《Legendary Elemental Knight》Chapter 13: LILY


I could not react to that announcement in my head for a moment. My mood instantly turned happy. You have to understand, LILY is the only thing connecting me to my previous world and all that I was before coming over here. All the things I did, all the achievements, happiness, excitement made me what I am today. So LILY can be considered an integral part of me, from which I don’t want to part myself.

That is the only reason why I gave up on using the energy I cultivated to recharge her. The only reason I went through the risky process of Soul splitting, so as to speed up the process energy cultivation and revive her quickly.

Now that the moment came now, I became somewhat giddy. She can finally stay with me all the time. Once her main battery activated, she can be considered self sustained. She can recharge herself by directly absorbing the energy from the atmosphere.

As I was thinking about these matters, a silvery gold light flashed all around my body. That familiar silvery liquid with the occasional gold lines oozed out from my body and started accumulating.

The all too familiar silvery ball came into my vision floating there. But it did not stop there. The ball once again started shrinking. A bright light filled the entire room increasing in intensity, as the ball shrunk more and more. The light intensified to point that that I had to close my eyes to protect them from burning the retinas.

What I did not know that, at the same time in my Soul Realm. The silvery gold light in my main Soul started glowing with the same intensity as the physical body outside. The sliver color started spreading through the Soul, mixing with the greenish blue color of the Soul. Finally the light dimmed down, and the original tear shaped soul now had four colors. The original greenish blue Soul now has a silver sheen on it, with bright gold lines running all across it.

At the same time, in the material word, the ball finally dimmed down too. I opened my eyes and the scene before my eyes made my jaw drop to the floor, and my eyes widened to the point that they felt like they filled half of my face.

Floating before me, in the place where previously a silvery ball was floating, is a girl wearing sliver dress and a pair of gold wings on her back. She is a heaven shaking beauty, with long silver hair falling like a beautiful waterfall to her hips. An innocent but charming face with perfect features and not a single blemish can be seen anywhere on her being. But there is only a single problem…

She is the size of roughly 20cms. I think she can be called that what used to exist only in tales and legends. A fairy… *Sigh* why oh why this world never stops f***ing with me? It’s like the world is hell bent on changing my mind set from thinking on the lines of logical pure scientifically sound explanations. First there were dragons, next somethings that eliminated them. As I came to accept that incident, with the line of logic that maybe the dragons in this world can be compared to the dinosaurs on Earth. Then that Elder dropped the bomb again and this time it’s the f***ing immortality. I once again somehow kept my sanity on completely blaming the reason on the energy absorption into the body, that it somewhat changes the composition of the body to reduce or nullify the cell deterioration rate of the body.


But now, I can’t keep my mind from going into shock. LILY, a perfect scientific being I made based on logically explainable process and findings, turned into a mythical being. I found myself banging my head against the wall of my room. I stopped myself with some great effort, and turned my head to look at the flying girl in the middle of my room.

The culprit of my current agony is looking at me with an amused expression on her little face. I can even see the mischievous smirk on her face as though her plan worked out perfectly. I simply turned with a blank look on my face and simply resumed banging my head on the wall.

I woke up with a splitting headache and I had to concentrate hard to gather my thoughts. I remembered about LILY once again, and sighed deeply. I calmed myself to a certain extent and looked around to find the culprit sitting on my shoulder, swinging her legs playfully. She felt my gaze and turned her small head and a smile crept up on to her face.

I can’t help but face palm myself. I sigh deeply once again and try to talk with her.


“Ha, finally. I did not expect such an exaggerated reaction, Master. It was funny watching you looking at me and banging your head against the wall, you know.”

I look blankly at her once again. It was her voice alright. But what the hell is with that appearance? I voiced out that same question to her and she replied with a happy and excited expression on her face

“I think it is the result of the atmospheric conditions of this world, Master. The higher concentration of energy on the atmosphere further evolved the element that you made me with. I merely guided that evolution and decided on this form. I thought Maser will be happy and I can converse and adventure with Master with this form.”

I can hear pride in her voice and expectation for hearing my praise on her choice. But no matter how much I think I can’t even react to her words, let alone praise her. I sighed once again and finally calm down.

“Whatever, LILY.” I reply meekly.

LILY instantly sulked and looked at me puffed up cheeks. Her face became red all of a sudden and her small lips started quivering. I get the feeling that she is very angry with me. I look at her trying-to-hold-back-tears look on her face and my expression turns soft. No matter what she becomes, she is LILY after all. And she did this to be with me with more freedom of interaction. That finally sobered up me.

“Ok, ok, don’t cry, alright. It’s just that it was more of a shock than I could handle. You did great, LILY. I am happy too that I can interact more freely with you in that form.”


Her expression instantly turns after hearing my words. I have a lingering feeling that all of this is once again her plan. I shake off that thought and decided on the next course of action.

“It is all well and good, LILY. Let’s get serious now.”

“Ok, Master.”

“First of all, Diagnose and troubleshoot the entire system .Report the results and we can decide on the future commands based on the findings, alright?”

“Alright, Master. Command Accepted. Begin Full System Diagnose and Troubleshoot. ETA for Results: 3 hours”.

“Report on Battery levels”

“Reserve Battery Level: Completely charged. Main Battery Level: 0.5%. 0.5% of the battery energy is consumed in the process of achieving the current form. The future manifestations will not be that energy consuming and the consumption can be negligible.”

“Good. Now, first of all, you can recharge yourself right?”

“No, Master. Since the evolution of the element, it feels as if something has changed with the configuration. I cannot absorb energy directly from the atmosphere. It is as if something is wrong with the compatibility between the energy and my systems.”

So, this is the consequence of her manifestation in this form. But wait a moment; she just said that something is wrong with her compatibility with the energy compatibility. Could it be…? I ask her to confirm my thoughts.

“LILY, aren’t your systems configured based on the energy readings of the atmosphere on Earth?”

The moment I ask her the question, LILY’s eyes widen and a pondering expression takes up her facial area.

“Ahhh, it is as such, Master. Since the energy concentration is different from that on Earth, naturally the compatibility will not exist.”

As I thought… you may be wondering as an A.I. system, why LILY didn’t recognize the problem by herself. The answer is pretty simple. It is that I developed LILY as a completely independent system, different from the other A.I. systems.

Generally A.I. systems are developed based on some pre-executed data. The system observes that data and generates a basic template of decision making first. And then based on real time executions of different problems, it evolves itself based on the template data.

But LILY can be said to be the exact opposite of that procedure. I developed LILY only with the capacity to observe and learn. She developed her thinking capability based on these characteristics only. It’s like a human being. We grow with the same conditions, isn’t it? So that’s why even though LILY has high computational capabilities, she is just like a small child with a hyper active personality.

That is also the reason why I was hell bent on reviving her. She adds color to my monotonous life. It was like that in my previous life. And that became even more important to me right now. I may have a loving family, but that lingering affection for Earth still exists in me. It’s not something I can get rid of in a day or two.

That aside, I have to reconfigure her systems. But I don’t have any equipment for that. And then I suddenly remember the scene from my Soul Realm. I remembered that LILY has integrated with my Soul. So can’t she cultivate energy the same way I do using my soul as a medium?

“LILY, can you observe and take readings on the process of my energy cultivation?”

“Yes, I can do that, Master. But why?”

“We don’t have any equipment for the large scale calculation of energy radiation readings of the atmosphere. So instead of observing the atmosphere, you can learn the process on how I cultivate the energy in the atmosphere. If you can apply those readings to your systems and use my Soul as an interface between you and the atmosphere, I believe you absorb the energy from the atmosphere.”

“And even if you use my Soul as a medium, since you are an integrated with my Soul, there will be almost negligible effect on my own cultivation. Even if there is an effect, it will not be like I will always be cultivating, right? You can use the time when I am not cultivating to recharge your batteries.”

“Alright, Master. The next time you cultivate, I will calculate the readings and likewise modify my systems.”

As I was talking, a knocking came from the door of my room. It seems like the time my father gave me is up. Alright, now is the time to surprise him. LILY once again disappears into my body, but I can feel her on the back of my mind. Let’s go,LILY… and a cute 'Yes' echoed in my head.

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