《Dungeon Accident》Chapter 18: Dragon Girl


I'll try to write when I can but life has had a funny way of messing with me since someone vandalized my car and ruined my windows. Now I'm a little short in cash I have to work double shifts in the hospital. Q.Q

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Chapter 18: Dragon Girl

For a second there, the image of a high bird flies across the face of the moon. Good thing my lighter’s here building a camp near the river didn’t turn into a big deal. Sitting on this log, I throw more twigs into the crackling fire to strengthen it while watching Fia swim on the water.

While Fia busies herself swimming, I use the [Observe] skill on this unconscious girl.

Name: Minerva

Race: Dragonfolk

Level: 62

Skills: [Flight], [Transformation], [Dragon Skin], [Aegis]

Magic: [Invoke Flame]

My eyes almost pop out at the results. Holy smokes, she’s one powerful little girl. And a dragon as well. Though there’s no questioning that part; the large pair of yellow wings protruding out of her back is proof enough. But how did those bandits managed to capture such a powerful being? Did they use a trick?

With a sigh, I brush the blue screen aside and wait for Fia to finish. Once Fia’s done cleansing herself, she wraps a towel around herself and plops on my lap, asking me to dry her hair. So I grab another towel from inventory and proceed to comply to her request.

Narrow hips, ample breasts, crystal white skin, and her feminine scent — I wonder why I don’t feel anything when I look at her naked. Even with her wet look, there’s no effect on my little guy here. Come to think of it, how old is Fia? Judging from what she's carrying, she seems like a year or two younger than me. How old was she when she first became a slave? What happened exactly? Lately, these questions come into mind.

I couldn’t care less in the beginning; I just want to find a way back home. I wonder what cause this change inside me? It’s not like I don’t want to help either. It’s just that, in my opinion, any sensible person in their right mind would avoid trouble. I count myself among those lot. Perhaps my complicated relationship with Rosalia makes me notice these things. She gave me something to think about. Like this world, what is this world to me? I feel like the longer I stay here, the more it’s starting to affect me as a whole.


“Master, you’re thinking again.”

Fia's sudden comment makes me shake my head. “It’s that obvious?”

Then like a snake, she curls her tail around my left thigh. “Yes, you have this tendency to tap your left foot whenever you’re lost in thought.”

She’s right. How come I didn’t realize this myself?

“Sorry,” I say, then she pushes her back to me. Is this a sign that she’s getting horny? What an amusing and adorable reaction. It reminds me of what the slave merchant had said; that on nights of full moon, Fia’s feral blood would kick up a notch. Thank the Lord part of the moon tonight is hidden behind a sea of clouds.

Still, Fia persists. She lifts her head up and softly whispers, “Were you thinking about her?”

I blink at her boldness. “Her? You mean Rosalia?”

Fia nods. “Mhm.”

“To tell you the truth, I am. But it’s more than just her. I’m also thinking about you along with plenty of other things.” There’s my answer. Hope you’re satisfied with that.

But “I see,” is all she says.

After that, I hear a moan coming from the girl's direction. Perfect timing. It looks like sleeping beauty has just awoken.

* * *

~ Minerva ~

It was already late night when I awoke to the pleasant warmth of the crackling fire in front of me. I’m not sure whether I’m dead or I’m still alive. Perhaps alive in a sense that I’m still breathing. I’m not sure. So I pinch my cheek to make a sense of my thoughts, and it hurt.

Let’s see… The first group of humans I came across were kind enough to feed me. However I knew something apprehensive would occur the moment I took the first bite. My body registered their food as poison, but those things called chocolate were so delicious I couldn’t stop devouring them. Uh-huh, how careless of me. I fainted because I ate too much chocolates.

As I rub my eyes, the audible sound of boiling water entices me to get up. Black hair and blue eyes with well rounded ears — a human male is sitting crossed legged right across me. This human must be one of those wicked men that poisoned this pretty face. Let’s see how you take a Dragon’s magic in your face, villain!


I focus my inner mana into my left arm and pour the amount I deem appropriate. With this kind of villain, there’s no need to go full force. I aim my left hand towards him and shout, “Fireball!”

Direct hit! But the villain remains unfazed even after taking my spell head on. As expected of a villain who coerced me into eating those chocolates. Let’s see you take this next— “Ow!”

He hit me! He hit me on the head! How villainous!

“Don’t “Ow” me when you have the nerve to burn my robe, shorty,” he rebukes while I’m rubbing my forehead with both hands. Taking off his burnt robe, he strips from up to his waist, revealing his muscles — broad at the shoulder, lean at the hips — chiseled to accommodate both agility and strength. For a human, he's not so bad.

Still, he speaks my language? Seems like he’s not one of those generic villains I’ve seen throughout my travels. His eyes lacking in enthusiasm tell me he’s the boss. Hmph, a human good enough to rival a Dragon’s supreme intelligence. This is not an everyday thing.

But what bewilders me the most is when he starts scolding me. “I don’t give a damn what happened to you. But the next time you do that to me, I’ll strip you naked and throw you into that river, you hear me?”

“Uh-huh.” I acquiesce and droop my shoulders down — wait! Why am I submitting myself to this man?

As I question the great me, a gentle looking woman sits right next to me. With pale, translucent skin, she looks like a doll. “I'm Fia, what's your name?” she asks.

Izealian language. So I’m still in the central continent. That’s good. I’ve strayed too far from my original mission. All because of those poisoned chocolates.

Using the same language this woman spoke in, I reply, “Minerva.”

Fia shows me another gentle smile before introducing the villain ahead of me. If my understanding is correct, she’s engaged on a master-servant relationship with this horrible man who’s too proud to even tell me his name. The nerve of him!

“So what’s a Dragon like you doing here?” the man asks. Yet he surprises me once again. With him communicating in my language, it’s obvious he knows of my origin. I hate to admit it, but the fault lies in me. If it wasn’t for this Dragon sleeping the last two decades, I would have more control with my transformation. But since I’m a benevolent Dragon, I decide that the best way to deal with the situation is to act nice. If I want answers myself, it’s best if I cooperate with this influential man.

I square my shoulders and reply, “I’m searching for an artifact.”

The man studies me after taking a sip of his drink. “This artifact you’re looking for is?”

“It’s been a little over three centuries since it last appeared, but I’m positive I sensed the [Dragon Killer Sword] here. The enemy of my kin. I need to find that artifact before it inflicts any irreversible damage to my kind—”

The man suddenly spits his drink out. “Dragon Killer?”

I nod. “Indeed. I left the floating continent to look for that sword.”

“What would you do once you’ve find that sword?”

What a boring question. “That sword is too dangerous for human hands to handle; so we, the Dragons, will keep it under our custody. Though now that my sense of direction is lost, it’s hard to pinpoint the sword’s exact location. Like it vanished into thin air.”

“Have you considered that maybe… you’re just imagining things?” he says carefully.

Is it really just my imagination? No, I refuse to believe that. I know what I felt is real. This frustration of mine makes me blow an exasperated sigh. Such musings are pointless.

“How I wish you’re right.”

“If you’re still undecided, then why not spend the night with us?” he suggests in the midst of my confusion.

“I can do that?” I can barely believe the relief in my voice.

“I’d hate it more if I let a clumsy girl like you wander around this late at night.”

“I am not clumsy!”

Wait until I regain my strength, I will terrorize you in my real form!

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