《Legendary Elemental Knight》Chapter 28: Runes


I returned to my room in high spirits. These two simple things will be my first mark in this world, the mark of the man with the highest intellect on Earth. I ordered the maids and guards to net let anyone disturb me, and closed the doors. I placed the gears and springs on my table and took out a crudely made magnifying glass from the drawer.

Although this world produces glass and lenses, instruments like magnifying glasses or sunglasses are not popular or widespread. Only the respective professions appreciate these simple but useful instruments. So, I had no choice but make one with some primitive tools and measurements. It will be a long time before I can manage to create a microscope and such precision instruments. Sigh… I miss my lab and equipment…

I carefully assembled the gears and springs in a round metal case I ordered to be made. As the watch is an instrument that works on precision, I have to focus all my concentration on the arrangements of the gears. Time flew by with me fully concentrated on the assembly. It took me four hours before the final glass piece has been attached and the watch made its first tick.

The only problem is the absence of power supply. As there are no batteries or electrodes in this world, I had to make a hand woven watch. Even though this type of thing is considered ancient or primitive by the digitalized Earth, in this world, it will be a revolutionary product. An immense satisfaction rose within me as I looked at the ticking clock in my palm.

I swiftly attached the leather belts and wore it on my wrist. I looked outside the window only to see a dark night with a dull brilliance from the stars and moon attempting to break through the cover of darkness. I smiled lightly at the sense of tranquility in the outside world. I rose from the chair and opened my door.

Waving to the saluting guards, I made my way to my mother’s room to show off my new invention. But when I reached her room, I could hear some whispers from the other side of the door. I strained my ears and instantly walked away from the room. It seems that my parents are busy trying to get me a sibling… He he…

I ordered some maids to deliver the food to my room and sat down on my bed. I postponed the door lock for tomorrow, in order to create some work I my free time. As I lazily turned my head, my gaze fell upon a book stowed below my pillow.

Ah, this is the book given to me by that Head Elder on that day. If I remember correctly, he said that this book contains the basic introductory material on Runes and Rune Formations. I took it out and flipped to the first page to read it.


‘Spirit Energy can be found in abundance all around us. It exists in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the grass, the plants, the rocks, all things in the nature are nurtured by the Spirit Energy. Some of the beings in the nature developed themselves to the extent that they can manipulate the Spirit Energy for different purposes. Some absorbed the Energy to make their bodies tougher, some absorbed the Energy to boost their agility, and there exists some beasts that even developed intelligence because of the nurturing of Spirit Energy.’

‘Some abnormal existences can manipulate only a single part of the Spirit Energy called Elemental Energy. Such beasts changed their existences to suit their chosen Element over time. Because of those beasts, their descendants were born with a natural affinity for the same Element. As such there are fire beasts, wind beasts, even metal and wood elemental beasts.’

‘Humans, on the other hand are not known for their tough physical capabilities or aggressiveness. They are a highly intelligent species, with a high affinity for Spirit Energy. The early cultivators created their Spirit Arts by observing the Spirit Beasts and their behaviors. They came to understand the different types of affinities and created a set of Arts based on the attacks of the Spirit Beasts.’

‘After a long time of research and conclusions by countless cultivators, various Spirit Arts came into existence. But the only problem is that the early stages of cultivation of Humans are not comparable to the strength of the Spirit Beasts, as they innately possess a strong physical constitution and the Spirit Energy created aggressiveness in the Beasts.’

‘After countless years of toiling by number of experts and geniuses, Spirit Professions were created. Even though the Spirit Professions are powerful and profound, the number of cultivators that practiced these professions is comparatively pitiful, because of the various restrictions for the practice of the Profession.’

‘That is the reason how Runes and Rune Formations came into existence. Runes manipulate the Energy injected into them on a set pattern and this pattern creates an imitation of the force the Rune is based on. For example, take a Rune for a fireball. When Spirit Energy is injected into the Rune, a fireball is produced, even if the user is not a Fire Elemental.

‘It is unknown about the origins of this Profession, as the records are not sure about the founding fathers of runes. But this Profession has only 2 requirements for its practice.’

‘The first requirement is high comprehension. Runes are imitations of the forces existing in the nature. Only those with sufficient comprehension levels can comprehend these forces and construct the Runes according to their comprehensions.’

‘Second requirement is Elemental Affinity. This requirement is somewhat negligible but it provides a qualitative leap of the Runes. If a cultivator of Fire Elemental affinity constructs a fire rune, the level of the rune will be more powerful than the fire rune constructed by an elemental less cultivator. But his difference is only in the creation process. Anyone can use a Rune Artifact, whether they are cultivators or common people.’


‘The only drawback for the artifacts used by the common folk is that they have to recharge the Energy Reservoir in their artifacts after a certain number of uses. But a cultivator can use the same artifact any number of times till the Runes are damaged or worn off. The quality depends on who created the artifact and the materials involved in the creation process.’

Ohhhh… unexpectedly, this is great. Runes, huh… if I can learn this profession, maybe I can understand the differences between Earth and this world more deeply. My knowledge can be applied more efficiently after adapting them to the current environment, and the changes in the variables can be provided by the differences in the functioning of this world and Earth.

I immediately started paying more attention to the workings and descriptions of the Runes and Rune Formations. I fell asleep deep in the night after completing the introductory phase of the book on runes. A basic understanding started taking shape in my mind about various phenomenon of this world that doesn’t exist back on Earth. I have to wait for another 15 days for the reactivation of LILY, and then I can simulate the workings of the Runes on the assimilations of my understanding and theories.

Time slowly passed by, as my lazy life continued on. My days were filled with plants, food and Runes. It was a peaceful time and I thoroughly enjoyed these ties as I know that one day I have to walk away from all these protections and comforts, to make my own path under the harsh conditions of the open life. It gave me all the more reason to cherish these simple moments to my heart.

After 15 days, as I was studying about the functioning of Fire Runes and their extrinsic differences from basic runes, a ping resounded in my head, along with a mechanical notification.

[“Program Assimilation Completed. Restart Completed. Integration with Host Confirmed. Activating Integrated AI System,

LILY. Activation Successful.”]


[“Welcome back, LILY.”]

[“Just a second, Master. Activating physical manifestation.”]

With that announcement, silver light flashed before me and a small fairy appeared in that light. Although there are no physical changes, it seems that the manifestation became more prominent like a real being not some Energy Construct.

“Master. I am so happy to see you again.” a cute childish voice said as she flew to land on my shoulder, tightly hugging my neck with her little arms. I felt some tickling and involuntarily gave a small laugh.

“Alright, LILY. It seems that some changes have appeared due to my Awakening. Did you finish a report on the changes?’

“Ah, yes, Master. Do you like to listen to it? Or do you want me to directly transport it to your memory?”

“No, let’s hear it directly from you.” I said with a smile as I know she loves talking to me directly.

“He he, Master is the best. Report: Changes in the constitution of the element of the physical body detected. The Element has become more affiliated to the input of the Energy and new circuit ways has been detected. Resistance for Energy has become significantly less due to the new circuit paths. Immediate effects: Boost in processing speed, High speed memory transfers, calibration of sensors became more sensitive. Overall performance increase: 13%”

“Battery Capacity has been increased. It is now possible for additional compression of Energy to be stored as Auxiliary Energy Source. Boost in Battery Capacity: 11%”

“Battery Recharge Protocols have been upgraded and configured. Autonomous recharge can be activated. Awaiting authorization from the Master. Current Battery Levels: Reserve Battery Levels: Completely Charged. Main Battery Level: 35% Auxiliary Battery Level: 11% of the Complete Battery Levels. Activate Autonomous Recharge Protocols?”

“Activate. Authorization Code: Johnny Stark.”

“Brain Wave Pattern: Confirmed. Activating Autonomous Recharge. Complete Recharge Estimate: 12 days.”

“Threshold of Battery Levels Detected. Main processing unit can be accessed. Memory Banks can be accessed. Wireless communication devices activated. Sensors calibrated and activated. Searching for surrounding VPNs and APNs. Search Results: No active networks.”

Oh, she has finally activated her Autonomous Recharging. With this she can become self sufficient for her future energy resources. And the Element of her physical body has undergone another evolution. Now it supports more processing speed as well as Energy compression capabilities. This is a pleasant surprise for me. The remaining day was spent in discussion with LILY about her new configurations and protocols.

If you want to know about the reactions of my parents on the wrist watch, my mother was first shocked and then her shock immediately turned into pride and happiness. As for my father, it seems that Mr. Feran has already reported to him about my designs on that day itself, so he knew in advance. But I could see that he was happy and proud of my little invention. All in all, today is a great day…

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