《Dungeon Accident》Chapter 19: Journey Towards South Part 1


Chapter 19: Journey Towards South Part 1

One might say that waking up to see a lovely maiden resting her head on your chest a pleasant dream. Others would even describe this sensational feeling as heaven-like. However for me, it’s the sign of yet another day. Another day in this game-like fantasy world.

Sleeping upright against a tree doesn’t seem so bad now. I stroke Fia’s head under my chin as I relish the greenery around me. Glancing skyward, sunlight is streaming from the leaves and branches and into my eyes. Then the sound of water splashing directs my head to the crystal-clear river on my left.


There’s the color of a woman’s white skin visible for me to feast on with anything below her knees disappearing under the water surface. A single fish with glittering silver scales jumps out of the water to cover her golden treasury. Paired with an enchanting face, moist pinkish lips, and large crimson colored eyes, this blonde beauty is nothing but pure glee towards this eyes of mine.

The mysterious beauty notices me staring, and for some reason, shows a triumphant smile. Yet I can’t tear my eyes away. Her hands rise from her hips up to her curves and up to her wonderful valleys.

“What’s wrong little boy? Is this gloriousness too much for you to handle, hmm?”

Oh… I definitely recognize this condescending tone. Minerva. That new body is no doubt an effect of her [Transformation] skill. Though my unnatural love for blondes aside, I can’t deny the truth. But how careless of me. The heat emitting from my crotch transfers to Fia, causing her to rub her eyes open. After a long yawn, Fia greets me the usual, “Good morning, Master.”

I return her greeting and we both get up, stretching our arms and feet. Like our usual morning routine, Fia and I go to the nearest body of water and wash our face. Then Fia blinks at the blonde beauty and looks at me with questioning eyes. Yes, you're not dreaming, Fia, and you're not the only one to wonder. With a sigh, I reintroduced who I think that person is.

After that, I hand her a toothbrush and paste from the abyss, then we both brush our teeth clean. Though this type of mornings would soon end once Fia decodes the magic formula for this particular [Life Magic] she’s studying about. I’m more than excited myself, but I wonder if I can make it a single day without brushing my teeth? I can’t just remove this habit engraved into me since I was a child after all. I would feel disgusted.


After brushing her teeth, Fia flashes me a wide toothed smile which earns her a pat on the head. I don’t think I’ll ever tire seeing this girl smile. She's that cute.

Since I’m still full because of the large boar from last night and I’m guessing she is as well, I ask Fia to prepare the horse.

Moreover, while I’m deciding on our next course of action, Minerva peeks on the map I brought out. “What’s your next destination, Dude?”

She’s wearing the same silver dress with golden linings from last night, although her most distinguishing feature — the pair of yellow wings — are missing from her back. Is this also due to her [Transformation] ability? No matter, I decide not to delve into it. Though I’m thankful that someone got my name right for once. Finally. When I think about it like this, she’s not so bad after all. But now that she’s changed her size, her clothes turned into a mini dress instead. I should give her a robe to hide those thighs. Yeah…

Recollecting my thoughts, I reply, “This map indicates we’ll reach the merchant city in three weeks. That’s our next stop, a long road ahead, so it’s best if we leave right now. What about you?”

Minerva sighs. “Now that I lost track of what I’m searching for, I’ll just have to wander this continent and hope for the best.”

Right, she’s looking for me. That’s so funny, but I have no intention of telling her the truth. Who knows what she’ll do to me afterwards? Explaining I wasn’t the same villain who fed her those poisoned chocolates last night was enough to make me bleed. Yet because she appeared, I now know the consequences of using my artifacts. Restraining myself from using them sounds like a smart choice since it might not just be the dragons who’d descend next time. Besides, there’s no shortage of regular weaponry. Fia’s scimitar is an example of that.

“So this is goodbye then?” I ask Minerva. I could keep her close and squeeze out more valuable information about this world, but it’s her choice if she wants to stay with us. Then again, we’re done discussing this last night.

“Umm, if my presence won’t trouble you two, then I’d like to come,” she says the same words.


“It won’t. Welcome aboard.” So we shake hands and enter a new bond of friendship. When could I advance this friendship to obtain the benefits?

Finishing the task I assigned her to do, Fia returns to inform me about the results. “Master, we’re good to go.”

“Great.” I grab two Pitas from inventory and feed it to the horse. Lowering its head to eat the fruit on my palm, the steed responds with a delighted neigh.

“Go ahead and climb first,” I tell Minerva while I’m holding the reins. She hesitates for a short moment, but quickly follows my instruction after my threat that I’ll spank her ass. I jump after her then I stretch my hand to Fia and pull her up.

I slide my arms around Minerva and take the reins. But before I can even kick the horse into motion, the sound of a large tree falling apart erupts in front of us, revealing the visage of an angry boar. It seems like it’s searching for something; probably for that boar that wandered in our camp last night. Too bad for you, your friend's already being digested in our stomachs.

“Should I subdue it?” Minerva asks.

I nod. “There’s nothing I can do about it. You’re the only one who has a free hand.”

The large boar aims its tusks at us and lets out a loud shriek before darting towards our direction. Its heavy footsteps sound like bones crushing on top of the fallen leaves.

Minerva raises a hand and lets an attack loose. A flame spear at the size of my arm thrusts the monster from underneath and propels it up into the air. Minerva then gestures her hand across, like she’s guiding her magic, and the boar is incinerated as a response.

Looks like I gained a valuable ally… for now.

Nonetheless, it’s time to resume our journey.

* * *

The sun was setting when it happened and we were just about to form our camp for the night. Nine days after we started our journey, I notice several changes in Fia’s behavior. I first take note of this difference when a hungry growl escapes her mouth and she begins to speak in a more raspy tone. White fur starts to extend from her hands all the way up to her elbows and her nails grow long and sharp.

“Fia? What’s the matter?” I can't help but inquire her about it. So having received her explanation, it seems like tonight would be the night where the beast inside her awakens.

“Uh-huh, full moon phasing. No biggie, but let’s tie her up just in case,” Minerva suggests with a look saying it's for the best.

I wonder to myself if I should do it or not. It's my first time seeing Fia behaved in that way it terrify me of what could possibly happen. After all, I’m sure what she’d do, or what she’d be capable of.

I look straight into Fia’s eyes. “How long would this phase last?”

Downcast, Fia replies, “Till the next day, Master.”

Fia hugs herself and squeezes her upper arms, causing me to notice the bite marks on her bottom lip. It feels like she's suppressing herself from something abysmal, or maybe from her carnal desires that might have awoken along with the beast. She reacts strongly when I reach a hand to comfort her, her nails digging deep into her skin. At the same time, I lose five mana points. Did she thought of attacking me just now? That's the most logical answer I could think of. I didn’t realize the effects of our slave contract is committing her to extreme pains.

“Show me your hands, Fia.”

“Yes.” Fia presents her wrist to me while looking away.

It makes me realize that it's my presence who's making her feel more stimulated. This is bad. Her blown off sex drive is starting to affect me as well. Thus, I tie her up after increasing my [Rope Mastery] to level three and camp till it's dark.

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