《Legendary Elemental Knight》Chapter 21: Change of Mind


In a vast cavern, it was tranquil and peaceful. A greenish blue lake gin the middle of that cavern flowing lightly gave that cavern a mysterious atmosphere. The light splashing sounds the lake’s water waves produced against the banks produced a light spray of mist to rise into the air. This further added to that mystery as there is no wind blowing against the lake. Outside sounds had no way to enter that place and it made it look as if it was in another dimension itself.

If one looked carefully, they can see two silhouettes at the right end of the cavern. One appeared to be a tall and handsome man standing like a statue looking over at the other. The other silhouette is short and just sat there not moving even a muscle. Even the breathing is somewhat shallow as if forgot how to breathe. Or to say it is in a position where there is a need to breathe.

“It has been almost a week since he took the Seed to awaken his legacy. I knew that it would take some time, but I feel that this the time he is taking is longer”, Lorvak muttered in a low voice while looking at his son.

As Azalon was engrossed in the memories transmitted by the Seed, a week passed in the real world. His body is covered by a layer of dust. The breaths he is taking occasionally are not even strong so as to disturb the dust settled on his body. Not a muscle moved within his body.

Inside his Dantian, the small Dragon Seed is slowly rotating around itself in the vast empty space of the empty Dantian. A small colorless stream of energy is continuously being released by it in to the body. Occasionally it would flash brightly before returning to its idle state.

… Inside the Consciousness …

Azalon or more accurately the avatar of Azalon’s consciousness, is sitting on the edge of a cliff looking over the vast strip of the land spread below his feet. A deep pondering expression adorned his face seemingly in contrast with the childish and naïve contours of his physique.

“The current mind set I have is not correct for the world I am presently living in. I think these events created by the memories of that Soul in the Dragon Seed has shown me what I can expect from this world. The people in this world or more importantly cultivators in this world are the embodiment of the Law of the Nature. They stand on the heads of those weaker than them and grovel and flatter those higher than them.”


“I am someone who has more knowledge in understanding and creating things. The mind of a scientist peacefully pursuing the workings of the world and various things in it without a care for anyone or anything. With the possibilities this world offers me, I believe I can shock the whole world with what I can create using my knowledge.”

“But, there comes the problem. Even if I can create worldly treasures, the current me cannot safeguard my life from the greed of those around me. The relentless pursuit of Strength by the people will be the bane of my existence.”

“The only way I can chase after my passion without a care is to increase my strength. If I have strength above anyone else, I can create a carefree life for myself and I can roam through the world without fearing anyone or anything. For that I have to carve my way through countless dead bodies. I have to sully my hands deep with blood. The only problem is can I be that ruthless and decisive? Can I take a person’s life without having a blow on my conscious? ”

The incident that made him question him is the memory which played before him after the first memory of that fight of the Spear wielding man with the 9 people. The memory can only be called an eye-opener for him on the behavior of the people of this world.

A Few Moments Ago…

I felt a strange feeling from standing on the cliff edge. But feeling the strong wind on this cliff edge blowing on me that felt as trying to push me off the cliff, but actually it kind of gave me a nice feeling. Tilting up my head to the sky, the moon shone brightly emitting brilliant blue rays directly towards the earth, and the scene below the moonlight brought a great sense of tranquility.

A loud horn sound suddenly shattered the tranquility. a human army regiment in a square formation marched forward bravely. Knights armed with spears and swords, their weapons glittering brightly in the moonlight that gave a cold and indifferent feeling to all the living things that came across their path.

Different from the previous fight I experienced, this memory came with all the background sounds and sound effects.

Behind the group of the Knights, a group of Spirit Power Houses marched together slowly with them. They were in a separate formation in the back of the Knights concentrating their Energy following the formation they are in.

Suddenly all the bodies of the Cultivators start shaking in a particular rhythm and they floated in the air following a particular arrangement. A huge fireball appeared above the formation which made the surrounding temperature to soar.


In the bright light below the fireball, I amazedly saw what the human army was facing. It was a giant Dragon. The dragon was coiled around itself so the length of the Dragon was a bit hard to determine. But I could estimate that the Dragon should be around 200-300 meters of length with a thickness of around 2 meters.

With a ‘tsing-tsing’ sound, the fireball hit the Dragon. The Dragon lifted its giant head and roared loudly. I felt as if my eardrums would pop from that roar. The human army was instantly blown away from the shockwave of that earth shaking roar.

As it lifted its head, beneath the giant dragon body, I managed to see that there were several warriors waving the shield and steel swords that they were holding. With an urge to kill, they sent a loud war cry towards the human army.

The Dragon spread its huge blood red wings and soared into the sky before charging right into the formation of the cultivators floating in the distance. An invisible shield around them deterred the desperate charge of the Dragon.

Meanwhile the Knights from the army charged into the ‘Dragon Warriors’ as I called them, and they immediately created an opening in the warrior’s formation. Just a short moment later, the heads of the dragon warriors were continuously rolling off.

The surrounded Dragon Warriors struggled for their lives with every effort they could, piercing the charging Knights with their weapons. Their body was covered in bloods that flowed out from the inflicted mortal wounds. Even the critically wounded warriors were struggling to get up to fight the Knights. But the number of Knights seemed to be endless.

At a more distant place behind the giant Dragon and Dragon Warriors, were a hidden group of women and children. Obviously, they were the ones the Dragon and the warriors are protecting with their lives.

When the group of women and children are watching the battle nervously, several shadowy figures that were hiding and waiting for a chance to strike suddenly appeared beside them. The tip of cold looking dagger could be seen under their black clothes when they struck, causing bloody red light splashing out from the sliced necks.

Along with their deaths, the Dragon Warriors’ frenzied attack was defeated soon after by the orderly defence of the Knights. Even the Dragon was killed by the group of cultivators by surrounding and mounting a barrage of attacks. The assassins’ appearance had changed the tide of this battle in an instance!

Far behind the gruesome war, a group of old men were watching this bloody battle scene. Apparently they were the main instigators of this battle.

Each of the people in this group was wearing a snow white robe with a bright red ‘+’ symbol on their backs. They were watching the battle with almost a fanatical look in their eyes. I instantly surmised that this group may be the Church that my father spoke about. If that assumption is correct, then the scene I was watching may be the war from over 10000 years ago.

This is the war of the annihilation of the race I was born in…

This is the war that brought my father to the state he is currently in…

This is the war that started it all or maybe ended it all…

As I was thinking about making something about the situation I was in, suddenly I heard a thundering roar from the peak of the mountain opposite to the cliff I was standing on. All the Knights and Cultivators, even the group of those old men turned their heads to look at the origin of the sound.

I too lifted my head to look at a figure standing straight on the mountain. Even the strong wind blowing across him was unable to even make him stagger. I could look at his posture but the face was somewhat blurry as if it was a corrupted part of the memory.

He looked down at the massacre carried out by that group of warriors with sad eyes. Two streams of tears ran down his face as his eyes came to rest on the group of the women and children’ bodies far away from the battlefield. His sad eyes immediately blazed red with rage and even his whole body started shaking. He growled in a shaking voice, which resounded across the entire area.

“I will remember this. I WILL remember the face of each and every person on this battlefield. You massacred my entire family. You mercilessly slashed the throats of even babies in the arms of their mothers. I will make your entire generations remember that the cause of their sufferings was the choice you made this very day. I, Alvark Dragonet, will show you the consequences of this massacre.”

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