《Dungeon Accident》Chapter 11: Labyrinth Information


A short chapter because I can't sleep for the last two hours, I thought: why not write? Lol. As always, any sort of feedback is welcome. Thank you very much for reading and I hope you like it so far.

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Chapter 11: Labyrinth Information

Now that the reception is back, I realize that the labyrinth entrance is built more like a park instead. Though I have to say that standing in the middle of this corridor makes me think that I’m inside a game since the interior is lighted by glimmering crystals of different variations.

One side of this corridor is made to act like a giant bar while the other side is like a staple in games: a place where they supported novices like me. The scent of food wafts over my nose, but since my stamina bar is still full, I push the thought of eating for now.

“The upper floors consist of a giant library that sprouted along with this labyrinth,” Rosalia explains as we head further inside. “You can find information about monsters and the labyrinth traps in there.”

“Sprouted? You make it sound as if this dungeon is alive.” I ask with interest.

Rosalia shrugs. “It might sound ridiculous, I know, but that’s how the scholars describe this labyrinth. After all, whenever an explorer reaches a new advancement, the upper levels opens up, providing us with the minimum knowledge to traverse the lower levels.”

I play with my chin. “That’s a highly interesting theory. Is there any other proof besides that?”

Rosalia shakes her head. “Not that I know of.”

Fia points to a familiar monument, halting us on our track. “What about that stone pillar?”

“That’s a way-point,” Rosalia answers. “You’ll always find them standing on the entrance of a new floor. Simply touch it with your hand and it’ll transport you to the last monument you touch inside the labyrinth. The same could be said on the other side.”


I see. I remember using that to leave the labyrinth after my first visit. “So what’s your current save-point, Rosalia?”

“Me? I’m currently stationed at level eight until my previous group decided to ditch me.” Clearly annoyed at her previous group, Rosalia bites on her bottom lip.

“That’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing you can do about it now.” I’ll pat her head if she allows me to, but I don’t think she would, so I give up on the idea. “So, what’s the first step?”

“If this is your first time going to the labyrinth properly,” she emphasizes, making me scratch my head, “then it might be a good idea to register your class and aptitude. The reception here handles group information. If you register, there’s a good chance that a group might pick you up. Or vice versa; you could also search for explorers to aid us that way.”

I raise a hand. “Wait. So there’s no actual relevance to a class other than informing a group of what you’re capable of?”

Rosalia nods at my question. “Yes. That’s how it works.”

“Then there’s no need for us to register.” I have no need for other members at the moment. You two are more than enough hassles for me to take care of, for now.

“So how do you suggest we proceed? Do we start from where I left off or do we start from the bottom?” Rosalia asks while raising an eyebrow.

I turn to my slave. “What do you suggest we do, Fia?”

Fia crosses her arms. “It’s better to start and cultivate our knowledge from a place where we could be convenient about our safety and the results. I don’t recommend traveling lower unless we know what we’re dealing with.”


“If that’s the case, could you first tell me what you two plan to do here? It doesn’t seem like you’re here to hunt lenses, Dood.”

Rosalia’s question drifts in my head for a few seconds before it pops. “Lenses?”

Rosalia buries her face on her palm. “You don’t even know what a lens is?” She sounds utterly disappointed asking that. “Lenses are monster cores, or loots as we call them, and that’s how the explorers here make money. If you have an inventory box, you could also store some important monster parts for a bigger profit. Blacksmiths and tailors tend to make use of the items brought from this labyrinth.”

“Okay, okay, I understand now. Look, I’m sorry,” I mutter, feigning ignorance. As someone who grew up playing games from the modern world, all of this information is nothing new.

“I suggest the two of you visit the upper floors for a quick glimpse. Who knows? Maybe it could save two idiots from their ignorance—”

There’s a flash in front of my eyes. When my mind is able to register it, I see the edge of Fia’s scimitar grazing Rosalia’s throat. “I could care less what you think of me, but I won’t tolerate anymore disrespect towards my master.”

Because of that declaration, heads are beginning to turn at our direction. Rosalia isn’t backing down either. My goodness, she’s even crossing her arms. So I stand in between them two and separate them. Fia acquiesces and sheathes her sword back.

“We’ll do just that, Rosalia, but not today.” I’m itching to try this dungeon any moment now. I’m sure I could afford to act without information on the first two floors. But just to make sure, I’ll stay vigilant. “This and that aside, what weapon do you prefer to use?”

“I’m a support, so I don’t really need one. But…” Rosalia takes out a book from her shoulder bag. “I can cast basic offensive spells if there’s a need to it, however my main forte are defensive spells.”

“Good.” Her dimples make a brief appearance on her cheeks at my sudden praise. “Any healing magic?”

Oh, why am I wasting my time asking? I use [Observe] on Rosalia.

Name: Rosalia

Race: Human

Level: 11

Skills: [Hoe Mastery], [Farming Knowledge], [Survivalist], [Poison Resistance]

Magic: None

She said she knows magic, yet there’s nothing listed on her magic column. Is she lying? I shake my head to deny the thought. I don’t think Rosalia would lie just to look good.

“Sorry, but healing spells are out of my range,” she says.

Just to confirm some of my doubts, I ask, “Rosalia, how do we learn skills?”

In response to that question, Rosalia tilts her head at me, but proceeds to explain anyways. “Some skills are learned naturally while others, I heard, are gained through the use of an artifact.”

So that’s why I learned some of my skills quite easily, because I was using an artifact from the labyrinth. However, this doesn’t explain how I learned the skill [Magic Map]. Ugh, all this information surging in my brain make my head hurt.

I think I’ve asked all I needed to know for now. Onward to the first floor!

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