《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 38 another dangerous mining



as you might have read from my previous thread. the name of he game Lily was in was changed.

please give comments about it. does it improve the story or not?

RoyalRoad turned to Eiden online

Haven into Saint Kingdom

Kallamore into knightsword

Rosenhem into Rosen Kingdom


It is still not acquired. I wonder where it went wrong. It has already been 4 hours and there are no clues the multicast skill will be obtained. It still can’t cast 2 spells. Besides, this multicast skill is breaking the law. If you cast a fireball, for example, there will be cool down of 3 or 5 seconds which made you unable to cast the same spell again. But multicast from what it see from Stella clearly abandon this rules as she was casting bunch of the same spells at the same time. Now it am at lost, for fire snow skills, it tried for 2 hours by casting fireball and other skill simultaneously. But it has no effect. If we can acquire skills that easily, mages will have no need to buy any spell books for learning. There must be something wrong. it had predicted that we should fuse the mana, but it is kind of difficult to fuse different kind of elemental mana to each other, the last time I tried it exploded and my HP was depleted by over 40%. It was a dangerous experiment.

“Riri. Time is almost up.” Stella and El waved at me. It looked like it have to stop thinking about this and went doing some quest to the village. Does this village need something? I mean, there are already guards here.

“Ohh, Miss Riri. Sorry for disturbing your precious time learning.” Rebecca said while bowing her head. As it was kind of like a savior of this village, my intimacy was literally at maximum with all the villager. Almost none of the villager speak to me without respect. It is kind of disturbing experiencing it. But if it think about it, in this world, it is normal to respect someone like that.

‘No, it is fine. I am not disturbed at all. Please, since you are kind enough of letting me staying in this village, please let me do you a favor or two?’ I said while returning the polite speech. Honestly, it is quite a pain to speak like this, but it can’t really speak like usual when the other side speak so politely can it? I will be remarked as arrogant

“It is just the usual wolf hunting and mining. If Miss Riri would be kind enough to accompany our soldiers in training, we will be very grateful.”

“Okay. Where are the soldiers?”

“We are the soldiers miss.” 10 teenagers and 2 adults from the village came forward with iron lance and swords. With the exception of the adults, the others really looked like greenhorns that can barely even wield a sword. I assume they barely reached level 15 in strength

“Umm, okay. Let’s go.” I said looking uncomfortable

a quest has been accepted

escorting new trainee

You have been entrusted to guard the village new trainee to explore a new mine by the village elder Rebecca

Quest difficulty: D+

Quest requirements: High intimacy with village elder and level above 100

Quest failure: all trainee died

Quest reward : 10000 exp and 5 gold for every trainee survived and additional gold for every level the trainee got

The reward was so-so. Well, I have 2 pets forcing me to help the village once a while so even if there are no rewards, it still have to do it.


“Sorry if the rewards are inadequate.” Rebecca said while looking ashamed.

“No, it is fine, you don’t even have to pay me.”

“No, we will be ashamed even in our graves if we accept something like that. Please at least accept this small token of gratitude when your quest finished” Rebecca said


The ways into the mine were uneventful. It was the same wolves of level 20 attacking the trainee. I don’t even have to do anything the trainee handle all the killing. Casting phoenix regen or healing area solves everything. Why the level requirement must be above 10 for guarding trainee against level 20 monsters? Judging from the mines we previously explored, only the hidden area and boss monsters were extraordinary. But we came to mine, not exploring. The mob was usually lvl 0 or 40 at max. 10 lvl 15 trainee was surely able to surround and kill monsters like that

“So, this is the mines. Why aren’t we going to the previous one?” it asked

“The previous ones only had iron and coal ores, this one had quartz and occasionally some crystals.”

“Do we need them?”

“We can do jewelries and accessories if we have them. So it was worth it. We can even export them raw to Trisia for sale.”

“I see. “ i said while nodding. Certainly now that the village was developing, they need a lot of cash and this mining would prove to be a way out of their financial crisis. But exploring a brand new dungeon with trainees is a little bit hard to stomach. I guess that’s why they hired me and my pets as an escort huh?

“Well, we are here.” Said Jonas as we arrived at the entrance of the mines. It really was similar to the previous caves.

“Let’s go in everyone.” Jonas, one of the two adults cheered the trainee group. I guess he was their coach so he forced to tag along. The other adult coach seemed as bored as me I guess this one was coerced to tag along by either Rebecca or Dorus. People really have different taste huh? The one likes to tag along, the other is the opposite

You have entered the acolyte mine 2


The sound of some slithery monster came into view. It was a python snake. And a huge one at that. Is it a python? Or is it anaconda? It was seriously huge its head was as big as someone’s chest and its length, around 15 meters i think. Is this a movie?

“Whoaa. Watch out everyone. For a circle!” one of the more formidable trainee shout trying to rally his allies. I am quite impressed now, unlike fighting wolves and rabbit, the group showed some enthusiasm and the fruit of their training now. They still looked like greenhorns here and there well, at least they remember some theory the village guard taught them.

the group was circling the snake, the snake fight back by whipping its tail but the trainee manage to repel it. Huh? Is the damage from the python a little bit too high? Just a graze from the tail manage to reduce the trainee HP by 10%. Is it Lvl 50? It is higher than the previous mine.

“Phoenix regen.” I said while casting some buff to the trainee that got lightly injured. I started to draw my sword. The trainees that fight the snake is a greenhorn. If they got a critical hit from the snake, the damage might be fatal for them. I need to take precaution.


“Take turns to attack, play defensive. Dan, pull the snake hatred to you. Switch!” The leader said with enthusiasm. The coaches play the tanker, since the adult’s level was higher, it was a wise choice. But, even though the hatred was pulled, some random movements from the snake still managed to hurt the recruit. They really are greenhorns. The commands are perfect but the execution is a little bit poor. Their skills aren’t that high huh.

“AHH!” the coach that was defending suddenly got caught in a perilous attack. The best movement of venomless snake is to wrap their bodies and strangle the victim.

“Fireball!” i cast fireball at the snake’s face. It was a direct hit. The snake that was hit in the face glared me with his murderous eyes.

“That’s scary.” i muttered

And thus, the battle between me and the snake began. Every time the snake tried to bite me, i jumped to his heat and tried to slash away with my sword. Its tail whip also rendered useless as i can see where the attack was going to land into. Little by little the snake’s hitpoint decreased and went into red zone.

“Miss Riri, let us take care of the rest.” The cheerful coach said with vigor. The gloomy one that was wrapped earlier has already finished his health potions and went into attacking stance with his shield and spear

“Ahh, yes. if you say so.” I said while pulling back. The trainee finished the rest of the battle slowly. Even if the enemy was in the red zone, that doesn’t make them harmless. In fact its attack will go more ruthless the lower their HP is.

“Healing area.” I cast another healing technique. Even without my cleric set equipment, my healing was still a little bit high if it is against lvl 15 trainee.

“Thanks miss Riri. You saved us on that one.” The coach thank me

“And you even let us deal the killing blow. Unlike other adventurer you are generous Miss Riri.” Another Trainee praised me. Somehow this praises made me feel better

This dungeon was different. Just after reaching the entrance, the monster here is about lvl 80. It was clearly different than the other one which is at forties. This dungeon is different.

“Umm, should we get out from here? I think the difficulty of this cave a little bit too hard for trainees.” I said

“Hmm, as long as Miss riri step in, then there is no problem right? The trainee got 3 levels at once even if it was just one monster” the coach refused my suggestions.

“A little danger is a given for soldiers!” the other one replied.


“But, it might be a better if Miss Riri were to lead the way from now on.” Said the coach “if we were to be ambushed, we might got into some trouble.”

“Umm, well, okay.” I nodded reluctantly.

The situation quickly turned dire. In the next encounter, 5 snakes come up together. Luckily i was in the front and has all the aggro. Stella and El jumped in to help me. The coach and the trainee went on waiting at the corner of the battlefield until there were only 2 snakes left with less than 20% of their HP. And even with that, some trainee’s HP went into red zone. Even after all of my help, The battle was quite difficult for them.

“Hey. The monsters here was hard. Are you trying to use us to powerlevel the trainee?” Stella glared at the coach. “I need to tell you something, it is not like we hate you for stealing exp from monster we were about to kill. But the problem from powerlevel is that the skill will remain low. The recruit will turn up to be a low quality soldier at this rate.”

“Umm, honestly, we didn’t have any clue about this mine. We thought since was near the previous one so we assume that this one was about the same level as that one. We didn’t knew this dungeon has so much difficulty.” the coach replied

“Then should we got back then?” El answered

“Then, the quartz? “The coach asked

“If you want the quartz, then you should bring more experienced soldiers with us. This dungeon is too difficult. Just look at yourself, you can’t even deal with the monster here whose HP is already in the redzone.” Stella said.

“We are extremely sorry. We just thought since we will just mine, we could somehow manage. But i am afraid, we can’t go back empty handed either. How about we just stayed clear of any battles until we can get some quartz to our hands.”

At that response, Stella and El stared at me. I just nodded and continue traveling. Just as we were about to reach deeper into this cave, there were over 10 snakes waiting to ambush us. With haste, i cast all of my magic to lure their aggro at me. El quickly went back to back me with some support magic while Stella is always with me to deal some damage. The snakes were immune to poison but not acid. As Stella got bitten, the snakes took damage and quickly release its grip. They can’t wrap her either. I jump like monkeys here and there to dodge their attacks.

“Enigma of the lightning god, zeus bolt shower.” El trump card went into play. As she hid somewhere in the rock at the back, she cast her most dreadful skill. Now i just need to round them and wait until the counter reach 0.

5 minutes later the bolt successfully annihilate the snakes, and i went off picking the remains of the snakes that manage to slip past the bolt. The trainee were diliggently picking any loot that the snake dropped. Stella scolded them but they answered that they will buy them or gave them back to Riri once she finished exploring. I guess they don’t want to be a dead weigh and helped as much as they could even to the point of becoming extra bag

“this is the site right?” Stella asked after another 2 hours of exploring and encountered another 3 group of enemies

“Yes Miss.”

“Okay. Start digging. Don’t leave the site unless you are running away.”

“You seemed in a bad mood Miss.” One of the trainee asked

“Okay, i will bluntly say it. i don’t like how the trainee are forcing themselves to train against an enemy like this. This dungeon is hard even for us. We just barely manage to the second floor, but i can tell you, not even us can be sure to clear this one. Please don’t look at us like some omnipotent god or it might cost your live. Okay? Other adventurer might be happy since they will got a good reward. But not us.”

“Stella, that’s a little bit.....”

“They need to know this Riri.”

“Umm, well, okay.”i am at loss for word. What stella said might be true. But her way of rejecting was kinda harsh. Or is it me that is to soft?

While the trainee mine for ores, Stella instructed me for ways to do multicast and firesnow spell. The secret lies in multitask, for multicast, you need to have your spell in intermediate level, after that, you need to use multitask to duplicate the spell in your head. After that, those two spell will be cast with each have their own momentum. Stella said that this one is the hardest to master so she even praised me for reaching this far. For firesnow, the name might be confusing since the skillbook was explaining about snow behavior. But it was essentially a pure fire AOE spell. the spell use fire to mimic snow and inflict mediocre damage plus burns.

“Ahh, i see. So that was the secret. “

“Sorry. The book should explain more, but compressing 12 skills into 1 book isn’t easy.”

“i mostly got it if it is firesnow, but i will have to do a little more experiment if it is about multicast skill.”

“Confused about cool down? If you hold the spell before casting and divide the mana at that time, you might be able to do it. it took a little practice though “

“so, how long should we wait here?”

“Hmm, may be 3 to 4 hours. Let’s practice until they finished. “

“Okay. “

you have learn firesnow spell

you have learn multicast

“Okay. I already learn all of them” i said 6 hours later to Stella. Multicast was a little hard but essentially it was similar to creating matrices in our mind. In this world matrices doesn’t exist so it was understandable for Stella to explain it in a roundabout way. Now let’s see what i have learn in a more detailed way

I opened my skill window and checked the spell and skills i have learnt

Light bolt beginner lvl 1

Creates a bolt of light with magic and aimed at enemy

Has chance to cause blind

effective on enemy with darkness attribute

Dark bolt beginner lvl 1

Creates a bolt of darkness with magic and amed at enemy

Has chance to cause blind

effective on enemy with light attribute

Sand bolt beginner lvl 1

Creats a bolt made out of sand and aimed at enemy

Has chance to cause blind

Effective on enemy with lightning attribute

Water ball beginner lvl 1

Creates ball of water and shot at enemy

Small damage on enemy

Highly effective against enemy of fire attribute

Wind ball beginner lvl 1

Creates a ball made of wind and shot at enemy

Dealt a medium physical damage

Dealt a small elemental damage of wind

Effective on enemy with earth attribute

Chance to stun a target

Mana bolt beginner level 1

A standard bolt used by mage

Used primarily to attract monster from afar

Has small damage

Lightning bolt beginner lvl 1

A bolt made out of lightning

Very effective on enemy with ice or water attribute

Small damage on enemy with earth attribute

Chance to cause paralyze on target

Firesnow beginner lvl 1

And Area of Effect (AOE) spell made with fire shaped like snow.

Dealt a small amount of fire damage to enemy in an area.

Radius AOE : 50 m

Effective on enemy with wind attribute

Chance to cause burn on target(

multicast beginner lvl 1

A skill which enabled mages to cast multiple of the same spells at once

Currently enable to cast 2 spell at once

This is all the skills that i acquired. Firesnow’s damage is even lower than fireball with mana cost is more than 3 times as huge. But radius of 50 meter isn’t small either. It is effective on a crowd of monster. I can’t test this on a cave. The field on village would have to do. i also leveled up 3 times. this monsters gave good exp.

Water is treated almost the same with ice. i wonder why the system differentiate them. In normal RPG usually water and ice were combined. And water magic in Eiden were rare and an offensive at that. I watch the forum and water magic is usually in a form of healing and barrier. This is my first time seeing offensive water magic. Well, boss is an exception though, some mage boss were able to summon tsunami.

“miss riri, we are done.” The trainee reported

“ok. Let’s head back” i answered. Since we were only at second floor, there were no boss monsters. But if i went deeper i might found them. But i can’t possibly defeat it alone. Let’s invite Hasega and co for this dungeon later.

chapter 37

chapter 39


author note

- does anyone agitated that Riri didn't clear the dungeon? no boss monster? no rare loot?

- does anyone miss Riri status window, skill, and items? please comment if you miss it. i will not code the window though. you knew the hell of coding such a thing. my college is starting

- enjoy reading and critic, and comment and suggestions are welcomed

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