《Legendary Elemental Knight》Chapter 20: The Great Fight


I was frightened out of my mind. Where am I? What is this place? Ok, ok, let’s just calm down and review what happened.

I was just observing that Dragon Seed that was supposed to wake my Legacy, but was instead of doing that, it completely absorbed my Cultivation Energy. It even absorbed my Life Energy from the Root Chakra, which I cultivated to the level of activating the Chakra Symbol.

And then I was assaulted by a huge wave of pain that made me lose consciousness and when I opened my eyes, I am here in this never ending plain. As I was thinking over the situation, an old memory one that happened not too long ago surfaced in my mind.

A situation not so different from my current situation happened then. The experiment I was conducting before I died and transferred to another world. Don’t tell me, I was transferred again? I immediately try to contact LILY.


But no matter what I do or how much I shout, she is not responding. I don’t even feel a shadow of connection with her, as though she no longer exists within me. When this thought came into my mind, I panicked. I never felt this muck panic in my two lives. Suddenly, a huge noise comes from somewhere in the distance to my right. Immediately, the ground start shaking and long and deep cracks snaked across the surface.

I look in the direction the sounds came from, and see a huge cloud of dust rising to the skies. Even from this distance, it seemed massive, spanning tens of miles. My thoughts connected this big cloud of dust to maybe a massive army. Army meant humans, and humans meant information, the one thing I need the most.


So, I immediately set off in the direction the noise came from. I walked for a long time before I felt that the path he is walking on is sloping upwards. It felt tiring and the strange part is that he never felt real tiredness or hunger.

Reaching the end of that slope, he understood that the ‘plain’ he thought he was walking on, it’s not a just a plain but a small plateau. And man, was it large. The land below him looked like a primordial world with trees thousands of meters high spanning several thousands of miles. But what shocked him was not that, but all of the trees were uprooted and thrown out like they were twigs.

A massive crated several meters wide was formed in the middle of the forest and the resulting shockwave created that dust cloud which he saw all the way from back there. In the centre of that crater, stood a person holding a massive spear in his hand. He was looking in to the skies with an angry expression on his face.

Azalon lifted his head and looked at the direction the man with the spear is facing. He could see 9 silhouettes flying high in the sky, descending very very fast. They all landed around the man with the spear, with a loud thud and the crater expanded in all directions by another several meters in all directions.

The man with the spear is shouting something to them but Azalon could hear nothing. After a short while, all the 10 persons were fighting with each other. The war was something on a scale he could never have imagined possible to be done by 10 men.


With every clash of their weapons, the very face of the land changed. Massive craters, deep fissures formed on the ground. Even a casual swing of their weapons or fists brought whistling winds and cyclones formed in the area. Even the clouds roiled in the air and the sky felt as if it would fall at any time.


Azalon watched with saucer sized eyes and wide agape mouth. This… this is… are they even humans? Even an entire platoon of bio-enhanced soldiers back on Earth is incapable of producing even a thousandth of what these 10 people are producing. At first he was afraid that he would die from the shockwaves of the clashes, but no matter how much powerful the attacks are, when they came into contact with him. They passed through him as if it was an apparition.

That was when he realized that this is all a projection of an incident or more likely a memory. The chances are this is the memory of whatever soul is present in the Dragon Seed his father gave him. As he realized that, his fear disappeared and his confidence was rekindled. He attentively observed the fight going on in the air above him.

After what felt as a long time, but was actually the short while, the devastating fight ended. After the dust settled, he looked down and saw the man with the spear standing with swords and arrows pierced all over his body. But he was standing straight like a war god with the 9 persons’ corpses thrown around him. But Azalon could see that the condition of the man with the spear is not good too. It is only a matter of time before he too is on his way to the afterlife or whatever.

What he saw next scared the hell out of him. The man with the spear took out the weapons piercing his body as if they were just thorns sticking to him. The massive gashes and wounds were deep enough to pierce the bone. But what he could see was that the bones of that man are actually covered with a metallic luster. They were even shining with the sunlight glinting off them. A robot? May be an Enhanced Human? But the technological equipment needed for achieving that is not a joke. Even in my time back on Earth, it took millions to produce one Enhanced Human.

The man with the spear suddenly turned his head in my direction. He suddenly jumped in to the air and came swooping sown with the spear facing me, like a meteor falling from the Cosmic Space intent on destroying me. I was confident that it would yet again pass through me like all the attacks did, but the spear pierced my chest bringing a shock and a wave of pain. Red blood splashed onto my feet and as I looked at the almost apathetic face with those dead fish eyes, I slowly lost myself into a thick blanket of darkness…

I once again woke up, thinking that whatever is supposed to happen passed, but it seems the show is not over yet. The intermission is finished and the second half is starting. When I regained my consciousness, I was already standing on a cliff edge in the middle of a cold night surroundings…

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