《Dungeon Accident》Chapter 13: Floor B1 ~Skill Difference~


Chapter 13: Floor B1 ~Skill Difference~

We’re one room away from the [Boss Room], but the bridge connecting to it had been lost into oblivion. According to Rosalia, things like this happen all the time inside the labyrinth. But if we leave the dungeon and wait for a few good hours, the bridge will return in perfect condition. But I don’t want to leave without coming across the next save point. That’s too much of a time waster.

The distance is at least ten meters. I’m positive I can cover that distance with my current leg strength, but just in case, I practice jumping back and forth in our current room. As I concentrate on this single action, I gain a skill.

[Leap Learned]

Based on how I acquired [Sprint], I deduced it would have the same requirement for skills of the same category. Good thing my stats are overblown they allow me to perform inhuman feats. So I put three skill points on my newly acquired skill.

While cracking my joints and stretching my legs, I say, “Alright, I’m ready, let’s go.”

But Rosalia crosses her arms at my nonchalance. “What do you mean “let’s go”? Can’t you see how far that ledge is?”

“It’s okay, I can make it. Fia and I will go first, then I’ll come back for you. Fia, let’s jump.”

Holding out my hands, Fia steps into my embrace like the obedient slave that she is. Then I place one hand on her hips and sweep her up. Don’t lose your wits now, Dude. Before Rosalia could utter another comprehensible complain, I start to run. A strong wind hits me; a wind so powerful I can hear and feel nothing else other than Fia’s arms wrap around my neck. And there I go, pushing my feet upward, I fly.


It’s an easy feat, but due to my careless excitement, I stumble and roll on the ground along with Fia. My head crashes on a wall, but I tightly embrace Fia, shielding her from the fall. Surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt as much as I had imagined and I don’t feel like I gained any bruises at all. Somehow I really turned into a monster.

Brushing my hand on her back, I ask, “You alright, Fia?”

“Master, that was careless of you,” she remarks, and I can’t protest.


“Sorry, it won’t happen again.”

Fia opens her mouth like she wants to rebuke me for that apology, but quickly closes it without saying anything instead. It’s like she’s always reminding herself not to speak what’s in her mind.

The idea of her keeping secrets is fine, but I want to let her know that I won’t treat her any less than a proper human being. Though our contract remains, it won’t bode well if she continues that submissive front. It’s giving me an odd premonition that a knife would soon find its way on my back; even if it means it would kill us both.

Disregarding that for now, I accept Fia’s outstretched hand and pull myself up. No problem here, she’s the same old Fia, smiling even. “Wait here,” I instruct, and she nods.

Jumping across the other side is much easier after finding that sweet spot. Rosalia springs up to her feet as I approach. “Don’t even think about it, Dood. I’m not jumping over that cliff with you. No. Never!”

It seems like this lady wants me to force her. “Just close your eyes and leave it to me.”

Rosalia backs away, clearly frightened. “Close my eyes and leave it to you? Hah! I’d consider myself lucky if I wake up on a clinic the next day. You can kiss my ass!”

“And what a wonderful ass it is — I don’t really mind.” I smile at this girl, who’s bashfully reddened because of what I said. I take another step forward and Rosalia embraces her body in response.

Why make it seem like I’m a bad guy? I won’t hurt you, baby. “Come on, I’ll be real gentle.”

At the limit of her patience it seems, Rosalia brandishes her staff to me. “Over my dead body!”

But it’s so slow I can dodge it even without looking. I sneak up behind her and cradle her up, leaving her helpless in my arms. “Just trust me will you?”

In response to my reassuring words, Rosalia gives me a sharp glare. “If something were to happen, I will haunt you in my death.”

I snort. “I don’t think I’d allow something to happen to you. After all, I haven’t kissed your ass yet.”

I don’t allow Rosalia to retort to that and leap towards the other side with her screaming curses on the background. Goodness, what a savage girl! After landing magnificently, I grin at the sight of her disheveled hair.


“We’re here,” I say while gently letting her down. She’s still shaking and she’s no doubt mad at what I did. She gives me a pointed look before crossing her arms again: a warning saying I should not approach her for a while.

That’s my sign to step away. Sorry for enjoying myself.

As I turn, Fia pulls my sleeve several times. I look at her, and she points towards the door of the [Boss Room] — which is at least four times taller than me — frantically saying, “I smell something different over there, Master. Something bad.”

So I check my map because of her unnatural warning. The first group that went inside before us disappeared along with the giant red dot. Did they beat the boss and went on their merry way to the second floor? That’s probably what happened — or rather, I wish that’s what happened instead. What is this feeling? This area should pose no real threat to me. Yet… Is it because of Fia’s warning that I’m feeling tense all of a sudden? The last time I had this feeling was when I confronted that [Tiamat]. This is clearly abnormal.

“You two, I’ll check inside, so just wait here till I return.” Fia nods, and when I look at Rosalia, she nods as well. It seems like I’m not the only one.

“Be careful,” I hear Rosalia say behind me. “I’ll prepare a teleportation scroll just in case. So come back if something dangerous were to occur.”

Thank the heavens she’s carrying such a useful tool. I nod and made a beeline for the door. I push one side of the double doors and slip myself inside after opening it slightly. There’s plenty of crystals illuminating this wide room. I frown, seeing the several bodies who look like they were crushed to death. This ghastly sight weaves its way inside my body, making my skin damp, my limbs heavy, and my spine to shudder.

Death occurs every now and then. It’s a regular occurrence in a less civilized world like this. But seeing death firsthand is still different; it’s a little unnerving. I lift my eyes and scan the area. No sign of the boss or anything, not even on my map. Did their fight end in a draw?

Yet as I think of that, a man size figure emerges from the shadows ahead, dragging something behind him. As the figure draws closer, I realize that what he’s dragging is a corpse of a fallen explorer wearing a stiff grimace in her death. The lower part of her body is missing, which is clearly disturbing, but what’s more so is this young man — who has a messy, straight, black hair and gray eyes — staring at me. He’s wearing an all black attire of trench coat, trousers and leather boots. From his clear, porcelain skin, he looks like a man in his mid twenties.

“Fascinating,” he says. “I came here sensing a very good nutrition for my dungeon, and what a surprise indeed. Now I see why my dungeon guardian, Tiamat, ran with his tail between his legs. A human at Level 150… This unnatural strength for a human is quite frightening… Humans, even if they train their whole life, will never get that strong. What are you? You’re a human in disguise, aren’t you?”

The heck is this guy blabbering about? There’s something peculiar about him that I can’t seem to describe, but I know he’s dangerous the moment he was able to register my proper level. Just like me, he must’ve the [Observe] skill, so I use it on him as well.

Somehow, my eyes narrow at the results.

…It’s not working. He must’ve a skill preventing me to view his stats. But no matter. He’s here for something, and I’m not curious enough to find out. Clicking on my inventory, I pull out two firebrands from the abyss.

“Spatial inventory… Which of the other three great dungeons did you conquer before?”

I don’t answer him, and he seems to take offence on my silence. Black mist start to surge from behind his back, creating an overwhelming pressure, as the corpses are sucked inside. Should I head for the door? No, that’s not a good decision. This guy is clearly a step above the others, so escape is not an option.

One thing is for sure though; this man is not human.

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