《Legendary Elemental Knight》Chapter:Prologue


Earth 2254

With the start of the new century,many innovations gave birth to revolutionary inventions,which made human civilisation and potential reach new heights which were simply unimaginable to the previous generations. At that time there was a prominent figure who was praised as the "Human with the capability of God" Johnny Stark who is said to be the man with the highest IQ ever recorded in the human history. Three quarters of the present world's technology can be said to be the brain child of him. Many of his theories and research material paved a way for solutions to countless questions that were unanswered since the beginning of time. It was rumoured that he even created a new artificial element which he did not publicise in order to prevent the mis-usage as that element is said to be both stable and chaotic, a mixture which was unheard of before.But right now that peerless genius is in his lab brooding over a problem which even he didinot have an answer to...

*******Main Laboratory Of JS Technologies********

A State -of - The Art technological infrastructure which houses most of the research and development division of JS Technologies of which Johnny is the Head of the department.He is a simple man in a plain T-Shirt and Faded Jeans with a somewhat childish face which was as pale as porcelain,the result of spending countless hours under the artificial lights of OLED Screens and artificial sunrays,midnight black hair with a touch of violet at the tips,providing a contrast that is handsome and ghastly at the same time.Right now that face is scrunched up in irritation and desperation facing a floating ball of silvery gold metal of around 15cm diameter,which is whizzing around him playfully.It was an AI system which he named "LILY"


and the material is entirely comprised of the element which he created himself,which functions as both the body and mind of LILY.

"Master,what are you hesitating about?Do you think oour calculations and predicytions are wrong?" LILY asked with a touch of irritation at her master.

John slowly lifted his head and looked towards her,and said"No LILY,I do not doubt the calculations. What I am thinking over is the end result of them.You know even with our colloboration,we couldn't come up with a satisfactory answer."

"Hmmm...that's right.So Master,what are you going to do?Are you planning to finally take it up with the board?",LILY asked in a somewhat dejected tone.

John did not answer for a long time and finally determination could be seen in his eyes as he said"No,I will initiate the project now,I am confident LILY that we can face whatever is at the end of the road."

What John and LILY were working on is a project if made public would make him go wild, as it deals with one of the most basic and profound aspect of Reality,Quantum Energy and its counter force Void energy.The main aspect of the project is that reality is like a Magnet which is comprised of the opposing and balancing of the two forces QE and VE.On that Theory,what John plans to do is to force them break apart and within a split second bring them back to their natural states so as to understand the energies on a much deeper level,in another words,he intends to create a crack in the reality so as to see why and what makes the crack.

After the decision,he walks upto a room which boats the epitome of human technology,which is the machine that is going to separate the very fabric of reality.After the initial security checks,John walks onto a platform which is lightly humming with energy percepetible even to naked eye and that is where John is currently standing.LILY swiftly entered the initialization sequences and presently sitting on her master's shoulders.A massive influx of energy swiftly rushes into the platform which then split into 8 rings that revolved around John in a octagonal pattern much like a gyro meter and started picking up speed seemingly becoming a complete circle so as to protect the man inside.And John felt more than saw both energies making up the reality go farther and farther one atom length at a time.After seemingly eons but what was really a split second,reality broke around John who was attentively watching all this happen with wide eyes and mind in over load,suddenly felt as if he has barely scratched the under workings of the universe.When he was jubilantly trying to understand the results of his project,the rings circling around him suddenly started shrinking as the energies which were forced apart started coming back to their original positions so as to eliminate the intruder among them.As the rings started shrinking,he felt his body breaking apart into atoms and sub atoms.Panicking at the sudden blossom of mind numbing pain spreading over his body,he felt more than saw LILY melting into a liquid and envelop his body,then slowly started pouring into his body from every pore,which more that doubled the pain he is currently feeling,and he blacked out.The last thing he remembered is himself being propelled into a hair thin crack which pulsed once before absorbing him and a warm silvery gold glow wrapping around him as a cocoon...

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