《Dungeon Accident》Chapter 17: Bandits On The Way


Chapter 17: Bandits On The Way

The Kingdom of Valentia: A large country that occupies the southern lands of the Zeal continent. Allied by the merchant cities, this country rivals the opposing warlords from the central and northern plains whether in military strength or agricultural economy.

According to this history book that Fia accidentally brought, this country was once part of the Lorenz Empire. That was until a coup broke out. Basically, the nobles stole the land and contracted themselves with merchants to establish a proper trade firm, eventually building the foundations of their newly formed country.

The war demanded more from the country, and more and more people lost their faith towards the crown. Though the Lorenz Empire was occupied with the sixty-year war against the Demi-humans, a newly built country is nothing but an easy target. However, that was when the royal court sages decided to free themselves from their ruining country and stationed themselves far to the south. Valentia accepted them with open arms and even built a city solely for the study of magic, which further strengthened the country’s influence.

It seemed like because of the overflowing refugees, the slave contract was made. Those who couldn’t pay taxes were forced into slavery and it became a custom around here.

Then there was the sudden appearance of the labyrinth. A phenomenon that nobody was able to explain. Rumors implied that this obelisk was a failed experiment of the magicians while others considered it a natural occurrence. A blessing from God. Down deeper into the labyrinth, after all, is an entirely different world unknown to man. Treasures, ores, innovations — the country prospered along with the labyrinth.

But the main question remains: what exactly is a labyrinth?

I close the book and end my short history lesson there. So it’s true that reading somehow calms a person’s mind. Still, I can’t believe that damn coachman left us after three days on the road just because some low level thugs tried to rob us. The moment we stepped out to help, that unreliable weasel was gone. It’s a good thing I haven’t given him my payment yet.


Fia places a hand on her hip and looks over her shoulder. “Master, what do you suggest we do with these bandits?”

What indeed? “Keep them gagged. It’s almost sundown, so they’ll make some good firewood.”

The group of pigs squirm in terror after hearing their verdict. One of them slithers on the ground and makes some troubled muffled noises to get my attention.

I squat down towards the bandit and show him a face of evil. “Huh? You saying something?”

The bandit vigorously nods to that. It’s not like there’s anything to lose here. So thinking like that, I remove the piece of cloth that Fia stuffed on his mouth.

“Ple-Please don’t kill me!” he immediately says.

“Saying that when you’re in this unfavorable position, the hypocrisy is not lost in me. Good job. Thanks to you gentlemen, our ride was lost. See that river over there? Yeah, that’s right. I’ve changed my mind. I’ll throw you and your buddies over there. You'll suffer, but no one will hear your screams, and then you’ll drown.”

I don’t exactly mean that, but seeing them quake like cornered mouses somewhat eases my anger. Though I’m positive no good merchant would leave such healthy looking bandits unattended and leave without putting a collar on them. The fate of becoming a slave awaits these guys. There’s no other salvation. Either they’ll starve to death or some kind of soul would decide to free them, I’ll leave it to fate.

To save himself, the bandit basically cried, “I have a horse! I have a horse! Take me back to our camp and consider it yours.”

He continues to babble more and more nonsense just to save his hide. This guy doesn’t even have an ounce of loyalty towards his other comrades here. He’s dug his own grave. Now they’re looking at him with gazes filled of disgust and resentment he’ll no doubt get lynched the moment I released them. However I have no plans of doing such nice things.

“Thank you. Show me to this horse and I might change my mind of what I'll do to you.”


The bandit is smiling from ear to ear now. He must’ve some friends waiting in the camp for them. Oh well, it’s not like another set of bandits or two are enough to make a difference, so I let him guide us towards their camp deeper into the forest. Before we reach their camp, I gag him again and tie him up against a tree. Man, he’s a waste of my rope.

Before we continue, I remind Fia about something important. There’s no need to kill here since I believe that’s too swift of a punishment for these pieces of scum. Fia nods to that order while tapping the scabbard of her scimitar and scans the area with me. I notice there’s a horse indeed and it seems like this group of bandits here are still oblivious to our presence. Thankful for this golden opportunity, Fia and I circle the remaining bandits in camp.

After confirming that Fia has reach the point I assign her to, I reveal myself out of the shade and attack the unsuspecting bandit with my sheathed sword. My blade got him good on the chin and he drops on the ground with white bubbles spilling out of his mouth.

After seeing their friend’s agony, the other two near me are rendered speechless in surprise. When understanding finally dawns upon them, the others begin to flee in abject terror.

“These fools think they’re getting away. Fia!”

Cleaning up those two who are still limp to stand up and run is a piece of cake. Fia hunts the other ones down and calmly deals their judgement with a single swipe of her sword. After subduing the remaining bandits myself, I begin to tie the group of vermin one by one and even get a skill with it.

[Rope Mastery Learned]

Hmm, I might have some uses for that later on. Looking at my handiwork, I nod in satisfaction before taking the horse. This steed seems well trained and obedient I’m grateful at the bandits for once. It immediately recognizes me as its new master when I fed him some Pitas. Yeah, I think it’s safe to assume that this horse is a guy.

[Horseback Riding Mastery Learned]

Another useful skill. I nod to myself as I invest three skill points on this new skill. Now let’s go try riding the horse. Everything, as in everything — from climbing up and positioning myself on the saddle — seem natural. The sense of familiarity feels like I’ve ridden a horse for decades. It’s the same as wielding a weapon with an allocated mastery.

Needless to say, we’ve wasted too much time here. It’s time to leave this bandit infested place. But one glance around me and Fia is gone. “Fia?”

“Master… I’m here…” I hear Fia’s grumbling from a distance. She’s rummaging through the pile of junks that the bandits had collected. After searching one tent, she hops on the other. On the second to the last tent away from me, Fia comes out with a child in her arms. Oh please no. The large pair of yellow wings on her back scream trouble to me.

“Master, I’m not sure what she’s doing here, but let’s take her with us,” Fia suggests.

The bandits here probably planned to smuggle or sell this girl into the city. Too bad for them we came and ruined their plans on making big bucks. But now I’m left with this girl and Fia’s complicated expression. Take the girl and then what? I guess there’s no harm if we take her to a nearby town. It won’t change her fate of being a slave though, but it’s better than leaving her here by herself.

With a sigh, I acquiesce. “Alright. We’ll take care her to a nearby town and that’s it. For now, let’s find a better place to camp for the night.”

Fia happily smiles after hearing my answer. This and that aside, Fia suggesting things to me is definitely a good sign. If there’s one thing this troublesome trip has done so far, it’s too see her make a decision on her own. Is this how my parents felt when they saw me grew up? I don’t know, but this ticklish sensation in my chest isn’t so bad after all.

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