《The King Of Sloth》Chapter 11


It took me a while but I found the exit. The exit was a hole in the roof, there is a ladder but why isn't the hole covered? They can't have been that careless right? Hmm maybe some got away, that could be troublesome.

Well whatever, I'll deal with that when it happens.

Looking at the hole I had one of my most brilliant ideas since I came to this world.

Why didn't I do this before? This will make everything so much easier! I will never have to walk again!

So I try it, I manipulate the gravity around myself and have it lift me up. It's a bit like what you see on television, when someone is in space without gravity. It feels amazing, I'm gonna do this at all times. I can't go back to walking anymore.

Spell Created: Float

Float: Allows the target to float up to a metre above ground

Cost: 100 mana per minute

How high you can float increases as the level does

Yes! It's perfect! From what I can remember, my mana regeneration should be a least ten per second. That means that I can float whenever I want! Best spell ever.

Well first I've gotta get out of this hole. I've made some noise so the authorities should be here soon and I'm not gonna voluntarily get involved with them.

Grabbing the ladder I drag myself up, it doesn't take long but I really hate using my arms. Well I hate using my legs too but that's a daily necessity, well it was one.

Once I'm out of the hole I look around, there doesn't seem to be any signs of civilisation close by. It's really dirty here and it smells like shit. I'm probably in some kind of poor area where people who don't have any money live. I guess every world has them huh?


Well I need the authorities so I should make some noise shouldn't I?

I then went around smashing the ground In about twenty different places. It cause a few small shakes from the ground too. Then I bolted, there's no way that nobody noticed that so they'll be fine.

This really is the poor part of the city huh? It's so big too, might take a while too find the way out of here.

Four Hours Later

Finally! I'm so glad I don't have to walk anymore or that would have felt way too tedious. Well the area I'm in now isn't much better really, there's way too many people. This is the shopping part of the city isn't it? What do they call it? Market, I think.

Well anyway, I've got a shit ton of cash from those slavers so I should buy my stuff now. I have about 37 gold and 24 silver, I left the copper behind since there was too much inside of the bag. The money systems in this world are pretty basic.

One copper can buy you a common lunch from anywhere. Ten copper equals one silver, which can be used for the more expensive things. These are used by everyone, well everyone except for the poor people.

Gold however is normally only used by nobles and by the way there's a ton of them. There everywhere in this cities centre apparently. To get a gold coin you require ten silver.

Now that I think about it, weren't those slavers really rich?

Well not like I care, so now is finally time to get my pillow!

Looking around the shops I find things like swords, armour, books and jewels but no pillows. Where do you even find pillows anyway? I should just ask someone. With that in mind I float over to a random woman who seemed t just be window shopping.


"Excuse me?" I say as politely as I can, which from her reaction is probably not polite at all.

"Y-yes?" She asks me in a terrified voice.

I can't be that intimidating right? I mean I'm just a really tall, skinny guy that's floating down the street aren't I? Well whatever, at least she's talking.

"Where's the nearest pillow store?"

She looks at me blankly for a moment. There is nothing wrong with asking where to find pillows.

"Y-you c-can f-find t-the t-tailor j-just a-around t-the c-corner." She says while pointing, following her hand I see where I need to go.

With no more need for talk I leave in that direction, now that I think about it isn't everyone looking at me? There stares are annoying so I should get this over and done with.

Turning the corner is see a shop that deals with what I need. I believe that woman called it a tailor. It seems to be a shop that makes anything to do with a needle.

Floating inside I see the room is quite big and filled with materials, there is a counter in the centre with an old lady tending to it. I float in front of it and wait for her to notice me. Five minutes later and she still hasn't noticed me. She seems to be knitting so I tapped the desk and finally noticed me.

"Ah! What can I do for you?" She asks after her brief surprise. It's good that she's not scared, that'd be inconvenient.

"Pillow" I say hoping that I get my point across.

"What kind would you like?" She asks in a mildly surprised tone.

"The fluffiest pillow you have, preferably around human sized." I said more than I would have preferred, but she needs to know.

She seems genuinely shocked at my words, dunno why. I mean I'm just buying a pillow right? No need for all the fuss.

"O-okay then I will go check to see what we have in stock, please wait a moment." She stood up and waddled away.

A minute later she came back with something that surpassed even the pillows of my world it was practically radiating fluffiness. It also had some markings on it, I wonder what they are?

"This is the closest we have to that description, it is made out of a divine sheep's wool and skin. There are also two Enchantments, they are Self-Cleaning and Self-Repairing. It costs 25 gold coins." She says.

I reach into my bag take, out the money, put it on the desk and take the pillow before anyone can tell me otherwise. The moment I am in contact with it I practically melt. It feels like I could simply fall asleep right now, while I'm floating on a pillow midair.

So that's what I did.

Name: William

Race: Beast-man Sloth Type

Class: NONE

Titles: King Of Sloth, Genius, Reincarnated, King, One Of A Kind


Strength: 15

Vitality: 100

Dexterity: 0.1

Agility: 0.1

Intelligence: 500 (+50)

Mana: 5000 (+500)


Affinity: Gravity


Gravity Pull: MAX

Gravity Push: MAX

Lighten Gravity: MAX

Gravity Punch: MAX

Pressure: level 7

Gravity Shield: level 7

Float: level 4


Kings Aura: level 1

Accelerated Thinking: MAX

Indestructible Sleeper: MAX

Gravity Manipulation: Level 9

Sprint: Level 1

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