《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 27 New Stella


Chapter 27

A blue sky filled my eyes as I opened them. I had logged back into Royal Road, 20 seconds after the counter reached 0. I am back to this world again. Now where is Stella?

“Stella?” I looked left and right. All I could see was the empty field around fairy lake. No one is here. “Yggdrasil?”

I tried to call out names and so on but no one answered. Now I am getting worried.

“Umm, Riri?” A yellow fairy came from the lake. “The ritual has finished. Stella has been revived in your body but her skills and stats were decreased as much as possible for safety reasons. Now, umm, please leave. Sorry, but a demonic presence disturbs us. We will pray for your safe journey from afar.”

When I looked closer I had a new popup window.

Stella’s soul has been bound to you. You can now summon Stella as your pet. She can be summoned with 300 mana + 30 mana/second to maintain her.

You have gained part of Stella the venomous demon wolf queen’s power. You are now immune to poison damage and all poison damage will be converted into health with a 90% reduction.

“Summon Stella.”

Then with a green light, Stella was summoned in front of me. She now has wolf ears on her head plus two wolf tails on her butt but the face and body are definitely her. She wore a one piece dress now just like El. But it was definitely her.

“Stella!” I hugged her. It has just been for about 2 or 3 weeks but it felt so long. ”I have missed you.”

“Hello Riri. It is very good to see you again. I have missed you too.” She hugged me warmly.

“Let’s leave. It is forbidden for them to let us stay here any longer.” Stella said while looking at Fairy Lake. Her face somehow seemed uncomfortable when she looked back at the lake. We then walked toward the ruins of City of Acolyte.

Status windowNameStellaclass-Health2500mana1250Racehalf demon wolf queen[Health regen/sec5mana regen/sec5Strength150dexterity150Wisdom50intelect50Stamina200vitality100fighting spirit350Magic Resistancefire0%water0%earth0%wind0%thunder0%ice0%light-15%dark75%Bonuses

A summoned being

Immune to poison

Poison damage will turn into healing damage against her

Immune to curses

Able to turn into venomous demon wolf queen

Bounded to Riri


[tr]lockedskillslocked- -

Skill list

Wolf form beginner lvl 1

Devil glare eginner lvl 1

Hunter instinct beginner lvl 1


Subskill of wolf form

Venom claw beginner lvl 1

Venom fang beginner lvl 1

Venom fur beginner lvl 1

Venom aura beginner lvl 1

Venom blood beginner lvl 1

‘What the heck? Isn’t this overkill? she has 150 strength and agility!’ I thought when I opened her stat window. Then for further reference, I clicked on each of her skills for more detailed descriptions of her skills.

Wolf form

Able to turn yourself into a venomous demon wolf queen. In this form, you will gain several buffs and the subskills of wolf form will be unlocked. You will also suffer an increase in light based damage by 30% in this form.

At beginner level you will turn into a 1,5 meter wolf with a 50% stat increase + 5% dark resistance

At intermediate level you will turn into a 3 meter wolf with a 120% stat increase + 10% dark resistance

At advance level you will turn into a 6 meter wolf with a 250% stat increase + 20% dark resistance

‘Alright, in her wolf form, she is stronger than me even at beginner level! This is overpowered!! And that Yggdrasil said he had already decreased her stats as much as he could!!’ I thought to myself.


Devil glare

Place a curse within the eyes to petrify your opponents. The strength of this skill will depend on your fighting spirit. Any enemy that looks into your eyes will have a slower movement.

At beginner level enemy movement will decrease by 20% if your fighting spirit is higher than the opponent’s + chance to inflict fear. Fear will decrease your opponent’s attack, defence and morale by 15%.

At intermediate level enemy movement will decrease by 50% if your fighting spirit is higher than the opponent’s + chance to inflict fear. Fear will decrease your opponent’s attack, defence and morale by 25%.

At advanced level enemy movement will decrease by 80% if your fighting spirit is higher than the opponent’s + chance to inflict fear. Fear will decrease your opponent’s attack, defence and morale by 35%.

‘So, as long as her fighting spirit is high, the enemy will stand still like a statue, it is not a battle, it is dinner on a silver plate. Her fighting spirit is 350! Even I only have 180. Moreover she is level 40!!’ I thought again.

Hunter instinct

An instinct to hunt. This skill will give a buff to the user when the user has killed several enemies consecutively.

At Beginner level attack will increase by 5% for a maximum of 50% each kill after the 10th kill.

A consecutive kill is killing with at most a 30 seconds window.

At intermediate level attack will increase by 5% for a maximum of 150% each kill after the 5th kill.

A consecutive kill is killing with at most a 60 seconds window.

At Advanced level attack will increase by 5% for a maximum of 500% each kill after the 3th kill.

A consecutive kill is killing with at most a 90 seconds window.

I just stared at her skill window. This is OP way to OP!! I pitied Reis for fighting her in her full battle mode. No wonder Death Manager was scared shitless when battling her. His movement was decreased and she also gained many buffs.

Venom claw (Passive)

Coats your claws with a dangerous venom. Will deal additional poison damage overtime on contact. Only usable in wolf form.

Beginner level: Deal 5 damage/second stackable until cured.

Intermediate level: Deal 10 damage/second stackable until cured.

Advanced level: Deal 20 damage/second stackable plus special poison.

Venom fang (Passive)

Coats your fangs and saliva with a dangerous venom. Will deal additional poison damage overtime on contact. Only usable in wolf form.

Beginner level: Deal 20 damage/second stackable until cured.

Intermediate level: Deal 40 damage/second stackable until cured.

Advance level: Deal 60 damage/second stackable plus special poison.

Venom fur (Passive)

Coats your fur with a dangerous venom. Will deal additional poison damage overtime on contact. Only usable in wolf form.

Beginner level: Deal 2 damage/second stackable until cured.

Intermediate level: Deal 4 damage/second stackable until cured.

Advance level deal 6 damage/second stackable plus special poison.

Venom aura (Passive)

Your body is exuding a dangerous venom. Only usable in wolf form.

Beginner level: Deal 1 damage/second + enemy stats decreased by 5%, unstackable, 5 m radius.

Intermediate level: Deal 2 damage/second + enemy stats decreased by 10%, unstackable, 7 m radius.

Advanced level: Deal 3 damage/second + enemy stats decreased by 15%, unstackable, 15 m radius.

Venom blood (Passive)

Your blood is mixed with a dangerous venom and corrosive fluids. Only usable in wolf form only and when you are injured.

Beginner level: Deal 10% of strength as acid damage.

Intermediate level: Deal 20% of strength as acid damage.

Advanced level: Deal 50% of strength as acid damage.


I just stared at the screen speechless. If El was a living powerplant, Stella was now a living bio weapon. Just touching her or getting near her will inflict serious poison damage!

“Riri....” Stella then nodded. It seems like she knew I was investigating her stats.

“Yes? What is it?”

“I-I-I have turned into a monster, haven’t I?” Tears then started flowing from her eyes as she started sobbing.

“Ah. Umm, no. Not at all!” I tried to deny her words.

“Just look!! Even the monsters here are afraid of me!!” She said while pointing at other monsters while activating her fighting spirit. Some Sabertooth tigers ran away after she pointed her fingers at them. Her fighting spirit was so high that no monster dared to disturb us even when she didn’t activate the stat.

Towards her words I could only remain silent. I tried to hold back my tears as I said my words. “I am sorry. I just. I just wanted to meet you again. I-I-I don’t care if you have turned into a monster or whatever. I.... just want to be with you again like before.”

Stella then remained silent. With a whisper she then said. “Wolf form.”

She immediately changed herself to her wolf form. A majestic form which put fear into the hearts of her enemies. Smooth green fur and white fangs. Her fighting spirit was so high combined with devil glare it could only petrify me preventing me from moving.

“What do you think about me now?” She said in her wolf form. The sound was accompanied by a growl, but she still sounded sad.

You are in a state of fear attack, defence and morale are decreased by 15%.

You are petrified. Movement speed is decreased by 20%.

You are inflicted with venom aura. Due to your character’s bonus, damage is converted to health. In Stella’s presence, you are healed by 0.1 HP/second. This will occur until you are out of venom aura’s range.

She came closer. The moss in the forest wilted as she passed by. When she stepped in, shrubs and small bushes that were stepped on by her paws wilted. Such a frightening glare even without system notifications, her presence was enough to put me in a state of fear. But inside that fear, I felt impressed. Impressed that I have such a thing as my friend.

“You are afraid right? I can see it.” Stella said as she stood in front of me. I just looked at her dazed. My feet trembled but I tried to resist it. With a trembling hand, I tried to reach her head.

“Yes. It is true. You are fearsome. But magnificent at a same time. I am proud to have you as my friend.” I said while holding the wolf’s head. My fear was reduced after the healing message appeared. She is fearfull but somehow this healing had a soft warmth in it.

You are inflicted with venom fur. Due to your character bonus, damage will turn into healing by 0.2 hit points per second. This will last as long as you touch Stella fur.

“You still consider me your friend? After I am no longer human?”

“Yes. I do.” I answered in a soft but firm tone.

“I see. Thanks.” Stella said as tears came from her wolf eyes. She then changed back into her human form with her 2 tails wagging and dog, I mean wolf ears on her head. She then looked at me with a worried. “You touched me. Are you okay?”


“You are poisoned right? Ehh? But your face isn’t darkened.” Stella is now 100% confused. She thought I just withstood the pain from the poison damage while touching her. While the poison from venom aura vanished when she returned to her human form but when you touch her fur you will get a chance to receive stackable poison damage.

“Ahh, I have immunity from poison. Your poison will no longer work on me. It turns into healing instead. Ahahaha.” I laughed as I said this but she was crying instead.

“I see. Thank you. I guess Yggdrasil understood me.” She then inhaled and exhaled her breath. Then she said to me. “Ride me.”


“I don’t want to stay cooped up in this forest for too long. Ride me and we can get out of here faster.” She said as she turned into her wolf form. A I,5 meter tall wolf was almost as tall as my shoulder. So riding her was quite possible. With her strength stat I should not be too heavy right?

“Umm, am I heavy?” I asked nervously as I rode on her back. This feels like how I rode my dog 7 years ago. Then I had to cry because the dog wouldn’t stop so my father had to chase me with his motorcycle. Well, this one is intelligent. She will not scare me like that right?

I then pondered about her dog... I mean wolf form. She is 100% wolf okay. But the features of dogs and wolves are very similar. It is hard to distinguish wolves and dogs (Some people keep wolf-like dogs in their homes right? Those that look like a wolf no matter how you look at it but they call it a dog instead. This is the part Riri was confused about. Don’t compare her to a bulldog, Labrador or Doberman.)

“Not really. You are just like a backpack. I can handle it. Just don’t fall off.”

She then ran out of the woods. Her steps were fast and she could also dodge every tree in rapid succession. I strengthened my grip on her fur as she sped up again when we reached a plain. To counter the wind resistance, I had to duck down while continuing to look forward. She is faster than a horse! She slowed down after 1 hour, her pace was more like jogging now but it was still fast nevertheless.

After 12 hours of continuous running, she stopped while kneeling. She turned back into her human form with me still on her back. She then lay down on the dirt completely exhausted. “Please, let’s rest for a while!” She said while catching her breath.

“I didn’t tell you to run continuously.” I said while sitting on the dirt, the day had turned into night. We are close to the ruins of Acolyte City but I guess Stella can’t go any further.

“Stella is just too excited.” El said sitting on my head.

“Yeah. I guess I am. Well, no one has ever complimented this form.” Her breath was more steady now.

“Umm, Stella. I have the soul transmutation skill.”

Soul transmutation

A skill that infuses your soul with another soul that is bound by the user. As the skill proficiency rise, the more your soul can be infused and your race will change completely.

Beginner level 20% of the bound soul’s power.

Intermediate level 100% of the bound soul power

Advanced level. Permanently changes your race along with its demerits to that of the bound soul.

Currently able to be infused with

Lightning dark Fairy Elkami

Venomous demon wolf queen Stella

“It has your name now.” I said cheerfully. ”Maybe we can trade places?”

“DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!’ She screamed with a deathly glare. She then unconsciously used devil glare on me. This time it was full of killing intent.

“Ah, I am sorry. I-I-I just wanted to show off a little. Maybe I-I-I can understand you better if we have the same f-f-form. Sorry.” I stuttered as I asked for forgiveness.

“Ahh. Sorry. I unconsciously used it again.” Stella quickly deactivated her devil glare. “So, have you used that skill?“

“Yes. Once.”

“I see. I should have never giving the idol performer class to you but somehow I just wanted a successor. You should have never used that skill.” She said while hugging her knees in front of the bonfire that I made using fireball.

“Why?” I said while tilting my head.

“Unlike other skills, this skill will change your race when it hits advanced. Then you will completely become like that race. All of your stats and skills will be gone. At first you will only get the benefits of the race. But when you hit advanced, you will also accept the demerits of the race.“

She then continued with a little sob. ”You might have been fascinated by its power when you used it right? It will increase your power even more by the time it reached intermediate. Then after you are hypnotized by its power and can’t stop using it, you will turn yourself into that race. Those monsters. I was a fool back then. I used it like a toy. It was just then when I realized that my senior used it for the last time in a dungeon raid that I realized.....”

“She couldn’t change back... after we took out the boss monster, she then continued to attack other teammates until eventually Ragnar smashed her head in with his hammer. The raid team took heavy losses more than from the boss monster itself. Fortunately most of them were hired mercenaries and soldiers.”

She then cried. “I was in a state of fear back then. My soul transmutation was at intermediate level 7 back then. I swore to never use it again but even when I didn’t use it, each month the percentage of the skill mastery rose by 1%, it was like a nightmare or a death sentence.”

I then looked at El. ”But my soul transmutation is a fairy. El, you are sentient and will not cause any trouble right?”

El could only remain silent. “We are sentient. But we have orders from Yggdrasil and we have to obey him no matter what it is.”

Stella looked at me and then looked down in defeat. “This skill is so rare that I have never witnessed anyone using it other than my senior. At that time, we were given an item each. Some priestess thanked us for our success at their festivals that we were a part of. She got a Demonic lion while I got the wolf. I was a fool back then. I used it like a toy for amusement and Tantalus’s plays. The controlled wolf and lion played a big part and the group was famous. We also used it in several dungeon raids. Its power was massive and awesome, we couldn’t stop using it, vanity had gotten the best of us. Even when the skill window was showing us the description, we still used it carefree. Until that time.” She stopped at that last sentence. “You might still be sentient when you change into a fairy. But still, your personality might be damaged.“

“I see. But relax. My soul transmutation is at beginner lvl 3. It still has many uses before it reaches advanced.” I smiled trying to calm her. In my head, even if I transformed into the wolf, I might not change like how NPCs. After all, player personalities and mental health are heavily protected by the Royal Road capsule. I should not change.

“You do not understand!!” Stella screamed again.

“Ahh, sorry, I screamed again.” She said. “This skill is unlike other skills. The higher the level. The easier it is to level up.”


“Yes. It can easily jump 2 or 3 levels in one go. Even I only used it for like 7 or 8 times before and it had already reached intermediate lvl 8.”

“I see.”

She then looked me in the eye with a pleading voice. “Please. Never use it again.”

“Umm, alright.” I said.

“Promise me, Okay.” She then slept on my lap. Somehow this felt like that night in the cave where she slept on my lap with moonlight shining above us. With El this time, I slept while leaning on the tree at my back. El then slept on Stella’s head for comfort. Now I know why I befriended her. Beneath that cheerful face lies a deep sorrow. I admire her strength. She was able to withstand all that sorrow and pain and keeping everyone happy. Even if she no longer has fame, I still admire her. I still want to be like her. I still want to be as powerful as her.

The night passed with peaceful sounds. In her sleep Stella still whispered to me to repeat my promise on not using that skill again.



author note- my PR Obsidian made a funny comment that Stella looked like siberian husky ^_^ i say that it quite look like it but twice or thrice bigger. but after browsing through Wikipedia, i found out that while siberian husky does look like her, a pure wolf like arctic fox and gray wolf suited her form better though she is green. i pretty much fond of arctic wolves with their pure white fur

- so what do you think about Stella? questions, comments, and critics are welcomed

- here is the usual MC related stuff

Spoiler : Status window

Name Riri class idol performers

Health 6675(+800) mana 10900 (+800)

Level 125 Race human

Fame 1000

Title manager, the white rider

Job none

Health regen/sec 26.5 mana regen/sec 43.4

Strength 143(+122) dexterity 352 (+55)

Wisdom 342 (+102) intelect 311 (+125)

Stamina 305 vitality 117 (+150)

Art 74 charisma 177 (+140)

Leadership. 160(+30) charm 105(+125)

Fighting spirit 180 faith 140 (+105)

Magic resistance

Fire water

Earth wind

Thunder ice

Dark 45%(E) light 45%(E)

Unused points 20

Contribution point church 8000

Contribution point haven 2500


Magic will be reduced by 90%. unless you meet normal requirement of 300 wisdom

weapon will be reduced by 90% unless have intermediate blacksmith

Leather armor will not be penalized

iron armor will have it’s movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. Only if you meet the equipment requirement

While riding horse the movement speed increased by 10%

you are immune against poison and acid damage

poison damage will heal you for 10% of their damage

your body is bounded with Stella’s soul

Bag 1

Water canteen

Ring of mana(E)

Ring of leadership(E)

Black staff

Circlet of purity.

White high heel shoes

White dress of purity

Sword of Elkami

Earing of faith and wisdom

Necklace of vitality

Ring of vitalityx4

Ring of inteligence x3

Stella’s ring

Skill list

Speed reading beginner’s lvl 2 (40%)

Manage beginner’s lvl 5(10%).

Magic mastery intermediate lvl 9

Acrobatic intermediate lvl 6 (Movement 160%)

Multitasking intermediate lvl 3 ( (Focus 6, intelect +25)

Sword mastery intermediate lvl 6 (power 70% speed 70%)

Ambidextrous beginner lvl 2 (Dex +2)

Bullet deflector intermediate lvl 6 (Dex +80)

Sneak beginner level 2

Horseriding intermediate lvl 1

Soul transmutation beginner level 3

Enchanted autograph beginner lvl 1

Break dance beginner level 1

Audience beginner lvl 1

Sub skill of Riri magic mastery

light blessing intermediate lvl 5

phoenix regen intermediate lvl 4

healing hand intermediate lvl 7

Healing Area intermediate lvl 9

Group cure intermediate lvl 6

Expert cure intermediate lvl 6

Single bless intermediate lvl 8

Fireball intermediate lvl 7

Elkami Spell list

Thunder Barrier advance lvl 6

Thunder strike advance lvl 8

Thunder shower advance lvl 1

Thunder ball advance lvl 2

Lightning ball advance lvl 9

Enigma of lightning god Zeus strike intermediate lvl 7

Enigma of lightning god thor Hammer intermediate lvl 3

Enigma of lightning god zeus bolt shower intermediate lvl 2

Enigma of lightning god bolt of thor intermediate lvl 5

Lightning bolt intermediate lvl 6

Mana bolt intermediate lvl 6

Lightning charge advance lvl 4

Lightning pulse advance lvl 5

Lightning strike advance lvl 2

Lighting flash advance lvl 1

Lightning storm advance lvl 2

Shadow ball beginner lvl 2

Dark lightning beginner lvl 3

Skill list of Stella

Wolf form beginner lvl 1

Devil glare eginner lvl 1

Hunter instinct beginner lvl 1

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