《Legendary Elemental Knight》Chapter 9: First Chakra Level


I woke up from my cultivation state early in the morning. After refining the energy for the whole night, I managed to recharge the battery level of LILY to 15%. It seems that the comprehension of the high level Soul Resonance Cultivation Technique somehow accelerate my refining speed, even though I am not using the technique directly.

After my breakfast, I had a talk with my father and informed him of my decision of cultivating the body refining technique.

“Father, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“What is it, Azalon? I am somewhat busy right now.”

“Father, I decided to start my body refining technique. I want to reach the first level as soon as possible.”

My father looked at me in surprise. It seems that he did not expect me to come to come to a decision that fast. After a short moment, he nodded his head in appreciation and explained to me the basics of the body refining.

“Azalon, you have made a good decision. But you have to be careful. Body refining is different from Spirit energy cultivation. Spirit energy acts as a source and medium for the execution of techniques. But body refining is different as we use the Spirit energy to stimulate various organs and temper the body directly.”

“The path of body refining is filled with pain and hard work. You have to expend your blood, sweat and tears to reach the higher realms using body refining techniques. That’s why that path is not something that can be walked with a weak heart. You have to have a never ending will power and determination. Only with those you can walk forward on this path. Understand, Azalon?”

“Yes, Father. I understand. I have made my resolve. That’s why I came to inform you. I will come out from my room only after reaching the first stage of the body refining technique the Head Elder gave to me.”

He looked deeply into my eyes as if challenging my resolve. I did not shrink from his challenge and resolutely returned his gaze. He seemed satisfied with whatever he saw in me and slowly nodded his head.

“But there is a condition Azalon. Only then I will accept your request.”

“What is it, Father?”

“I will give you 15 days of time. You have to reach the first stage in 15 days. There is a major event that we have to attend. If you can reach the first stage, you can participate in that event. Don’t ask the details of the event. The current you cannot do anything even if I explain. That’s why you have to reach the first stage. Understand?”

This is new. As per the words of my father, this event seems to be a very important one. 15 days to reach the first stage huh… a little short on time but I think I can manage somehow in 10 days. If I can completely refine the First Chakra Symbol, then I can use the first level of the Soul Resonance Technique and speed up my cultivation too. Yosh, it’s decided then.


“I understand, Father. I will not let you down.”

I replied and turned around to leave. If I had seen the expression on my father, I could have understood that he is conflicting over something. But I missed that and my head is filled with the information on First Chakra Level and calculations on the time it takes to reach that stage.

I sat cross legged in my room and started absorbing the energy into my body. This time I did not use the refined energy for recharge of LILY but started rushing that energy as a large wave, in the direction of the First Chakra Point.

According to the script, the First Chakra is located at the place where the tail bone meets the pelvis. In other words, the very end point of the Spinal cord. On Earth, I once had a fleeting interest in biology and I studied various anatomies in detail especially human anatomy. That’s why, even though the description in the script was vague, I somehow managed to locate the focal point of the Chakra on my body. This confirmed that my greatest advantage and weapon is the knowledge I gained in my previous life. I just have to find the ways to apply that knowledge in this world.

The instructions in the script are to continuously bombard the gateway of the Chakra until it breaks. Once the gateway breaks, the first part ‘Opening’ is completed. Then the life energy in the Chakra can be stimulated by using the Spirit energy. And then it’s the simple work of patiently guiding that mixture of energy to the corresponding organs for continuous refining and strengthening.

I controlled the energy in my body to form continuous waves to break the gateway. My mind is completely filled with the roaring sounds produced by the energy waves as they moved towards the Chakra. The first wave reached the Chakra Point and the first lash happened. Immediately, pain spread through my entire body. My nerve s overloaded with the feeling and my body felt as if it is on fire. Sweat rolled down as I gritted my teeth tightly and willed the second wave to clash with the gateway.

After what it felt like a lifetime, the last wave violently bombarded with the gateway.

*Crack* *Crack* *Shtrilllll*

Violent crashing sounds resounded within body and then a feeling of comfort spread out all over body from the base of my spinal cord. With this I have reached the first part ‘Opening’ of the First Chakra. I did not know but almost a day passed when I finally broke through the gateway. Usually it takes 2- - 3 days but I achieved that stage in only a day. If I had known that, I would have concluded the reason being my special physique as it can hold more energy than normal. This excess energy shortened the time to break through.


The cool stream of energy passed through my entire body, which was battered with pain. It was refreshing and my body felt recovered from the backlashes from the energy crashes. That stream revolved around all my body once before returning to the Chakra. The only way I can stimulate that energy again is to use the Spirit energy.

As I was short on time, I immediately channeled the Spirit energy to clear all the paths by continuously revolving the energy within the Chakra. As the energy finishes a revolution, I guide it to mix with the Life energy in the Chakra. The next revolution used this mixture of energies. Then the process repeats itself until both the energies are completely fused together. Only then I can advance to the ‘Channeling’ part.

The monotonous work of the activation of the First Chakra continues for 4 days before all the paths are opened and both the energies are fused together completely. It took me 5 complete days to achieve the second part ‘Channeling’ of the First Chakra. With this I can now advance to the somewhat easy but time taking third part.

The mixed energy is revolving in the paths of the First Chakra like a great river. All I have to do right now s to guide that energy to the corresponding body parts. I take a deep breath and concentrate on the energy in the Chakra. I manipulate it to move to the centre of the Chakra, called the Focal Point, from where the Spirit veins can be used to guide the energy to the body parts.

The energy felt alive as it moved towards the Focal point. As the energy reached the point, something changed. A pain more concentrated than the time I felt at the ‘Opening’ of the Chakra assaulted my nerves. It happened so suddenly and with a magnitude that I couldn’t prepare myself. As a result I blacked out in response to that huge amount of pain running through my body.

What I did not know about the technique is that it was an ancient technique which is developed on the concept of baptism through pain. The technique was originally to destroy and rebuild the body on a cellular level. But that proved to be an impossible task as the human body contains hundreds of varieties of cells with each variety containing millions of cells. After a long research, an expert came up with the Chakra system. The Chakra system divides the refining process into various stages, each stage corresponding to various kinds of cells.

What my body is undergoing right now as I was unconscious, is the same reconstruction on a cellular level, albeit only on certain types of cells and organs. Right now my skin, tendons and ligaments are being destroyed to be repaired on a cellular level by the energy mixture from the Chakra. This process repeats itself until the cells can adapt themselves to the stimulation of energy.

Generally that takes a long time as human body is naturally capable of evolution. But the cultivator has to bear the mind numbing pain of destruction and reconstruction of the cells. But my body is unique. It adapted itself within an hour.

I woke up to feel the changes in my body after the activation of the First Chakra. The newly formed skin, tendons and ligaments started absorbing the energy like bottomless wells, being continuously refined. My skin became tender and smooth than a new born, but at the same time being hard enough to a point that I can shrug off damage to a certain extent. My ligaments and tendons became flexible and strong. They became perfectly co-ordinate with my skin. My body felt brimmed with power. I have to take a physical examination to test the results of the refinement.

As I was observing the changes in my body, a warm feeling suddenly appeared at the focal point of the Root Chakra. It was the sign that the Root chakra symbol is imprinting. If one can see the symbol, they can see a red flower with four petals slowly opening itself at the Focal point of the Chakra. After the flower completely blossomed, it flashed once and became a tattoo like imprint in the body at the point of the Chakra.

With this, I have completed the activation of the Root Chakra in my body. Now I can finally start cultivating the Soul Resonance Technique. But before that, I have to rest so as to give sometime for the body and mind to adapt to the changes, as the Soul Resonance Technique also is a somewhat painful process comparable what I have gone through right now. With that decided I lay down on my bed and drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

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