《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 37 training


The cozy wind blew under the shade of a tree. A little girl sat on it while looking at a book with enthusiasm. It was like a picturesque scene of an intelligent maiden. Such is the situation Riri was currently in. Such a natural scene made villagers that pass by from the village to the field always stop for a while to steal a glance.

“whoa. Riri looked extremely beautiful just now.” El made a surprised point

“I can see that. That pose was very natural.”

The two pets looked at the lone brown haired girl from a far. These two was receiving quest under the name of their master to assist in clearing a mine. Although the villages have build an appropriate weapon an its guard was steadily increasing in level, just to avoid any casualties, Rebecca and Paul asked Riri to accompany them. But Stella cut them off and they volunteered themselves instead. And such was the situation before this happened.

“Riri. We have done the quest.” Stella and El finally made a contact


“Does she act like this before?” El made a comment

“I have never seen her read before.” Stella madee a comment

“I thought so at first. That comment wasn’t a joke huh? She really like reading.” El answered “Why didn’t she worked at the library? And she chose to be a performer of all things.”

“Huh?” glanced to my side as a shadow was covering the book that i was reading. It was a little bit disturbing. “Ahh, Stella and El. So, how was the quest.”

“it went fine.”

“You just realized that we was here just now?” El said.


“well, it is fine so how much did you learn?”

“Here. I managed the basic elemental spellbook.”i said to them. “I have learned third quarter of them. Give me more time. This book might be done tomorrow”

you have learned water ball spell

you have learned lightning bolt spell

you have learned sand bolt spell

you have learned wind ball spell

you have learned light bolt spell

you have learned dark bolt spell

you have learned mana bolt spell

“I see. That’s.... great.” Stella made a stiff smile. That’s weird. She looked disappointed. El as well.

“Riri. It has only been 2 days and you almost finished that book?” El said


“That’s fast.”

“Studying from book is my specialty.” I said with a proud smile. I am not exactly a genius but once i see a book, i tend to read it wholeheartedly and i ended up learning from it. It is fun to read book. No matter what kind it is. From novel to instructions about some mechanics and software. I can’t practice mechanics as i do not like dirty things and i am a little bit clumsy softwares are expensive and i don't have any use for them except making powerpoint, tables, and report pages and i already learnt most of them except programming software. But here in Eiden, there is something we called a magic. It was easy to learn it since it was only memorizing spell and working some formula into it. It is easier than junior high algebra.

“I see.” Stella was clearly disappointed just now

“Okay. There i nothing we can do for now. But asks us for opinions once in a while okay. If you stumbled into something difficult.” El forced a smile while waving.

“Okay.” I turned back into my book and read



“It went silent again.” Stella said

“Doesn’t she knew we are bored here?”

And as my pets were making random noises, i focused into my books if we are talking about reading, i already finished it 4 hours since i held the book.but learning and plain reading is different thanks to the skill bookworm, i can read faster, i just need to comprehend what’s inside this book. So in here just like the spell i learnt before. We just need to change the property. Stella already taught about mana. Thanks to that i can made some adjustment to my fireball spells earlier. But i stumbled on this multicast skill. The other skill was also hard but it is manageable since i can already feel mana. I just need to change its elemental property. But the rest of this book. There are 2 skills left but what is with this vague description? Multicast? Firesnow?

It is literally impossible to mix opposite element into each other.wait a second, it is quite possible to mix earth and win to become a sandstorm so why can’t i mix fire and ice? But it is not known that earth and wind is an opposite element, how about lightning and earth? But we can mix dark and light into grey like color. Light and dark can mix but fire and earth can’t? Hmm, if we are talking about RGB colour (red, green, blue) then every kind of colour can be mixed resulting into different colour.

But we are talking about elemental here. Not just light, wait, why did i go this far? This is supposed to be basic. The skill on this one was a little bit harder than the rest since the rest are pure elemental and this one is mixed. There are intermediate elemental spell book after this one. Let’s look at it later if i can’t still figure this one. And so, there is still one other skill called multicast. I have seen Stella use this when fighting spiders. But seeing and doing was different. It is like looking into the left and the right at the same thing. I can’t use shadow clone like that anime movies so, why can Stella use it. And moreso, it is up to at least 20! The beginner is supposed to cast 2 spells at once. i have multitasking skills, so thinking the formula for 2 different spells was not hard. But, i only have one mouth.

Wait, multicast that Stella was using is one spell only. I already tried repeating what She did last time but to no avail. Just b saying multicast fireball isn’t doing anything. The circumstances might be different if i have a skill book. But this one is a normal book. A skill that are learn through skillbook and normal way s different, in Eiden Manual book, a skill book imbued with magic will impart the knowledge directly into your body. While the other way is to learn it manually. So, i have to analyzed the way she used her spell and the logic behind it. Even if i figured the logic, it will need sometime to apply it to practice before generating a skill

you took 50 damage

you have caught a cold.

Moving speed decreased by 50%

Ice resistance decreased by 20%

“Eh?” i muttered as a force pushed me and threw me. The damage wasn’t high but it was still quit painful. As i browse the system message icon that i have been hidden, various message that indicated that i have a cold was seen.


“Who is it?” i shouted. I didn’t equip any armour and weapons. So i am at disadvantage here. At worse case scenario i might have to run away.

The man wearing black cape was running as he keep shooting some arrows at me. My dexterity is my top stat. I easily evaded all of them. Guessing from the damage and his skill, he is at most level 50. As he was running away i just looked at him dumbfounded. He then soon stopped at the corner of the woods. He tilted his head while looking at me. I followed suit by tilting my head. A strange silent awkwardness quickly filled the area.

“who is it? Wait criminal!! Don’t run away. Guards!!!” a guard was sounding an alarm to rally the others and chase after the criminal/ looking confused, the black hooded man continued his escape into the forest.

20 minutes later, Rebecca and Dorus apologizes to their failing at protecting the village and letting that assassin escaped. They apologized many times but my head was still on that multicast thing so i only register the summary of their conversation. I just said the casual it is okay and it is fine and walk off back to my house.

Now where was i? Ahh, right. It was at multicast, So, Stella was able to use multicast just by speaking the word but i need to figure out how she do it with one mouth. No, that’s not it. All she was saying was multicast and some other spell. So the mouth problem as over. That’s weird, even though the mouth and the double formula was solved, i can’t still cast double fireballs. There was no other conflict. Is training all that was left? This means i just need to rest up and tomorrow began another practice to test out my solution. Now, for firesnow, i put a hypothesis that it was a mix of fire and ce. But i only got a fire and water spell. Why does this skill was even in basic element book Stella keep anyway? She told me that it was all that i need and i should not progress further on intermediate and advanced spell casting until i learned every spell on this one.

you took 100 lightning damage

“Ouch.” I was surprised at the sudden attack. El cast a small lightning bolt at me with annoyed look on her face.

“Seriously. Riri! You have been ignoring us this entire time! My patience is at its limit! Will you please put that damn book now! Besides, how can you read while walking!”

“Ehh. But i was on the verge of understanding this book.” I moaned as i received El’s wrath. When i looked over at Stella’s face she gave a complicated look.

“But that doesn’t mean you have to abandon everything else. You have been ignoring the village request even now! And heck, you didn’t even respond when someone talked to you.”

“But that will disturb my concentration.”

“Well, let’s just limit your studying to 8 hours okay? You don’t need to rush this Riri. Let’s say, total of 7 hours?” Stella made a suggestion

“mm.... well, if you said so. It is okay.”

“You got that? You are forbidden to even think about that book outside of that time frame. I do not care if we are asleep though.”

“Umm, well, okay.” I don’t really understand why they are so agitated though.well, they might want to show me something else in between my study so i think it is fine. It is also true that i have neglected the village a little. But the village has no more need of my help. The soldiers here have already reached lvl 30 or 40 yesterday. I think they can keep themselves safe if some wild animal attacked.

“Okay. Let’s sleep.” Stella said while dragging me to bed. It is already midnight. I didn’t notice at all. I guess i have to log out for a moment. I just pass along words that i will return to my world. I logged out back into my room. My muscle is all stiff. The manual says i should not play for an extended amount of time. Is this the aftereffect?

“Now, i will do the homework my teacher gave me in 20 minutes and went to sleep. Tomorrow after school i have to go back into Eiden again after all.”

When you are sleeping, a night really felt like a second. I barely slept. My body was even more exhausted compared to before i slept. I guess i need to cut my playtime a bit. Sleeping at 2AM is wrong for various reasons. The teacher gave a lot more homework than i though. There was only 10 questions but all of them are essay questions. It took 2 pages to answer all of those.

“Hello. “ i said to Anya

“Hello Lily. You looked tired.”

“The homework increased compared to before.”

“yeah. I haven’t played Eiden at all yesterday. Nearly took 6 hours for that.”

“I see.”

“Ahh, speaking of Shella, she will had her first guild war. Any idea of joining? She was a captain you know! That was just below a commander.”

“Hmm. If i remember correctly the lowest is group leader, then a squad leader, then a battalion or a legion, then a captain, then a commander? Right?”

“How did you know? Ahh forget it you have already participated in a siege so you must knew.”

“It was on Eiden manual book.”

“Really? Not on forums?”

“The forum has several way to applicate and real example. The manual is mostly theories on chain commanding.”

“well, bookworm like you is sure to know. Talking to you is like talking to Wikipedia. “ Anya look a little bit annoyed “So, will you join?”

“Hmm, i was on the verge of learning new skills so i doubt i can make it. When is the war?”

“It will be held next week. That means 4 weeks in Eiden. Think you can get your training done?”


“Don’t get nervous. The average member of our enemies are 80. Even though you have been slacking on levelling, you should have reached over 100 right?or is it 120?”

“It was 127”

“So, hey Stella think you can fit her in?”

“well, the level limit was 50 so you can participate. And clerics are most welcome even if they are below that. “

“So you are good to go.”

“Does she have any experience?”

“She does. Remember that Trisia incident?” Anya said while smiling.

“Ahh, she was there?”


“Well you are most welcome then. Please come by all means. I can’t make you a squad leader or battalion leader like Anya and her companions. But, we can definitely use you.” Shella smiled

“Anya is a squad leader? Why?” i asked dumbfounded.

“Why? She is a captain of guards in Trisia right? She also had level of almost 200. And her skill levels, spells in addition she has experience and even good equipments. All of them were enough. It is stranger if she were put into lower level than squad leader.” Shella made a blatant answer she was right on. Why did i forgot that

“umm, you said that the average level is 80? but someone like Anya is a squad leader?”

“well. You have been in a siege but not guild wars so i will tell you. In a guild war usually there are 1 commander and 12 captain, each captain have 4 or 5 battalion, each battalion have 10 squad. And each squad has 6 group. Each group has up to 5 members. So usually there are more than 15 thousands member on one side. Well, i admit that a squad leader was a position a little bit to low for Anya skills but premium members and core guilds has already filled the seat for battalion leader. It can’t be helped. If they just take a peek at her equipments and skills. But those premium members poured some money for potions so it can’t be helped. Corruptions do happened even inside the game. But a squad leader meant that you are top 500 of over 15 thousands player. It is prestigious enough“

“I see. Sorry.” I apologized as i was recalling manual book. There are no limits like that. Only the party or group that is limited to 5 members. But there are no limits for the rank above that.

“Don’t mind it. Even i just knew about it. It is not an easy knowledge.”

“I wonder if i can make it”

“What? You are on difficult quest?”

“Umm not exactly. How should i say it. I kind of training new skills.”

“Well, just train at our guild castle. It is better than monsters. Just don’t die early at wars. Well, you are a cleric right? I doubt you will have an early death.”

“Umm, “

“Ahh, She isn’t a cleric. Well she has a healing skills though. Her class is kinda ambigious.” Anya answered

“Jack of all trade kind of class?”

“Seems like it. Not really sure. She had fireball spell and a healing spell, her speed is almost reaches thieves. But she wield swords and she can parry attacks very well. But her damage was incredibly low with her swords. But she has 2 pets right now. Her pets was extremely powerful”

“Whoa. A rare class? But rare class will pose a dificult problem in guild wars. but from your description. She is seriously jack of all trade isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Like a shaman. But her dodging ability is one thing to be proud of.”

“Dodging? She?” Shella looked at me dubious

“Umm. My skills are helping me.”

“Hmm, sword prediction, spell prediction. Some kind of skill like that huh?” it was multitask and acrobatics by the way. But let’s just nod

“yeah.and acrobatics.”

“Ahh, i forgot about that. Wait, acrobatic is in a fencing technique. Your class is even weirder the more i hear about it.”

“Well, even i was confused. Hahaha, so i was still training with my mentor.” I am not lying Stella is still tutoring me right? Shella didn’t doubt anything. It is normal for class development to upgrade in stages. For a knight example, there are advancement into royal knight or paladin when the user reached at least level 150. Shella might thought my circumstances was similar o that

“But, eventhough she was jack of trades, last time i battled her together with Hasega, dem, and victor, we could not beat her.”


“Her class isn’t really weak for some reasons. “

“You lost? When?”

“Well, a long time ago actually. 2 or 3 weeks after we first met. So i am not sure about now. We could not kill her in a duel. Well, she also had difficulty of killing us since we surround her. But nevertheless, she has good ways of keeping herself alive.”

“A tanker? With agility?”

“Yes. Weird right?”

“Umm,” i feel a suspicious eyes were cast on me. What is this feeling .and i am not a tanker in the slightest

“Well, that kind of class was weird. Well, i don’t mind as long as i can use it. Anya say that you can fight. I will believe that.”

“I don’t say that i will come though.”

“Sure, sure. Come when you have finished things with your mentor.” Shella said while smiling. “ most of our class also joined for the guild war. It is a pity if you can’t come so please come okay?”




author note'

- enjoy reading

- i don't havemany thing to comment so,this is all

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