where near the strongest in the world but I am the 5th strongest on this continent. Are continents only around midrange in terms of actual strength.

How is he floating anyway? I can sense magic power being used, but that is definitely not wind magic. You can feel it when the air is being used for a spell, I mean it's air so of course you would feel it if it was being pulled away from you.

There's even some sort of Shield around him, it's fully round and completely invisible. I already tried touch it, but I was shot halfway across the cell. He even put it up while he was sleeping, its like as soon as he was alone it just automatically appeared.

His eyes are pretty scary too. He hasn't opened them yet but the cold and dark feeling can already been seen. How can the shadows underneath his eyes be so dark, when he's sleeping? It's weird.

I haven't felt this way in a while.

I can't keep the grin off of my face, so I just leave it there.

I so want to fight him!

Will POV

I haven't been this creeped out in a while, this is the fist time I actually wanted to break the silence.

Just so I could get that creepy grin off her face.

"What do you want?" I ask hoping that she's not what I think she is....

If she really is then this is going to be a pain in the ass.

"Fight me!" I fucking knew it. A mother fucking battle junkie.

"Fuck off." Is all that I can think to say.

"Come on! Please!" Why is she so load? It's hurting my head.


"Shut up." For the first time since I came here I commanded someone. I've commanded people before when they annoyed me. It always worked then so it should work now too, right?

Kings Aura: Levelled Up!

Ohh, nice. She flinched a bit, that's good but it's no enough. I attempt to increase the pressure against her.

Kings Aura: Levelled Up!

Kings Aura: Levelled Up!

Kings Aura: Levelled Up!

I have a theory about levelling up my skills. The more powerful the enemy the faster they level up. I mean this woman is obviously strong, and kings aura is levelling like crazy. It was the same with Gravity Shield too, when I fought those slavers it levelled up faster than when I just left it on all the time. Well it's fast either way.

Ah shit, she passed out huh?

Gained Skill: Killing Intent

Killing Intent: Aims your will to kill at the enemy. has no level.

Cost: None

Effects: The more you hate the person the more the person fears you.

Now that is gonna be useful. I can already tell.

April POV

What is this feeling!?

It's pressing down on me like all the weight of the world is on my shoulders, I can't breathe and my vision is beginning to darken.

Before I pass out I manage to get a glimpse at his face.

He looks so calm and relaxed. Like he's just about to fall asleep, even though he just woke up.

Am I just a bug to him? Am I just that weak!? For Fucks Sake! I just wanted to fight, isn't this a bit much!

Then my world turns black.

Random Guards POV

I am currently on my daily rounds through the dungeon. Most of the prisoners are just wallowing in despair, due to debs previous crimes.

This is my masters personal dungeon under are keep where anyone who would dare insult master is kept until a fair trial is done.

The new arrival though was really weird. He was floating In the air on a pillow. He was even asleep.

Apparently he was in masters way when he went to the tailor for his new robes. Poor guy.

Master never gives mercy, the guys life will probably be ruined.

All of a sudden a feeling of pressure presses down on me, taking away my ability to breathe. It feels like it's crushing my very being.

My world fades into darkness,

Will POV

I hate Battle junkies.

Name: William

Race: Beast-man Sloth Type

Class: NONE

Titles: King Of Sloth, Genius, Reincarnated, King, One Of A Kind


Strength: 15

Vitality: 100

Dexterity: 0.1

Agility: 0.1

Intelligence: 500

Mana: 5000


Affinity: Gravity


Gravity Pull: MAX

Gravity Push: MAX

Lighten Gravity: MAX

Gravity Punch: MAX

Pressure: level 7

Gravity Shield: level 7

Float: level 4


Kings Aura: level 5 (+4)

Accelerated Thinking: MAX

Indestructible Sleeper: MAX

Gravity Manipulation: Level 9

Sprint: Level 1

Killing Intent: MAX

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