《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 26 Ritual of revival


“Do you still wish to continue?” Yggdrasil asked for one last confirmation.

Silence followed me. Tears just kept flowing while El just kept hugging my cheek. Am I going to let all my effort in that cave go to waste? Does Stella want to be resurrected? Does she want to be alive again? She might as well die and be reunited with Ragnar and the others in the afterlife.

Hell exists in Royal Road known as the Underworld. It is ruled by Hades. Stella should be there with the rest of Tantalus. Should I forcefully call her back here or should I just let her be reincarnated as another person. This way, she might continue to live.

“I..... I want to see the skill books, class, and weapons you might offer.”

“I see. A wise choice. I will not call you disloyal or anything. This is just a payment for your hard work. As a god, even if I am currently weakened, I have a reputation to uphold. I must pay someone for their work. That is my rule. Now, you may pick one of these things I offer to you. Sorry but you can only pick one though. I can assure you that some of these skills are even unknown to foreigners. You will get a good rank among them. Hope we can still always be good friends after this.” Yggdrasil said reassuringly.

Tears kept flowing from my eyes as numerous skill books and weapons lied in front of me. The weapons all shone in different colors blue, yellow, red, green, purple. Everything shined in their own way. They must have at least been imbued with magical properties. Next are the skill books, numerous skill books appeared in front of me, from great defensive and buff spells to the offensive spells and debuff spells to healing spells. I even saw some enigma spells mixed in among them. Any player would have been drooling by now.

Next is the class and race, a figure of the character with race and class appeared in that black space. Some are normal like elves and dwarves. But I could also see some rare or even hidden races and classes I did not know. Werewolves, druids, nature masters, forest magicians, phoenix apprentices. And so on. I could pick any single thing from here? Every time I tried to touch it, my heart rang like something was calling me.

My heart felt empty. I should be happy about this, I could gain an awesome skill. Even a hidden race. But every time I tried to touch one of the books my heart bled and tears kept flowing.

“El, what should I do?” I put my hope on my new friend.


“Tell me, is what he said true?”

“..............” She could only turn away without saying a word. Silent treatment now?

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just want to be with you. That’s all.”

“But, if you died, you could be reborn as a human. But now, you are nothing but a monster. A pet that needs to be subdued right?”

“Do you see me like that?” She asked while staring at me this time.

“.......No.” I answered honestly.

“Then I am not a monster. I am your friend right?”

“But someday, when am I no longer in this world....”

“Not all pets are evil. If they have a good master. Their pets will be nice too. I believe you are a good master. That’s why I want to follow you. If I had gone to Hades that time and had reincarnated... I might have regretted it though I might not have remembered it.”



“Because I lost my friend and her journey. You know? I want to see what lies in front of you. I believe you will influence this world. No, I just want to see what path you might take. It’s true that when I had died and reincarnated that time. I might have been reborn as a human or another race. But...”

“But?” I demanded an answer.

“I might have just led a boring life as a housewife from an unknown village or city right? I currently have the power you need. So, I kind of want to help you.”

“I see. So, El? What do you think I should do?”

“I.... don’t know. Sorry that I can’t give you an accurate answer.”

“You are happy to be with me right? I am your real friend right? But if you are suffering because of me, I would rather not..”

“I am not suffering right now. I am happy. I have told you this numerous time!” El emphasized her words trying to deny everything I said.

Due to her firm words, I fell silent. With a whisper, I thanked her greatly. When I looked at those skill books, the equipment, a flashback showed up in front of me. Not literally, but somehow I could almost see the memories that I spent with Stella. From Selei city watching the sunset and the dragonflies. Training before a performance. A screwed up performance. The moon at the cave when she cried and opened her heart. The fight in Trisia.

“Yggdrasil.” I said in a low voice.


“I changed my mind. In the end, I still want Stella to come back.”

“Are you sure? Just because of your selfish desire, Stella might suffer more than she has to. She will no longer have the glory she had once.”

“It is not a problem. I am sure Stella will be happier this way.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I am her friend. I know her. She is just like me. She does not desire such glory. She does not desire such fame. She desires a friend.”

“I see. So you believe that she will be a good pet. Very well, I shall trust you and grant your wish. As I mentioned before, it will take four days until the ritual is finished.”

“Thank you and sorry.”

“No worries. Most of these pets tend to lost their reason and become wild beasts. But if they don’t become like that, they could get divinity and become lesser gods. It will take a good thousands of years though. Hahahaha. Very well, I shall begin the ritual now.”

At that moment, all the other fantastic items that laid in front of me disappeared. Somehow I came back to fairy lake in a sleeping posture. Then a system message appeared in front of me while the triangular magic circle intensified in radiance.

Countdown for ritual to finish 95:59:47 in Royal Road time

Countdown for ritual to finish 23:59:56 in real time

You are logged off.

“They left us.” Fira said as she watched Saint flew into the sky.

“It was in the contract. We only get a little exp and loot. So we have to accept it.” Said Hasega.

“That’s not the problem.”

“What is it then?” Iris asked.

“How do we get back?” Everyone then fell silent at her question.

“According to map, we head south. Let’s just walk okay?” Arknum said.


“Ahh, monsters.” Iris finally caught Fira’s attention.


“I doubt there are any monsters higher than lvl 100 here since the dungeon itself houses these monsters. It might be just lvl 70 or 80 for all we know.” Iris shrugged off Fira’s question and continued to walk.

“Let’s walk then.”

“Now what should I do? There is still 24 hours left.” Lily stared at her capsule’s monitor. She was logged out during the ritual.

“Lily, are you there?” Someone knocked on my bedroom door.

“Yes father. I am here.” I answered the voice.

“So, tell me. How is the game?” As he came in, he saw me getting out of my capsule.

“It is good. I met a lot of people there.” I said to him. “Umm, father, when did you come back?”

“It was yesterday. I dared not to disrupt you since it was already late at night. Hahaha. Anyway, according to Alex (who is the butler of our house) you are enjoying the game very much. Will you told me about it while we are having breakfast?”

It couldn’t be really called breakfast since it was 10 AM in the morning. But I am still on school break while dad is having a company break for 2 days.

“So, tell me about the game.” He scooped up some cereal from his bowl.

“Umm, it was good. It is really like you are in a medieval fantasy world. Everything felt so real.”

“I see. I heard time there moves 4 times as fast? Is it true?”

“Yes. I only have a 1 month long school break. I have been inside the game for almost 2 months now but I still have a lot of the break left here.”

“Are there any side effects?”

“Umm. Not that I have noticed.” I said after a thought. ”What’s the matter dad.”

“Well, the truth is, my company also wants to implement this capsule. In all its branches. They were reviewing if this would be productive or not.”

“I see.”

“Also, I am going to play Royal Road too. As a breather from the virtual office that my company will be using. Guide me around okay!” He said with a wink.

As the popularity of capsules increased, a lot of software besides Royal Road was sold. One of them is the virtual office that basically put you inside a virtual room with an office aura. In front of you, you will see a monitor with Ms office on it. Many memes were made about a computer inside virtual space. But virtual office is a famous product for office workers. They no longer need to attend office every day. They only need to log in at the appointed time inside virtual office.

“I see. With 4 times the speed, you are not also able to reach other branch across nation quickly, but you also have 4 times the productivity.”

“Yes. The price for each capsule and the software was quite ridiculous so the shareholders were thinking if buying such large units for work is actually productive. It was then decided that only directors and branch managers are allowed to have it for starters. They will sent a capsule tomorrow and I also installed RR inside my own capsule. Let’s play together okay.“

“Sure. Ah. Here is the manual.” I handed him the 300 page book that had I read before my first log in.

“Eh?” My father gave me a weird look.

“What is it?”

“Was there actually a manual? My friend says the manual only consists of a leaflet like the IPhone.”

“Father...” I gave a look of disbelief.

“Well, I am bad with reading stuff. So could you shorten it and give me a brief summary of it?”

“It is because of your dislike of reading that you suffer almost every day! Please try to read manuals before buying any machine. You broke a printer once because you didn’t know how to install cartridges, you crashed our car into fences because you mistook the brake pedal and gas pedal. You also ruined 3 phones because...”

“Alright, alright. I am sorry. Thank you dear.” He cut my lecturing with a surrendering look while accepting it. I could swear he shivered when he held that book. I definitely can’t comprehend why he doesn’t like reading that much. Besides, how could anyone buy something and using it straight away without even glancing at the manual!

“Miss Lily. You have a phone call.”

“Huh? A phone call? Me?” I asked Alex.

“She said her name is Anya.”

“Ahh! Thank you.” I said while receiving a wireless phone from him. “Hello.”

“Ahh. Riri, so, are you done?”

“Done with what?” I asked while tilting my head.

“Stella. Is Stella back yet?” Ahh, so that’s what she is talking about.

“Umm. No why?”

“Well, we are in kind of trouble here so, think you could lend us a hand?”

“Umm, I am sorry. The ritual takes 4 days in game time. So, I am logged out for 24 hours.”


A loud explosion could be heard on the phone background. They really are in trouble. I wonder what kind of monster they encountered on their way back. It can’t be anything above lvl 100 right?

“I see. Well, sorry to disturb you. So you can’t even ask for that horse to help right?”


“Okay. Bye.”

#Click# the phone was then hung up.

“Who was it?”

“Ah, Umm, she is my friend in Royal Road. Whom is also my classmate.”

“Really? Good. Bring her to our home some time! I would love to meet her if I have the time for it. I should have more time now with the Royal Road capsule being installed.”

“Thanks father.”

“Ahh, here is a credit card. Bring Alex with you to some mall or shopping centre. You can’t stay cooped up in your room like a hermit all day. I heard it got even worse with the Royal Road capsule brought in.” My father quickly put a credit card on the table. Why does he always order me to go out when I don’t like to.

‘Just do the usual routine then’ I though as a BMW parked itself in front of my house’s entrance. I quickly went inside just to be grabbed by Alex.

“Miss Lily. You do not intend to go shopping in pyjamas do you?” Alex said while holding my arm stopping me from getting inside the car.

I blushed as I looked at my body. Then I ran back into my bedroom.

2 hours later, with a blouse combined with a knee length skirt I came outside toward the said BMW with Alex so diligently waiting beside the car.

“So, where should we go miss?”

“Just the usual mall is fine.“ I gave a bored look. Honestly I had planned on sleeping all day or at least reading an unfinished fanfic on the internet.


The usual mall Lily mentioned is a large shopping centre known as Naughty Cross. It specializes in women’s clothes but there is a large bookstore on the 4th floor and food courts on the fifth floor so it is pretty convenient. I just planned to hang out there until evening or 4 PM while reading books, grabbing one or two random clothes plus lunch.

“We have arrived Miss.” Alex woke me from my dream. We had arrived at the mall and were heading towards the lobby now. The fatigue from playing must have gotten to me now. No wonder. I had hardly slept and there was a lot of crying before.

‘Time for a break. That world is more frustrating than this one. But it is not boring and I have a true friends there.’ I came out and went to the lobby entrance. Alex was supposed to go home until I phoned him. I wonder if this treatment is a little too much. I feel out of place when he does that.

‘Hmm, these clothes look good. Ahh those clothes are pretty much the same as El’s. That shirt is the one that Stella often used. My thoughts ran as I looked towards the numerous clothes lining up inside one of the shops.

I went into one of the shops that had Stella’s shirt. I looked at the mirror then. With Stella’s white shirt in hand I looked towards the mirror at the side of the store imagining myself to be wearing the clothes. I wonder if it looked good on my small figure. Hmm, isn’t it strengthening the image that I am a small girl?

“Ahh, it seems the size is wrong. Shall I pick the smaller size?” The shop attendant said while looking at me and the shirt I was holding. Well, it was an L. I usually went with M and it was quite loose. Stella also wore something loose, this piece of clothing must suit her since she is taller. But I am as tall as she is in-game? That random appearance option must have added an extra 10 cm to my height.

“Here. What do you think about this size.” The shop assistant picked a white shirt with an S label. Now I feel insulted. It does fit me well but I am not wearing it to go to some office. Stella also never wore this shirt while at work. She wore it as a casual shirt therefore she wore a loose shirt instead.

“No. Thank you.” I said while leaving the shop. Onto the next one. This one had El’s one piece dress. I stared at that dress for a while. Hmm, this dress is a little long below the knee. El’s dress is right above the knee. Or maybe the size doesn’t fit again? I tried to recall the event when I transformed into a fairy. Hmm, somehow this one just has the odd feeling that it doesn’t suit me.

“May I help you miss?”

“Umm, nothing. Thank you.” I said while leaving. Now on to the bookstores. I have been delayed enough from Royal Road.

“Hey Lily!” Said someone.


“It’s me. Shella. Forgot me already?”

“Ahh! Anya’s friend.”

“Yes. So you are here as well?”

“Umm, yeah.”

“Why don’t we go together? It must be kind of lonely by yourself right?”

“Well, I am planning on going to a bookstore. Maybe umm, you don’t like it?”

“I am. But now what a coincidence. I had to go to bookstores to buy some learning books. You know, those math formula collections and other practice books of school.”

“Huh?” I tilted my head. She isn’t the type to buy those books right?

“Don’t give me that ‘you are not fit to buy those books’ look. Look here, I got a D for my math exams. My mother acted like her hair was on fire when she learned about it and so I had to go all the way to buy these books for my tutor. She pays some teacher to tutor me for this holiday. Can you imagine? I have to spend like 3 days a week on tutoring lessons?“

“Ahh, I see.”

“Hmm you have changed. Really.”


“It is like you are more sociable. Your face has an expression now.“

“Ahh, I see.” What the hell is she talking about?

“Alright. Since I have got a good bookworm here. Would you recommend a lesson book for me?”

“Umm, okay. Let’s go to the fourth floor.” I said as I led her to the elevator. Hmm, it was far easier than managing an army or giving commands. I wonder if I really have changed.

“So, what level are you now?”

“I think it is lvl 125 now.”

“Wow. Awesome. Well, I just got to lvl 140 so you still have quite a few ways to go. But I am impressed. Hmm, Anya also said the same thing about leveling quickly. She said she was at lvl 120 too. I wonder how you guys can level up so fast.”

“Ahh. You are fast too. You have leveled up around 100 times too right? Or 80 times?”

“It is mostly because of powerleveling. The normal rate is 10 or 20 levels a week. Yet you gained somewhere around 120 levels in the last 2 or 3 weeks right? That is fast.”

“Ah, but don’t the exp curves become steeper?”

“Well, yeah. But the quests are getting harder too so most of us can keep that pace. So, what class are you? I heard from Anya you got some healing spells?”

“Ahh, but I am not a cleric.”

“Now that is a surprise. Ahh, here is the bookstore. So, what book do you recommend?” Shella asked while browsing the front desk. She just looked from afar without even touching it. I knew straight away that she hates this place. Those gestures are nothing like those of a book lover. Even if the book is sealed and you have to judge it by its cover, you normally hold the book and examine its thickness and read the advertisement on the front and the afterword on the back cover. You also need to see the thickness of the book and the title of the book. If the title is too long, they usually only cover the general area so it is worthless. But if the title is too focused, it also meant the author is mumbling over a short topic over and over making the book even more useless. Her behavior showed no sign of inspecting the book. Not to mention she asked the clerk about the section of lesson books while it was clearly visible on the front bookshelves labels!! She is really like my father who hates to read.

“Umm, have you come to bookstores before?” I asked with a dry smile.

“Hehehe, is it really obvious? Okay. I am not fond of reading. So help me okay.” She made a begging gesture with her two hands clasped together.

With a sigh, I browsed said books. Not that I hate it, but these lesson books tend to be boring and it made people lazy. Hmm ‘1 hour a day math study score at least 90% guarantee?’ They made some useless advertisement. Well, some might have a use for these kinds of books though I doubt they will really get smart from reading this. It only covers a narrow subject with memorizing formulas as its main point, not describing where the formula came from. It also has a bunch of repetitive questions that get boring really quick.

“Ahh! 2 hours of studying a day and you will get 95% score? Awesome! So, Lily, is this book good?” Shella took another book with a proud expression. I just facepalmed myself for her stupidity on that was caught by the advertisement.

With another sigh, I handed her a small book with the title. Math formula collection from elementary to junior high school.” This might be good.”

“Ehh, but I am not in third year junior high school yet. And why does this book include elementary formulas too. Are they trying to mock someone?”

“#Sigh# Umm, well. This book covers the math formulas for the entirety of elementary school to the end of our school. If you have a tutor, you might ask him about how to use a formula and you can keep the book until graduation as a reference book or when you forgot a certain formula. It is convenient. If you are looking for practice, then this book will do. Mock exams from first junior to third junior high school. It also has the answer sheets so when you are finished answering the questions, you can look for the answer in the answer sheet and mark your own work.” I handed her a bigger book for practice.

“Hmm, will this book really help?”


“Okay. This one isn’t sealed. So let’s open it. Here. You can see the list right? In the table of content page it shows the formulas. Search for the page you are looking for. You will see it. Here. Jump to page 124. Here are the formulas for the last exam right?”

“I see. Awesome. This table of content is really useful!”

‘For god’s sake!! Table of Contents exist in every book in the world!!! Are you illiterate? Did you just now learn how to read?!!’ I cursed her idiocy in my mind.

She then opened the book the same way I taught her. I could swear she had a flower of happiness like she just discovered something of great value. She then went on to the practice books. When she found an unsealed one, she opened it the same way. Does she just now learn of the existence of the table of contents? Heck it even exists in our school books. Just how much did you hate reading!!

“Okay. Thank you Lily. I will buy these 2 books, maybe Sam will help me study.” She said while taking the books with her. I had already lost the will to buy any books after seeing her existence. I felt tired after cursing her in my mind. Let’s just grab a book or two. Ahh, there is a Royal Road book here? Let’s see. A dark gamer union rank A book? This book contains level C information and below. Skills, classes, races and even items? Well, let’s just grab this one and a random new novel.

To thank me, Shella dragged me to the food court and treated me. Then I phoned Alex ordering him to take me home. I am done for today. Tomorrow I will be able to log in again.



author note.

- Are you atisfied with Ririr choice? i should held a poll earlier to determine her fate. but i think most of you would want her back right?-comment suggestions and questions are welcomed in here and discussion chapter

- here is the usual mc stat

Spoiler : status window

Name Riri class idol performers

Health 6675(+800) mana 10900 (+800)

Level 125 Race human

Fame 1000

Title manager, the white rider

Job none

Health regen/sec 26.5 mana regen/sec 43.4

Strength 143(+122) dexterity 352 (+55)

Wisdom 342 (+102) intelect 311 (+125)

Stamina 305 vitality 117 (+150)

Art 74 charisma 177 (+140)

Leadership. 160(+30) charm 105(+125)

Fighting spirit 180 faith 140 (+105)

Magic resistance

Fire water

Earth wind

Thunder ice

Dark 45%(E) light 45%(E)

Unused points 20

Contribution point church 8000

Contribution point haven 2500


Magic will be reduced by 90%. unless you meet normal requirement of 300 wisdom

weapon will be reduced by 90% unless have intermediate blacksmith

Leather armor will not be penalized

iron armor will have it’s movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. Only if you meet the equipment requirement

While riding horse the movement speed increased by 10%

Bag 1

Water canteen

Ring of mana(E) (Mana +200, charm +20)

Ring of leadership(E) (chr +30 leadership +30)

Black staff

Circlet of purity.Charm +30Char +30Int +10Wis +10Faith +20, heal,light,dark res+10%

White high heel shoes Charm+30Char+10Faith +20 heal,light,dark res+10%

White dress of purity Charm +20Faith +20 heal,light,dark res+20%

Sword of Elkami Faith +25 Str +20 Dex +25 Int +25 Wis +20

Earing of faith and wisdomFaith +40 wis +20

Necklace of vitalityVit +30Str +20

Ring of vitalityx4 Health +200Vit +30 Str +20

Ring of inteligence x3 Mana +200Intelect +30Wis +20

Stella’s ring Dex +25Str +20Int +30Wis +20Charm +25Charisma +30

Skill list

Speed reading beginner’s lvl 2 (40%)

Manage beginner’s lvl 5(10%).

Magic mastery intermediate lvl 9

Acrobatic intermediate lvl 6 (Movement 160%)

Multitasking intermediate lvl 3 ( (Focus 6, intelect +25)

Sword mastery intermediate lvl 6 (power 70% speed 70%)

Ambidextrous beginner lvl 2 (Dex +2)

Bullet deflector intermediate lvl 6 (Dex +80)

Sneak beginner level 2

Horseriding intermediate lvl 1

Soul transmutation beginner level 3

Enchanted autograph beginner lvl 1

Break dance beginner level 1

Audience beginner lvl 1

Sub skill

light blessing intermediate lvl 5

phoenix regen intermediate lvl 4

healing hand intermediate lvl 7

Healing Area intermediate lvl 9

Group cure intermediate lvl 6

Expert cure intermediate lvl 6

Single bless intermediate lvl 8

Fireball intermediate lvl 7

Sub skill

Thunder Barrier advance lvl 6

Thunder strike advance lvl 8

Thunder shower advance lvl 1

Thunder ball advance lvl 2

Lightning ball advance lvl 9

Enigma of lightning god Zeus strike intermediate lvl 7

Enigma of lightning god thor Hammer intermediate lvl 3

Enigma of lightning god zeus bolt shower intermediate lvl 2

Enigma of lightning god bolt of thor intermediate lvl 5

Lightning bolt intermediate lvl 6

Mana bolt intermediate lvl 6

Lightning charge advance lvl 4

Lightning pulse advance lvl 5

Lightning strike advance lvl 2

Lighting flash advance lvl 1

Lightning storm advance lvl 2

Shadow ball beginner lvl 2

Dark lightning beginner lvl 3

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