《Legendary Elemental Knight》Chapter 29: Blacksmithing


The next day, I was in the garden with my mother listening to the names of plants and their various uses as described by her. With LILY activated, it became very easy to record the illustrations into her memory bank. I can retrieve those files as a 3D rendered diagram whenever I want. This way the analysis and comparison of the biology of those planets became easy as well.

Half way through her explanation, we heard a maid saying that my father has asked me to meet him in his study. My mother dismissed her and resumed her explanations as if that announcement has nothing to do with her. I had an amused expression as I looked at my mother, thinking about who is the real mayor of this house.

But she stopped her explanations and sat down in the shade of the big tree in the centre of the garden. I tried to follow her but she waved her hand and said with a smile.

“This will be all for today, Azalon. Go meet your father.”

I nod at her with a smile and walk to my room first to clean myself of the mud from the work in the garden and change into a new set of clothes. I reach the room which my father calls his study. The guard outside salutes me, and opens the doors announcing my arrival to my father inside. As I walk in, I could see my father sitting behind his desk and a smile reaches his mouth as he sees me.

Opposite him I could see a figure in the chair, with his back facing me. I could recognize him as the blacksmith, Mr. Feran, residing in the mansion. I recognize that the reason for this meeting is about my request to learn blacksmithing from him. So, he finally consulted my father, huh. Took him long enough.

I sat down in the free chair beside the one Mr. Feran is sitting on and wait silently for either of them to initiate the conversation. As expected, my father is the one to open his mouth first.

“So, Azalon, Feran here says that you made a request from him a couple of days ago. Is that right?” I nod at him while taking a look at Feran from the corner of my eyes. I could see his unwillingness and a slight fear on his face.

“I want to ask you, Azalon why do you need to learn Blacksmithing? It’s not like you will have the Elemental affinities required for being a Spirit Blacksmith. And the Traditional Blacksmithing is not even considered as a profession anymore. It requires physical labor to work on the metals instead of the Spirit Energy manipulation of that of Spirit Blacksmiths. Moreover, if you want anything you can just order him to make it. So, tell me why?”


As my father spoke these words, I could see the conflict in the eyes of Feran. In fact even I am unwilling to believe that my father could look down upon something to this extent. But I don’t understand the reason behind this discrimination. As I ask him directly, phrasing my question carefully, as I could see that my father is slightly angry on my choice.

“I understand, father. That is the reason why I first approached Mr. Feran for my requirements for the watch I showed you. But the reason for my request is simple. I want to make whatever I want with my own hands. I don’t want to be someone who always relies on others for his requirements. Moreover I want to learn more things. I was in the garden right now with mother, learning about gardening, names of different types of plants, their uses and various other things. So, what is wrong with me learning the trade of blacksmithing? In the future, if my Elemental affinity is suitable for Spirit Blacksmithing, this knowledge will be useful to advance in my profession. Even if my affinity will not be, I can still learn some new things, which can be useful in my future.”

As my argument goes on, the unwillingness in my father’s eyes slowly melts away, as he could see that I was quite serious when I made that request to Feran. He argues with me as a last attempt to wane me off this decision.

“Learning something is not necessarily a bad thing, Azalon. But you do not know the difficulties in learning the Traditional Blacksmithing. The physical labor required is not something your body can handle. Moreover, once your cultivation starts, you will not have time to diligently practice blacksmithing, as it will take a lot of time, maybe decades before you can completely master the art. So, decide once more, Azalon.”

Sigh, I can’t clearly explain my current condition to him. I want to learn this art simply to make my own components. This world does not have the concepts of patents or stuff like that. So, I can’t always simply draw blueprints and take to some blacksmith to manufacture them. If someone finds out about the things I am planning to make, they will go crazy to the extent of trying to get a knife in my body to get their hands on them.

So, I have no choice to learn the process of making them myself, so as to reduce the risk factor if I have to manufacture them. But I can’t say all this to my father. Which parent will be calm when their kids say they will build some potentially harmful things? Absolutely no one. So I had to make some round about convincing arguments to make him accept my request.


Finally, after some lengthy back and forth arguments, and some promises that I could only learn this as long as it will not impede my cultivation progress, he reluctantly nodded his head as his approval. I gave him a small hug with a smile as I walked out of his study with Feran. I could hear a sigh and light grumbling behind me, just before the doors closed.

Feran stayed silent all the way during my argument with my father, and he did not speak a single word as we walked towards his cottage near the smithy. His grave expression made me feel slightly vexed with him. But I can’t bother with whatever he is feeling in his heart. I just want to learn some blacksmithing and then I can say bye-bye to this broody fellow.

“Mr. Feran, now that you have my father’s approval, when can we start our lessons?”

He jumped in response to my voice, as if startled. I was slightly amused and irritated at the same time. If he behaves this absent minded when teaching me, I will definitely kick his ass. With a low voice, he responded.

“Young Master, please tell me frankly. Why do you need to learn the art of blacksmithing? I have told you that this is not Spirit Energy manipulated Smiting. What I can teach you is the Traditional Blacksmithing, almost worthless to a person of stature like you. If you get hurt during the learning process, it will be me who has to bear the brunt of your parents’ anger.” His voice at the end slightly quivered with sadness mixed with anger.

So, it’s like that huh? It seems like he has gone through similar situations before, when he taught some other nobles’ children. That’s why he was so reluctant to teach me.

“Mr.Feran, it is the same reason I told my father. I want to learn new things and explore new regions and methods. Who knows, maybe the knowledge you can teach me will be helpful to me in the future. But I don’t treat this like some pastime occupation. I sincerely want to learn the blacksmithing. I leave it up to you, M. Feran, whether to teach me or not. I can say nothing more than that.”

He looked at me with a deep look in them, for a very long time. I never took my eyes off him the entire time. I don’t know what he saw, but his expression relaxed and slowly nodded his head.

“Alright, Young Master. I will teach you everything I know. As to how much you can learn, it depends on you and you alone. This art is similar to cultivation. I can only show you the way and provide you with some knowledge. It will be you who has to walk the road and all the obstacles and rewards you come across will also belong to you.”

“But this will be the final warning from me, young Master. The physical labor and dangers you will face are not to be taken lightly. You can’t learn things in this art with a half hearted decision. If you decide that you can bear them, come back here tomorrow in the morning, and we can start the lessons.”

“Thank you, Mr. Feran. As you said, the art of blacksmithing is similar to cultivation. But do you think cultivation is a breeze that will lift you and place you on a mountain? Isn’t it the same as blacksmithing? We have to go through life and death situations before we can ascend to the peak. So, please be assured, Mr. Feran. I will come here tomorrow.”

With that, I left the cottage leaving behind a slack faced man. But I was happy that I could learn new things in this world different from my past world. Let us see how different this traditional art is from what is practiced on Earth. I can even see some metals and materials different from the metals on Earth. I have a feeling that I will come across some new surprises tomorrow…

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