《Dungeon Accident》Side Story


A new story I decided to write on a whim after my slump on writing chapter 32 today lol. Let me know what you think.

Chapter 1: Welcome to Rosetta!

Since long ago, one of the puzzling places in this world is the labyrinth: a complex maze filled of death-dealing traps and monsters. Others who had braved these mysterious floors managed to attain wealth, fame, and even innovation, but some of the unfortunate ones experienced the most gruesome and painful death.

Those who are courageous enough to traverse the labyrinth, despite knowing the danger that entails, are called adventurers. Schools were erected for the sole purpose of nurturing talented and vigorous youth, hoping that these able bodied youngster could solve the labyrinth’s never ending mysteries.

This story details the journey of a young man who was born and raised in a family of prestigious knights. Rejecting the life that was set to him, he decides to follow his own path — to be a Magus. Christopher takes on his mother’s name and enrolls at Rosetta, the biggest adventurer’s academy in all of Scaldus. What will his future bring?

* * *

Year 1527, Month 4

“Alright kids, you have one week to finish this assignment. Those of you who couldn’t stomach to kill their first Ents might as well drop off the boat now. You’re here to become adventurers, you hear me?! So consider this test your initiation to this hell ride. Any other questions?”

No one in the class was brave enough to raise their hand and question this demon teacher. As soon as he dismissed the class and left the classroom, loud sighing blared in response.

“To think that we’re being sent to a labyrinth on the first day of class, isn’t that too soon?” one of the students said.

“Meh, I’d rather have a shot at this skill bracelet sooner than later,” a young man sporting his crimson, shoulder length ponytail replied in a carefree tone. “Wouldn’t you think so?”

“Show off,” scoffed a girl, crossing her arms in his nonchalance. “There’s a big difference in traversing a labyrinth knowing what’s in it rather than just rushing with an empty head, idiot.”

The young man snickered. “I didn’t expect that type of language from an elf. How childish.”

“What was that?! You damn dwarf!”

“Childish, childish, childish, childish, childish, childish, childish, childish, childish—”

With that, the arguments between Chris’s new class started.

Both parties have their point. Chris couldn’t contain himself to try the Skill bracelet either, yet at the same time, he didn’t want to enter the labyrinth in question, although for beginners, without doing his research.

“Let the idiots fight among themselves,” a male’s voice spoke behind him. Chris turned from his chair to look. With a pair of feline ears, the voice came from a Lynx — a race originating from the southern part of Scaldus.

“Raven Phylix. Nice to meet you.” The young man offered a handshake, and Chris accepted.

“Christopher Noire. A pleasure to meet you as well.”

“It’s a little noisy here. You want to head out and hit the library?”

“Good idea. We only have a week to finish this assignment after all.”

“It’s decided then.”

Chris stood up as he grabbed the wooden staff the school provided him yesterday and followed his new acquaintance. They walked down the marble hallways, passing the other classrooms in the first year building.

“Judging by the staff you carry, you must be a mage, huh?”

Chris denied the praise with a wave of his hand. “A mage would be too much of a tittle for me right now. I’m still on the apprentice level. What about you?”


“Me? This is all the weapon I need.” Raven clenched his fist with confidence, but quickly retracted his action by scratching his head. “Just kidding. I have a spirit stone imbued with [Scaldic Claws] attached on my skill bracelet. See?”

His confidence was understandable. Lynx, after all, was a race infused with tremendous vitality and agility compared to a regular human.

“I see. So a fighter then?”

“That’s right. I’ve trained these fists my whole life for this moment, and I’m finally here — in Rosetta, the adventurer’s academy. It’d be a huge waste not to make use of them.”

Chris admired his diligence. Due to his family background, he too studied martial arts at a young age, but he chose the path where his heart wanted to be. To be a magus. Although there wasn’t a single day that Chris had forgotten the way his Father taught him how to use the sword. The basics, the form, the style — all of those were engraved inside of him.

It was exactly the reason why he didn’t want to follow into tradition and serve the Celestians his family was supposed to serve. His two elder brothers already took that weight off of him. He wanted freedom, and only by being a respectable magus would he achieve that goal.

The two didn’t have much trouble locating their quarry. The library was a grey pointed obelisk that garnered attention whenever they look up. They waited in line outside before a fellow donning a crimson blazer checked their identification cards and ushered them inside.

The interior of the obelisk awed Chris. Spiraling stairs, multiple levels, books of different variations adorning the walls — it was exactly what he had expected.

Most of the students who entered at the same time continued to their desired destinations. Chris hadn’t spotted a student wearing the same type of Blazer as them, which was green, giving him the conclusion that most freshmen were still in class.

“Oh! Two fresh meat. How can I help you today?” A short girl with two pixie wings protruding out of her back greeted them as they looked around. Her disheveled hair and white lab coat distinguished her from the rest.

“We’d like some information about this labyrinth our teacher is sending us to,” Raven asked.

The girl laughed as she walked behind a counter. “I see, I see. You two must be Gladius’ students. This always happen every year it’s almost a tradition around here.”

Raven scratched the back of his neck with a wry smile. “You mean sending his students on a treasure hunt on the first day of class?”

“Exactly. Without information, kiddies like yourselves wouldn’t know where to go. That’s the purpose of this test. To help young students like you gather these information on your own. So if I were you, I wouldn’t question your teacher’s teaching methods. Just think of it as something positive, okay?”

“I suppose so.” Chris couldn’t help but acquiesce. “Could you help us with the basics then?”

“But of course. As you may have already known, those skill bracelets allow us to perform feats outside of our limitations. By imbuing your skill bracelet with a burst stone, you could increase your physical capabilities, depending on the type and quality of the stone you imbue, while imbuing the bracelet with a spirit stone would allow you to use magic. Each Freshmen starts with a skill bracelet with three free slots plus the additional slot for inventory — so a total of four.”


“I see…” Chris nodded. “What about the more advance spirit and burst stones? Where do we get them?”

“Some are awarded in class, some are obtained down in the labyrinth, and the others you could buy in exchange for the appropriate amount of Rigal.”

“And a better skill bracelet?” Raven continued with the questions.

“Those are hard to say, my dearies, as better ones are hard to come by. The academy grants you with a better bracelet each time you progress a year but you could also research on how to make one yourself. We have all the resources you would need in this library, so feel free to digest all those information, you hear me?” The small pixie floated to their eye levels and tapped their shoulders with a smile.

“This library seems like the perfect treasure trove of information for bookworms to abuse,” Raven commented, and he got a nice red mark on his cheek in return.

“How dare you! Don’t look down on these curious children!”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Chris laughed a little after seeing the slap mark on his friend’s cheek. “I have to agree about its beauty; this obelisk is almost on par with the royal library.”

“Oh! So you’ve been to the royal library, my dear?”

“Twice, yes.”

“How lucky! Most, including me, only have the opportunity to appreciate it from afar, and you actually went inside?”

“Yes Ma’am, and though I would love to inform you of its graciousness, our time is short.”

“That’s too bad.” Her shoulders hanged down in disappointment, and all of that sudden burst of excitement in her face disappeared.

Chris wasn’t late to notice, so he quickly thought of an idea. “Indeed it is. But do not worry. I’ll return and tell the tale when I have more time in my hands.”

Her sulking face lighted up with a smile. “Don’t let me keep you any longer then. Carry on now. Onto your first adventure~”

Chris bowed his head and thanked the helpful pixie before leaving for the labyrinth.

The labyrinth in question was within the school grounds, to the east. A small, man-made labyrinth to help prepare novices like them for the real deal. Chris didn’t think of entering it today, but he considered the idea to explore the first floor with Raven if they allow him to. It was only the first day of class after all.

“That girl’s kind of cute, huh?” Raven said as they walked along the courtyard.

“It’s to be expected from someone who shares the same bloodline as Elves; Pixies are a beautiful race.”

“We should’ve asked for her name after all.”

“Looks can be deceiving you know? From her choice of words, she could be decades older than us or something,” Chris said with a laugh. “Or do you, perhaps, fancy an older woman?”

“Who cares about age when she’s that cute? Besides, older women just have that charm girls our age don’t have. I’ll have to say they’re mostly brutes walking around with a pair of breasts. Just look at that elven chick in our class. Her lips are the last thing I would want to kiss.”

“Right, right. That aside, Raven, what else did you choose for starting skills?” Chris decided to direct the topic to something more meaningful. He knew he didn’t mean it but he still didn’t want his new friend taking the habit of talking shit behind other people’s back.

“In the meantime I have two burst stones: [Iron Fist] and [Increase Agility], while the last spot on my bracelet was reserved for [Scaldic Claws]. You?”

Chris looked at his bracelet. “[Invoke Flame], [Regeneration], and [Magic Map]. All of which are spirit stones that consumes small to a moderate amount of mana—”

An unfamiliar tone interrupted Chris mid-sentence. “Smart choice.”

The voice came from a certain fellow, who was leaning against the wall, ahead of them. The tip of his ears peeking out of his curly, blonde hair, was sharp and pointed. With long and narrow eyes, neat eyelashes, pinkish lips, and a thin frame, he could no doubt be mistaken as a girl. But alas, the black trousers that fitted him like a snug gave his gender away.

“Pardon my rudeness, my name is Arthur Solan.” The Elven boy walked forward and slightly lowered his head. “My friends call me Art. It’s unwise to think that all Elves are similar to Lucretia. She’s just quite violent in nature, you see, but a sweet girl nevertheless. So I hope you can forgive her from the bottom of your heart.”

Chris knew that Elves have exceptional hearing but not to this extent.

Raven was quick to apologize. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. I didn’t mean it — honest!”

“Not at all. It’s my responsibility as her relative that she wouldn’t be misunderstood.”

“There’s no need for apologies, as it’s our fault to begin with. I’m Christopher Noire and this here is Raven Phylix. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Arthur.”

“No, no, the pleasure is mine. And please, just Art is fine.”

“Very well, Art. We’re on our way to the labyrinth; would you like to come?”

His question made the young elf blink. “I would be a fool to decline your gracious offer. So by all means, yes.”

With that, Chris gained another companion.

The initiation labyrinth, or also known as the freshman’s den, did not look any different from any other building outside. However the moment Chris and his group pushed their way through the luxurious doors, his jaw dropped at how spacious it was. Aside from the multiple counters with their own receptionists, there was even a cafeteria on their left and what seemed like a spot for students to vend their goods. Such results must be the effects of Spatial magic.

Looking around him, Chris recognized some of his classmates standing in line. Some were already donned in the armor and cloaks provided by the school while carrying their respective weapons on their waist. The initiation labyrinth was indeed there, in that building.

One lone girl, who didn’t seem like she belonged to a group, caught Chris’s attention. The leather breastplate fitted her ample breast like a glove along with her uniform tracing the wonderful curves of her body. He couldn’t help but nod in satisfaction to those black knee socks going all the way up to her thighs. Chris had a thing for knee socks after all. It was a fascination that sprouted when he was still training to be a Celestian knight.

The girl noticed his lingering gaze but did nothing to reprimand him. She gave him a sharp glare before she went downstairs to shadow the other group of students.

“Stop spacing out, Christopher. It’s almost our turn.” Raven brought him out of his musings.

“Sorry.” Chris was left scratching his head.

When their turns arrived, a senior student instructed them to equip their gears. They simultaneously invoke [Inventory], and a small window with a blue background appeared in front of them. The senior student then explained each tab that appeared in detail.

Chris pushed the tab for [Equip] and picked the leather gauntlets on his screen. Small particles of light then emitted around his arms. A second later, when the light fully dissipated, the gauntlets were fitted on both of his arms.

“Magic has really gone a long way.” Now Chris understood why they had to give out blood samples to obtain a Skill bracelet. It was necessary for the bracelet to recognize its user.

“Indeed. Whoever invented this technology is a genius,” Arthur said. His weapon was a crossbow embedded with an inexpensive-looking mana crystal.

Chris was positive that his weapon works no different from a rifle, as it fires accumulated mana arrows fueled by the user, but Elves still prefer to use their precious bows.

The thought made him smile. Even someone like Arthur could be stubborn in his own way.

Meanwhile Raven equipped nothing but a pair of leather gauntlets, as if to stay true to his words.

The senior student handed each one of them a shoulder bag before explaining,“Keep in mind that, while opening the inventory window is useful, it consumes mana.”

“Understood. It’ll be quite embarrassing if we passed out because of it,” Chris said.

“Remember, no inappropriate behavior while you’re down there!” The senior student warned. “All of the loots harvested inside would be confiscated by the academy at the end of the day and exchange for Rigals. No exceptions. As it’s the first day, you freshmen are allowed to map the first floor, are we clear?”

“Yes sir,” the three of them replied.

The senior student ushered them to a room downstairs. Nothing but a regular room. But as soon as the senior student left and closed the door behind him, their surroundings turned pitch black.

“Oi, oi, oi, could you two see anything?” Raven panicked.

“Just wait.” Chris placed a hand on his shoulder to reassure him, knowing how unnatural it must’ve felt for a Lynx to lose sight in the dark.

“I agree. This is probably part of a spell.”

“Alright guys.” With three deep breaths Raven calmed down.

Light returned in small quantities. Chris noticed how the floors beneath him changed. Grass arose in between the concrete and swayed in a wind he could not feel. The view changed to that of an old ruin overrun by grass and moss.

* * *

“So this is a labyrinth?” Chris ran his hand on the surface of the stone doors. The rough sensation, the accumulating dust, and the sticky moss glossing his fingertips — everything he felt was real.

“Let’s start by reviewing what Sir Gladius wanted us to do,” Arthur said behind him.

“Don’t we just need to acquire a Cerulean gem on the fifth floor?” Raven said.

“Yes, and that’s the fifth floor, mind you. The FIFTH floor! And we only have a week to accomplish this daunting task. I believe it’s wise if we map the entirety of the first floor today before heading back.”

“No need to argue. Raven, as you’re the only fighter in our group, you’ll act as our vanguard while Art and I will support you from behind, will that be okay?”

Raven made a victory pose. “I expected no less. Leave the dirty work to me!”

“Good.” Chris invoke [Magic Map]. A worn-down scroll appeared out of thin air and fell on his open palm. Opening it, the map registered his location at the entrance but everything else remained blank. It was just as the skill description had said; he needed to reach the location first before the map could register his entry. The map then dissipated into thin air as soon as he let go.

“You guys ready?” Raven asked as he placed his palm on the center of the door. With the party’s confirmation he slightly pushed his way. There it was, after that eerie creaking, the entrance revealed itself on the base of this giant withering tree.

The three paced their way down the spiraling stairs. Stone walls surrounded them on all four sides and light was provided by the flame torches that hanged on the walls.

The first monster that obstructed their way was a ball of fluff that flew about. It looked harmless, cute even. But the three of them were quite familiar with it on an intimate level. To subdue one, after all, was part of the academy’s entrance exam.

It was an Ent. Hiding behind that harmless facade were sharp fangs that could tear a man’s limb in a single bite.

Arthur shot it with his crossbow without hesitation. The Ent fell and dissipated into nothingness, leaving nothing but its loot — a small piece of white fabric — behind.

Chris wanted to praise him for that perfect aim but footsteps arousing nearby prevented him from doing so. The three steeled themselves from what could come as disturbing breathing noises along with the footsteps could be heard echoing from within the wide passage ahead.

Raven entered a battle stance three steps in front of Chris. “It’s coming.”

The light from the torches revealed the visage of the incoming monster: A laughing face carved on the surface of a tree trunk. It raised its wooden limbs and smashed Raven with it, but the agile Lynx easily avoided the strike with a simple back step. Raven retaliated with a three hit combo yet even even his [Iron Fist] didn’t seem to affect the monster’s thick skin.

“So that’s not enough, eh?” Raven cracked his knuckles with a fierce smile. The monster raised its limbs once more but mana arrows hitting key spots one by one prevented their descent. Raven took a deep breath and used that opportunity to invoke his skill [Scaldic Claws].

Three solid lines of fire protruded out of his knuckles; Raven used that weapon to cut off the monster’s restrained limbs.

Chris murmured, “Invoke Flame,” as he imagined two flame spears surging from beneath the ground to pierce the monster. Mana traveled from his fingertips all the way down to the thicker end of his staff. Due to the nature of the skill bracelet, his hand moved automatically to draw the appropriate magic formation and fire the attack.

Two flame spears lanced the monster from beneath and swallowed it whole. The monster’s cry of pain seemed like it was still laughing, which somewhat disturbed Chris. When his fire died down Raven picked up the loot its ashes left.

“A small tree branch? That’s it? I wonder how much Rigal would these loots sell for?”

“Not much, probably. It’s just the first floor in a man-made labyrinth after all,” Chris said as he picked up the piece of fabric laying on the ground.

The three continued with Raven leading the way. Each time a wandering Ent would steer close to their party, the sound of mana arrows being unleashed were heard; sometimes faster than Chris could even notice the monster's incoming presence.

“Oi, Arthur, do you have a grudge against those Ents?” asked Raven.

The young elf quietly replied in a murmur. “Eh? No. I just… I just don’t want it to ruin its cuteness, so…”

Raven ruffled his hair and blew an exasperated sigh. “Could you stop fidgeting around? You’re a guy, dammit, so stop trying to act cute for Marrieta’s sake! You’re sending me some weird vibes here.”

“Don’t you dare speak of Her lordship’s name with that foul mouth, you barbaric fool!”

“Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it?”

“Come on now, stop flirting you two.” Chris shot a fireball at the incoming Ent. “Look, you guys could continue your little love fest, but not until we’ve finished what we came here for.”

Chris walked ahead after picking up the loot, leaving his two arguing companions no choice but to follow after him.

A tree that stood like a giant barred their way on an intersection and coupled by the long vines protruding out of its branches that made sharp whipping noises, there was no way to go around it. Luckily, it didn’t seem like it was capable of uprooting itself.

“Let me try my [Revealing Eye].” As soon as Arthur invoked the magic words, a bluish light flared on his right eye.

[Revealing Eye] is a magic skill that reveals a monster’s weak spot. Chris thought of picking it up in the beginning as well but ended up replacing it with [Magic Map] due to it being a costly skill. His tactics, for now, meant survival after all, not firepower.

But Arthur’s mana arrows, as swift as it was, were easily deflected by its vines. He tried and tried, but to no avail. Even Chris’s flame spells were neutralized by the monster’s recuperative abilities; the incinerated parts regenerated instantly. Nothing they do seemed to work at all!

“Hey Christopher, it might be hard for you to see, but focus your gaze behind it.” Raven stopped him in the middle of a chant and pointed to the darkness ahead. But now that his friend got his attention, Chris was able to spot a red treasure chest resting on top of a pedestal.

“Can you work your way around it with your speed?” asked Chris.

“I don’t know. It’s worth a try though.”

“Great. We’ll support you as usual.”

Chris readied his staff and his imagination as Arthur took a stance with his bow. He thought of conjuring a large flame wall to completely incinerate a single side of this monster, no matter the cost. If the other group ahead of them was able to pass without defeating it, then he was confident that they could do the same. The answers must be hidden in that treasure box.

After cracking his joints, Raven arched himself down low. Then a cloud of dust was left behind as he leaped with great force! He already achieved what they discussed before Chris could even finish blinking.

“Damn. Amazing.” Chris couldn’t help but sing his praise with an open mouth.

Although the skill bracelet added to the results, that speed transcended the boundaries of anything he was capable of. It made him clench his fist at the same time. The gap between them two was that big.

At a spot where the vines wouldn’t reach him, Raven gave Chris a thumbs up.

“Will you stop showing off and check the chest already?!” grumbled Arthur. A vein on his forehead popped when Raven replied by sticking his tongue out. “The nerve of that man!”

Chris sighed, thinking that it’d be great if they could work as a team soon. This is just the beginning. The difficulty in the lower levels would sure kick up a notch.

Lifting his head, the monster in front of him suddenly stopped. It was no different from a regular tree as he saw it now.

Raven came running behind it. “Let’s go. I’m guessing the switch I just pressed immobilizes this monster.”

True. It couldn’t be any better the three quickly decided to continue on the western route. But Chris fully burned the monster down with a large flame as soon as they reached a safe spot. It was a success this time, as the monster didn’t regenerate like usual.

The spoil it left behind was a single green gem radiating with purity; one that would seem like it would sell for a hefty sum. As Chris was enjoying its verdant glow, a mysterious rumbling noise resonated above him.

A bad sign, he thought. Chris immediately retreated to safety. He watched as the stone ceiling opened and dropped another monster of the same category. It landed on the ground accompanied by a great tremor and an eerie laugh.

“Seems like returning wouldn’t be easy,” said Arthur.

“True, we’d be nigh depleted of mana by then.” Chris slid the gem in his pocket.

“What do you suggest we do? Should we wrap things up?” asked Raven.

“No, it’s just what Art had said earlier. We have to finish mapping the first floor today if we want to have a passable grade on this assignment.”

“Let’s carry on then.” Raven proceeded onward.

“Seriously.” Arthur followed with a sigh.

The pathway ended with them turning right. And another right. It slowly seemed to turn into a drag as more and more of those laughing trunks pestered them on their search.

Though blessed under the light of the Celestian Goddess, Marrieta, Chris’s mana pool wasn’t endless. His repeated use of flame spells, albeit small, was beginning to take its toll on his body. Sweat blotted on his forehead and beneath his armpits too.

Eventually, they reached a spot where many others students were resting.

“Eh? Brother?” An elven girl rose from the group of girls and jumped straight into Arthur’s arms. “I’m sorry for leaving without informing you. Are you mad?”

Arthur revealed a weak smile. “Lucretia, how can I be mad? My only concern is your safety. I’m glad to see you and your friends are well.”

Raven coughed loudly, as if to disturb the building atmosphere. Who knew Arthur could radiate such manliness with that slender frame? Not even Chris expected this outcome at least.

“Oh, let me introduce you to my friends. Gentlemen, this is my cousin, Lucretia Solan. But as we grew up side by side, we treat each other more like siblings instead.”

Arthur laughed to explain it in a casual manner, but Chris knew it was more than that. The elven girl had her fingers entwined over his after all and the way she was gazing at him was more than a give away.

“So this is your brother, huh? A lot more good looking than I thought! Actually, I think beautiful is the right word.”

“Agreed, agreed. His skin’s even more glossier than Lucretia here. Honestly, tell us your secret!”

“Shut it, you two! You’re embarrassing me here!”

It wasn’t his business to intrude so Chris quickly introduced himself and dragged Raven with him, who seemed like he was about to choke from the mushy atmosphere.

“That damn Arthur is getting all the girls,” spat Raven.

“You should try to get along,” said Chris. “Maybe then he’ll show you a few tricks on how to act like a proper gentleman. Girls like those with class, no?”

“You speak from experience?”


“Fine. I’ll mingle.” Raven jogged back to the crowd.

“Now then, I wonder where that girl is?” Chris searched the crowd for the mysterious holder of that black stockings: the enchanting demoness.

Easier than he had expected, he found her, by herself as usual, standing near of what seemed like the entrance to the [Boss Room]. Too busy munching on a muffin, Chris was able to approach without a hitch.

“Hello,” said Chris with his most winning smile.

However the girl walked away without even acknowledging his presence. That made him scratch his head, but he followed nonetheless, as if enchanted by her purple hair swaying side by side.

“Will you stop following me?” The girl said as they stepped out of the safe zone. “Why don’t you just say it already? Non believing heretic. Isn’t that what you’re here for?!”

“You misunderstand me. Whether you worship Marrieta or not is not of my concern. I’m only here to make friends.”

“Only here to make friends? Don’t make me laugh!” A sword flashed in front of his eyes, cutting the fake skin plastered on his forehead. “How do you explain that mark then?”

“I cannot forsake my origin. I came from a family of Celestian knights, and I was too until the day I gave up my Holy sword.”

“Lies! Even now you exquisitors are here to judge us? Just because our ancestors were the servants of the fallen God? What a pious spirit you have!”

Her words stung Chris, painfully squeezed his heart with the undeniable truth. It would be a lie to say that he hadn’t hunted heretics in the past. It was his family occupation. A brand that caused him to see the harsh truth with his own eyes.

“No, that isn’t…”

“Then leave me alone. I do not want your company, nor your needless pity.” After leaving Chris with those words, the beautiful demoness disappeared in the darkness.

It was too late for forgiveness, that he knew full well, but it wasn’t too late for him to atone for his sins. He had to remember: why did he chose to become a magus in the first place?

He was born a Schweitzer: a knight among knights, a leader to step above others. But it wasn’t a life that he chose. A life predetermined by his family before his Mother could even flush him out to the world was something he disliked.

Magic set him free. His love for Marrieta dwindled and replaced by his newfound curiosity.

That day marked it all, when he sacrificed his name and fought for his beliefs.

His father disowned him, his brothers thought of him as a traitor, and his fight ended up for naught — all under Marrieta’s will. But even then, he was just a normal guy who wouldn’t compromise his principles no matter how chaotic things had become.

But once a Schweitzer would always be a Schweitzer. It was a mark that he could never hope to remove.

* * *

There was a change in atmosphere when Chris returned to his group. All five of his classmates, including Raven and Arthur, were all gathered in a semi circle.

“Where’d you go, man?” asked Raven. “Actually, forget I asked. It seems like the [Boss Room] here would be opening soon, but only seven students could enter at the same time.”

“Is there a reason for that?”

“They need to put some restrictions, you see. It’d be nothing but cake walk for a group of twenty students to gang up on a boss after all.”

Chris looked at his classmates again. “Seven students, eh? But counting everybody here we only have six.”

“Hmm, Cecilia was just here moments ago. I wonder where she went?” a human girl wearing her chestnut brown hair into two large ponytails said as she gazed around. The beginner’s claymore strapped diagonally on her hips suggested she was a warrior.

“Forget about her,” said Lucretia as she folded her arms. “She never wanted to associate herself with us to begin with.”

“Now, now. It’s thanks to her we were able to get past that sentinel.”

“I could’ve done that too!” Lucretia puffed her reddening cheeks.

The other girl sighed in deference. “Sure, sure.”

The whole party laughed, except for Chris. There was no denying that the demon girl’s words cut him deep. He clenched his heart and shook his head. Not now, he thought. It wasn’t the right time, nor the right place to wallow in such distractions.

“Before we begin, may I have the pleasure of knowing your names?” Chris nodded his chin to his two other classmates.

“Just Tess is fine,” said the human girl. The bangs framing her tea colored eyes made her look beautiful as a flower.

The other girl was a Nymph, giving Chris a friendly smile as soon as their eyes met. “And I am called Luana.”

Her long shiny blue hair is neatly tied on one side by a seashell, gently touching her shoulder. Two green fish fins also served as her ears and on her left hand was a pike for thrusting.

“So Tess, Luana, Lucretia, Arthur, and Raven? Am I right?” His classmates all nodded at his question, Chris smiled. “Let’s beat this boss and freshen up.”

With a loud battle cry, the six of them stood by the entrance with double doors towering all the way up to the ceiling. Raven cracked his knuckles, Arthur readied his bow, Lucretia placed a hand on her rapier, Tess drew her claymore, and Luana took a stance with her spear. Chris tapped his staff on the ground, and the doors majestically opened.

Nothing but darkness was revealed from their position. Chris took the initiative, and the group followed his lead. The doors behind them closed with a gust of wind yet no one bothered to check if it was locked.

Faint giggling noises were heard; an eerie noise in that silent darkness. Chris tightened his grip on his staff in response. Someone clung to his sleeve, but he couldn’t tell who it was.

Light began to flare, one by one, on random directions until the room was fully lighted by the torches that surrounded them. Directly ahead, in the center of the room, was a ball of white fluff. It looked similar to an Ent from behind, albeit twice as large, but its two minuscule arms belied that conclusion.

Unmoving laughing trunks littered the room. No, it wasn’t a room. It was an art studio.

Chris realized that when he saw the mysterious Ent carving a face on a tree trunk; the very same monsters that pestered them in this labyrinth.

Arthur wasted no moment and released an arrow.


The mysterious Ent deflected the attack with a single swipe of its knife. Turning around, it looked at them and finally acknowledge their presence. Its flat lips slowly curved to that of a snicker! At the same time the nearby monsters arose from their slumber and their laughing faces morphed into an angry glare — a very, very angry glare.

Six laughing trunks were rapidly closing in. Chris wasn’t sure on how things would go he positioned himself in the middle; that way he could jump both ways if something were to go wrong.

“What do we do, Chris?” asked Raven as he bared his flame claws.

Throughout this exploration, Chris was the one giving out orders. But he was so shaken up by his previous confrontation he forgot to formulate a plan. Adding his three other classmates to the team, there was no strategy. He didn’t even know what skills they hold — a fatal error.

“Damn.” Chris bit his bottom lip. “Raven, lure out as many monsters as you can. Miss Tess, Luana, and Lucretia, we’ll take out the rest. Art, don’t let that mysterious Ent out of your sight.” Chris relayed his orders as he focused on his spell.

“Roger that!” Raven propelled himself to the advancing monsters. Three monsters went after him while the rest went straight to Chris’s direction.

The girls simultaneously picked out a target.

There was no way for Lucretia to inflict damage with that rapier, Chris thought. The same could be said with Luana. What about Tess? Her claymore could do the job, yes, but she was only one, and prolonging this fight would be the worst decision. They had to finish the laughing trunks as quick as possible before the others monsters could overwhelm Raven. Naturally, everyone had to focus on offense, but they couldn't.

“Dancing sword!” Tess’s claymore radiated a light so bright the monster in front of her momentarily stopped. She started with a thrust that went through the monster’s abdomen. Twisting her sword, she leaped and slashed diagonally then cut the monster once more as she descended, creating that perfect opportunity for Chris to unleash a quick flame spell.

“Make way, Tess!” shouted Chris as he launched his flame spear.

“Aye!” Tess swiftly rolled to the side.

But even though that attack engulfed the monster in flames, it kept moving. It went after Tess who was taking cover on the ground. Tess managed to stand on her feet, but the monster already stabbed the pointed end of its limbs at her direction. Tess received the blow with her claymore in a desperate dodge. Her body began to tremble; there was no way for her to dodge the next one!

“Shit!” Chris rushed in and pushed Tess aside as he redirected the monster’s attack. The flames got on his sleeves, but he endured it with a grit of his teeth.

As a previous Exquisitor, he commanded Cadets back in Knight’s school. So if someone had to step up and be the leader, it had to be him.

Chris shrieked a battle cry and smashed the monster’s head with his staff. That gave Tess the opportunity to recover, and as soon as she did, slashed the staggering monster in twain.

One down—

The taste of iron suddenly invaded his mouth. What happened? He couldn’t tell. Everything seemed to stop as the world constricted to that tiny focal point on his chest, which was covered in blood.

A blade was sticking out. His first instinct was to heal his wound, but blood spurted out of his mouth as he tried to invoke [Regeneration]. Then the blade was pulled, and the pain intensified. Chris dropped on one knee. He heard a voice, like the cry of desperation heretics often wailed before he passed his so called judgement.

By Marrieta’s will.

“Chris!” A girl called him by his nickname, pulling his consciousness back to reality. Followed by an angry scream, the gentle hand that was placed on his shoulder disappeared.

Chris invoked [Regeneration] right away. The only monster carrying a blade was that mysterious Ent. Then what happened to Arthur?

“Arthur… What happened to Arthur?” No one answered his question.

Someone let out a gasp of shock. Chris traced the source. It came from Lucretia, her eyes dilating to something. Chris then turned his head and looked. He found Arthur motionless on the ground, bathing in a pool of blood. No way!

Lucretia abandoned her post and headed straight to Arthur, leaving Luana with another monster to fend by herself. Fear and confusion was no doubt beginning to form in his classmates's hearts.

To suffer a major injury in this crucial time, what kind of weakling had he become?

If he only had his Holy sword…

No. There was no use thinking about something he no longer have. He couldn’t rely in Marrieta’s blessings forever. He had to make changes with his own strength, or they would all die — such is the curse of the labyrinth.

“Someone! Help!” cried Luana. Although she did a wonderful job by herself, it was only a matter of time before she succumbed to the monsters's barrage.

Chris wiped the blood of his lips as he pushed himself up. He wasn’t thinking of conserving mana now, as they needed a breathing room.

“Raven! Gather them all here!”

Before the black-haired Lynx could even respond, Chris had already chanted his skill: [Invoke Flame]. He started sweating as flames accumulated at the end of his staff. What he was conjuring then was without a doubt the biggest flame spell he had ever imagined.

Raven sprinted to Luana, just enough for the monsters to catch up. Reaching her from the side he grabbed her hand, rolled, and avoided the monsters at the same time. His speed was indeed one of a kind.

Chris released his spell, spraying hell onto that group of laughing trunks. He had to fully burn them down. He couldn’t afford to make that mistake again.

He supported himself with his staff as his knees trembled. His wound hurt more than ever, but it wasn’t over yet. A little bit more. Now was the perfect chance to finish that mysterious Ent.

Scanning the room, he saw Tess locking blades with it. The floating monster pushed Tess and attacked her with a rapid series of slashes. But as it was using a knife, the reach was short. Tess’s claymore glowed as she repelled each and every single attack.

“Do it now, Raven!” ordered Chris with all of his remaining strength.

“On it!” Raven separated himself from Luana and quickly got up.

But the mysterious Ent retreated before the two could perform a pincer attack. Something was off. It didn’t back away. With a visage twisted by madness it flew straight to Chris, raising the knife in its hand — this monster intended to take him to the afterlife!

However he tried he couldn’t move. There was no strength left in his legs.

He couldn’t die. He didn’t want to die. Not there. Not yet.

A swift sound, like an aria answering his prayer, and an arrow successfully lodged itself on the monster’s chest.

“Don’t take me out of the board yet, monster-freak,” said a voice so weak it was almost a whisper.

The mysterious Ent dissipated into nothingness, leaving nothing but its knife: a sign of their first victory.

* * *

Once the situation sucked in, Chris allowed himself to fall. His wound had almost healed but that doesn’t mean he regained the blood he had lost. Not to mention he exhausted his mana with that last flame spell. He was ready to call it quits. He’d closed his eyes and sleep then and there if they allow him to.

Though they won, numerous miscalculations on his part almost cost this group their life. Not once had he expected that the first floor of this man-made labyrinth be that difficult. Even if that was his first time encountering that monster, Chris couldn’t make any excuses. He underestimated it big time.

“You alright?” Raven offered him his hand, but Chris slightly shoved it aside.

“Water… Hand me a water flask, will you?”

“Here, have mine,” said Tess as she brought a flask out of her inventory.

“You sure? Wouldn’t that be like an indirect kiss?” Chris hesitated.

Tess smiled, her eyes lit with amusement. “You’d rather kiss this guy then? I didn’t know you swing that way.”

“Of course I don’t. Whatever. Just hand it to me.” After drinking, his eyes darted around the area.

Luana had leaned her back against the wall, as if to rest in a silent prayer. On the other side he saw Lucretia giving Arthur a lap pillow.

Chris rose unsteadily, then limped to check on the young elf. “Art, you’re not dead yet, are you?”

The joke was in poor taste, but he couldn’t help it.

Arthur was sweating profusely, his face pallid more than it was healthy. It seemed like the poor elf was almost decapitated. The hard, straight line around his neck even after recovering was the proof of that.

“My apologies for putting everyone’s life in jeopardy,” answered Arthur as he covered his eyes.

“It’s not your fault. We all make mistakes.” His voice was hoarse.

“That’s right, Brother. Don’t blame yourself.” Lucretia’s voice was soft and soothing, but her presence promised pain to anyone who would dare condemn him.

After staying in that horrid place for a few more minutes did the group advanced to the next one. Wide stone steps that lead to the lower levels immediately greeted them outside and on one corner of the room was a stone monument with descriptive writing.

Tess examined the monument. “Hmm… Place your left palm in the middle if you’d like to create a savepoint and your right if you wish to return to Rosetta.”

“Seems convenient enough. Let’s all create a save point and go back,” said Chris.

His chilled skin began to warm against the stone when he traced his left palm towards the middle. The moment he did so with his right, Chris was overwhelmed with a near churning sensation. His vision distorted and as if flushed down the sink. Then, as if someone hurled it back out in disgust, the pieces returned and everything was normal once more.

Chris found himself standing in the middle of an empty classroom.

* * *

Including the girls’ loots to their own, their group made a total of one hundred sixty-five rigals each. Chris sighed like an injured puppy. That wasn’t even enough to buy him a new set of uniform.

Even the precious Burst stone he was holding onto didn’t fetch for that much money. He wanted to have it appraise instead, but the seniors wouldn’t let him keep it. What a waste.

And much to Arthur’s dismay, Lucretia sent him to the clinic. He suffered the gravest injury in their group after all.

“Damn. I thought Arthur’s a lucky man, but perhaps I’m wrong,” said Raven as he took a seat beside Chris.

“Really? It was quite evident from the start who wore pants in their relationship.” In one swift motion, Chris stole a fried potato out of Raven’s tray and dunked it in his mouth.

“Hey! Don’t steal my potatoes! I like those!” growled Raven, taking his tray away out of his Chris’ reach.

Luana laughed — girlish, robust, and genuine. “You two are really close. Have you known each other before you enrolled?”

Chris took a sip of his juice before saying, “No. We only met today. What about you and Tess?”

“We’re childhood friends.”

“My father is an arms merchant, you see. That’s why he’s always out doing business.” Tess explained with a bright smile. “Him and Uncle Malkom are good friends, so he often left me under their care whenever he goes overseas.”

“You two live close to the sea then?”


“Must be tough. Sea serpents usually come out of hiding and frequent the waters at this time of the year.”

“Don’t be such a weakling, Christopher. Even I can handle a sea serpent or two.”

Chris lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “That’s not the point though.”

“Just you wait, our perfect tag team will earn us lots of money!” Raven raised his spoon to the ceiling as he said so.

The girls in front of Chris laughed in unison.

“Don’t forget to take us out shopping when that time comes,” Luana said, raising herself from her chair. “It’s getting late, so we’ll be heading back to our dorm now. See you tomorrow.”

“See you.” Chris waved his hand and sent them off with a smile.

“Thanks again, Chris. You were really cool back there.” Tess winked at him before she left the cafeteria.

Chris' smile widened. Because of that, he was unable to deny Raven’s teasing.

“Lucky you. She seems like a nice girl.”

“She is.”

“That aside, how’s your mana regenerating?”

“About a quarter or so. Even better if you’d hand me half of those potatoes. Why? Do you want to jump back into the labyrinth?”

“As expected of my partner; I was just about to ask you that.”

It wasn’t because he didn’t have charisma, nor was he a fool. Raven was the type guy who chose to blend in the shadows, under someone else’s spotlight, himself.

* * *

Striding back to the faculty room, the green-haired pixie let out a long yawn. Because of a certain teacher, the first day of school had always been hectic. Mostly due to freshmen wandering into her precious library unattended. Year after year she bottled it all up. But she wouldn’t take anymore! This year she would finally explode!

“Just you wait!” She slammed the door open and headed straight to the demon’s desk.

There he was, dressed in somber hues from head to toe, concealing any exposed skin with the help of his gloves and high collared jacket. Protruding out of his straight purple hair was a single horn. His eyes, at least the one she could see, were crimson — a demon's trademark. He seemed cold as ice by his outward appearance alone, yet his menacing aura made it even worse!

The demon crossed his arm. “Why, pray tell, are you still here when you have a labyrinth to explore?”

“But sir!”

“If you do not like my way of teaching, then you are welcome to drop out of my class. This school is built to prep serious students into serious adventurers. You’d do well to remember that.”

The little pixie stood frozen in fear. She wanted to help that poor freshman but was too terrified to speak up. Defeated, the freshman strode by her, causing the demon teacher to notice her entry.

“I apologize you have to see that, Miss Lucille.”

“Little Gladius, don’t you think that was harsh of you? I can somewhat understand your approach but they need your guidance too — isn’t that why we’re here?”

Gladius sighed. “I understand. I spoke out of line.”

If she knew he was this approachable, she would’ve given him an earful years ago. But it was too late for that, and she had already lost the desire to do so. “It’s fine. I just want you to keep it in mind.”

The pixie had to remind herself not to fall for that sinister hotness. No way. A definite no.

Gladius plopped back to his chair and gathered the papers on his desk into a single stack. “Yet another batch of troublemakers. Miss Lucille, are you familiar with Exquisitors?”

“Eh?” Her voice jumped out of her mouth. “Exquisitors are select individuals that carry judgement under Her lordship’s will. There isn’t a soul in Scaldus who hasn’t heard of them. D-Don’t tell me our little Gladius here is under suspicion? Of being a heretic? Is that it?!”

“Relax, Miss Lucille. Take a deep breath.”

She did as he said. “A-Alright. But how come? You aren’t even a Magus to begin with.”

“I’m afraid I do not know. But if he came here for that purpose, then I would assume he would’ve gone through the front door.”


The demon revealed a curious smile, as if saying this matter was of great importance. “In other words, I’m looking forward to what he’ll show — In my class.”

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