《Legendary Elemental Knight》Chapter 17: The Tale of My Father


That single sentence reverberated around the tranquil and peaceful cavern. I stared dumbly at my father without a response to those words. Nearly lost his life? What the hell is he talking about? A somewhat stupid memory surfaces in mind. A scene from a movie I once watched. The hero with a somewhat shady past turns a new leaf after meeting the heroine. The scene depicts him explaining all that he did before meeting her and confesses his never-ending love to her.

My thoughts take off in a new and somewhat absurd tangent. I know my father and mother loved each other before getting married. Did he drag me all the way to this middle of nowhere to tell me love story? No way, right? It is definitely not that, right?

If Lorvak could have heard these thoughts, he would have beaten him to a point of leaving him half a step from death. But fortunately he could not and he simply looked at the lake with misty eyes.

After a long time, he deeply sighed and turned towards me. I could see pain in his eyes and also a shimmering deep hatred. Whatever silly thoughts I had until then, immediately disappeared when I saw those eyes. It seems that there is more to this than what appears to be understood from those few words.

“In order to understand what happened and why it happened, I have to tell you a long tale from a very long time ago. This has been something I kept deep in my heart. Even your mother did not know till a few days ago. But this tale is something which has a great importance to you and even more to your existence.”

Instantly my mind explodes with a flood of questions. My existence? Does he know I am not from this world? That I am a reincarnated person? But how? He said it is a tale from a long time ago? Don’t tell me that people from Earth came here before?

As my mind wandered off again, a hand landed on my shoulder. I gathered y thoughts and looked up at my father. He did not talk and simply guided me to a dark corner of the cavern. There, he once again tool out that knife and this time, he directly inserted it into a small slit in the wall of the cavern.

A small part of the wall slightly vibrated before revealing a square stone slab of around 1 meter length behind the section of this wall. It was fixed there or it felt more like this section was built around it to protect it.

The stone slab was violet in color, so thick that it felt it was black. There are various characters on it, but these are different from what I have seen on the rock at the entrance. These gave off an ancient feeling, as if they had been in existence from the origin of the time itself. My life felt meaningless when I felt that ancient energy.


While looking at the tablet, I heard my father’s voice again. I turned my head and listened intently to what he was saying.

“This tablet here is the treasure of my clan. I was the last remaining member of my clan, until you were born. Our ancestors had a lot of enemies and that enmity continued down the generations until I was the only one left. The life I am living is the result of countless sacrifices so as to ensure that the bloodline will still continue.”

He then turns towards me and once again riles up my mind with another shocking sentence.

“We are the descendants of the Dragons, Azalon.”

I was dazed for a long time. He carries me back to the pile of stones and we sit there once again. He gave me some time to gather my scattered thoughts. I take some deep breaths and look at him to see that he was still looking in the direction of that tablet. As if he felt my gaze, he turns his gaze towards me. I nod at him to continue.

“I will tell you what really happened with this continent, Azalon. This is the story passed on from generation to generation in our clan. Listen carefully as I can only tell you this once.”

“The Dragons were the second living beings to be born in this world. The first were the Fiend gods. The fiend gods were very powerful and they ruled over this land for some millennia. They were the first ones to utilize the Spirit Energy to further enhance their strengths. As their strength increased, war broke out between the different factions. The war was a natural disaster. The Fiend Gods’s strength was so great that entire continents broke under their powerful techniques. The war changed the very face of the landforms.”

“At the same time, the Dragons were existences completely different from the battle thirsty Fiend Gods. Even though they were strong, they could not compare to the tyrannical strength of those Fiend Gods. So they challenged individual strength with numbers. The Dragons lived as a single community with a hierarchy placed in the ranks of their lineages. The one with the purest lineage will be the one leading them.”

“If you want to compare the Fiend Gods and Dragons, you can say that Dragons were like the Spirit Energy Cultivators, and the Fiend Gods were the Knights. Even though we say that knights can never compare to a Spirit Power House, but the techniques used by the Fiend Gods were like stars compared to the almost dust like techniques we use today. After all they are the very first beings to be born in this world.”

“As the time passed, the Fiend Gods became extinct because of their frequent wars. The younger generation never even saw their true potential before they will be sacrificed in the wars. As a result, the number of subsequent generations became smaller and smaller. The elder generation died and the younger generation was smaller in number. This led to their own extinction by their very hands.”


“This resulted in the Dragons becoming the true Overlords of the world, as there was nothing that could challenge their might. After a very very long time, humans appeared in this world. With high intelligence and amazing aptitude for Spirit Energy, they quickly rose up in the food chain from bottom feeders to the top predators.”

“The humans became powerful with their cultivation and powerful martial arts and techniques; even then they were nowhere near enough to challenge the might of even the lower Dragons, let alone those existences at the pinnacle of that absurd existence called Dragons. So they made a pact with the Dragons. The pact declared that they will never encroach on each other’s territory. The Dragons naturally accepted as they are a proud race that never goes out of their ways if they are not riled up.”

“But this pact gave birth to a situation after many years. With the existence of the peace treaty, some Dragons became interested in the progress of the human civilization. They transformed into their human form and roamed freely all around the human kingdom. Some even settled in some kingdoms. Some of them even took up the human females as their mates. This resulted in a new race different from both humans and Dragons.”

“The intercourse between Humans and Dragons produced a new race named Draconian. The Draconian can be simply called the existence of the Essence of the Dragon in a Human body. They were natural born fighters with the strength of a Dragon along with the high affinity for Spirit Energy of the humans. “

“Originally they were restricted by the Dragons, but with time they became strong enough to shrug off the intimidation of the Dragons and went off a rampage all around the world. At first all the races could not even stand up to the strength of the Draconians. Countless kingdoms were completely obliterated by them. It went off for over 200 years. These years are called the ‘Dark Age’ in the present age. But as the time passed, the humans started retaliating with the help of their own experts.”

“Even though the Draconians are a strong, the number of them is still small, when compared to the monstrous size of human population. Thus the situation shortly reversed in the favor of the humans. But they just did not stop there. The religious institutions in the kingdom started with a propaganda that these Draconians are the bane of their existence and they have to be completely eliminated.”

“Thus started the Great war of 10,000 years ago. The war lasted for several hundreds of years within which the humans almost succeeded in completely eradicating the Draconians and their hatred even extended towards the Dragons, as they believed that the Dragons are responsible for the creation of those abominations.”

“A small number of Dragons escaped the net of humans along with the then younger generation of the Draconians. With the passage of time, the blood lineage of the Draconians thinned out. They went into hiding releasing those young children into the human civilization, as they looked exactly like the humans albeit with strong physical capabilities and high affinity for Spirit Energy. “

“The church expanded their influence with the help of the war spanning centuries and now they can be considered only second to His Majesty, The Emperor. Even he has to think twice before he can contradict this mammoth organization. The church never gave up on their hunt for the remaining Draconians.”

“Our family was staying at a remote location far off from any prying eyes. We were a large family, living in peace without any disturbance from the outside world. I was around 8 years of age when that happened. I don’t know how they found out, but one day the forces of the church suddenly showed up on our front doors. We retaliated desperately but the situation was already out of our hands in the face of their surprise attack. I and my brother ran off under the time brought by our parents’ life.”

“He carried me in his arms and we ran and ran to get as far as possible from that place. After travelling countless miles and crossing different kingdoms, we ended up in this cavern. But an expert kept following us all the way from our home. He found us here and my brother killed him in exchange with his own life. But before that expert died, he injured me gravely and I thought I lost my life.”

“That is when that elder found me. He saved me and treated my injuries. He became interested in my high talent for cultivation and accepted me as his disciple. I was too scared back then and lived in the shadow of his. I swiftly rose in the Realms and he took my strength as leverage and raised himself in the hierarchy. Even me becoming the Mayor of this city is something provided by him.”

“I never told anyone about my origins, even to your mother. But you, Azalon, are an existence that only existed in those ancient times.”

“Your body is not a Unique Physique. You, my son, are the first Draconian to be born after 1000 years.”

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