《Dungeon Accident》Chapter 9: Learning Magic


Chapter 9: Learning Magic

I wanted to sleep some extra minutes, but Fia’s silent staring was so awkward I had to get up. What is she even doing here? Rubbing my exposed chest, I ask, “What’s up?”

No answer. She doesn’t seem bothered that I’m only wearing my underwear, so I decide to play a prank. I crouch down and stare at her butt. Or not exactly her butt, but the silver furry tail sticking out of her skirt.

Fia trembles a little bit, but I ignore her. I lift her skirt, and her white panties greets me as the morning sunshine. I have seen the full extents of her butt up close, but there’s something about her panties that I can’t help but adore.

Oh well, that’s that. I wear my trousers and open the window, whiffing a breath of fresh air. I sit on the window stool, stretch my feet out wide and light a smoke.

As I puff my cancer stick, I turn to Fia and ask, “Why didn’t you run away?”

As far as I know, if she could leave her room, then nothing is stopping her to escape.

“I can never run away, so long as we’re bound to this curse,” she says, and it makes me wonder what she meant.

I puff another one before asking, “Do you know how to break the curse then?”

She shakes her head, strands of silver hair bouncing with the wind. “Until death. If master dies, I’ll die as well. If I die… master is free to get another slave.”

“So it’s like a one sided marriage.”

Fia chuckles for the first time. “Most of us slaves refer to this curse like that.”

“Well, it sucks to be stuck with a husband you don’t really want to.”

“Master gave me clothes, a proper bath, a hot meal, and even a room — I can’t ask for a better husband now, do I?”

Well, well, looks like I got a cheeky slave after all. I stop as I eye her narrowly. “Do you loathe me?”

Fia pauses, closing her eyes for a moment, then she smiles. “I cannot say.”

“You should smile more often, Fia.”

“Is that an order?”

“No, it’s a request. I like it when you smile.” I kill the smoke and flick the stick somewhere down the streets. Whoever it lands onto, I’m sorry.

I jump off the stool and tell Fia I’m taking a bath downstairs. Upon meeting Cherche downstairs, I was met with a slap for walking around bare chested. I totally forgot. Nevertheless I use the bath quickly and go back running upstairs. Fia’s standing on the same spot I left her. This time, however, she greets me with a smile. A refreshing smile that makes me feel ticklish inside. But then I remember she has that [Kill Switch] skill, so I can’t help but wonder if she’s being honest or not.


As I wear this blue jacket with a pop up collar, Fia adjusts the laces to fit me accordingly.

“Fia, I should buy you some girlish clothes one of these days.”

“Master doesn’t need to spend so much money on me,” she says, placing a fist on her waist after she finishes my new getup. Now I look like a resident of this world… except for the sneakers.

Since Fia has taken a liking to my gray robe, I give it to her. I have a few more dozens of those after all. But with it, Fia seems like a respectable magus, her silver hair forming natural locks below her chest. She wears the large slanted scimitar I pulled out from inventory on her back while I prefer the throwing knives on my hips. I’ve taken a liking with these guys after all.

Going downstairs, we start our day by asking for directions with the old man. It seems like Cherche’s still mad at me for walking naked, crossing her arms and pouting like a little girl, so I promise to take her out for some cake this week, which brings a grin on her face. But talking about cakes reminds me of Rosalia; I wonder how she’s faring?

“That’s a promise?” Cherche asks.

“Sure it is. If your father agrees to it, you can even take your sister with us. And while we’re at it, I’ll even buy you two a dress if you help me pick out some clothes for Fia.”

Those words make her eyes twinkle in excitement. Perhaps I said too much, but since it has already left my mouth, there’s no turning back. Once the old man finishes the map I asked for, Fia and I are out on the streets. This shop [Rune] is located on the central district. As we stand in front of the large gate, the same knight instructs me to flash my identification card. Thank God I remember to bring it. Fia’s turn is a different procedure, more like a hassle. A hassle because she has to strip up to her waist and show the knight her slave glyph in their station, since apparently, my name is tattooed on her back.

After that, the map on my left hand leads me to my destination right away. [Rune] is like a large library with a semi-triangular roof painted red. The windows I pass by show a wide selection of books and the exterior landscaping is a bright mix of red and yellow flowers.


I’m not one to read much myself, but I did have a girlfriend who persisted on me reading her favorite romance novels. I read it because I loved her, and it turned out those books weren’t so bad after all. The memory puts a smile on my face.

I take Fia’s hand as we go up the wide concrete steps and through the ornate wooden doors. The corridor is empty save for the young man brushing his round spectacles behind the counter. He straightens up as we approach then greets us with his crooked, professional smile — like any other merchant.

“Welcome to Rune, your fastest way to learn magic here in Freyrun. How can I help you today?”

Damn, this guy’s too handsome. Too bright! “Hi, I’d like to know if you have an older sister?”

His eyebrow twitches but his smile remains. “Pardon?”

“I’m joking. Can you give us a quick crash course about magic?”

“Certainly. What would you like to learn?”

“Well, I’m clueless as the next born baby… so I’d appreciate it if you can start from the bottom.”

“Let me rephrase my question then. Would you like to learn defensive spells? Or perhaps some offensive types to punish your enemies?”

“How about some healing magic?”

“What a wise choice. Please, let me show you what we have over here.” The man steps out of his comfort zone and ushers me to one of the bookshelves with the sign written on top saying [Life Magic]. He picks out a blue tome from the shelf then take a quick glance on a random page before handing the item to me. “This tome contains the formulas for basic to advance healing magic, sir. Perfect for starting up.”

“Hmm…” I flip through the pages, and Fia peeks over my shoulder. The longer I look, the more I realize that I might have underestimated learning magic. This book is full of physics formulas. Just the first page alone is already enough to give me a brain fart. “What do you mean by formulas?” I ask.

“They're to teach you how to properly construct a magic formation, master.” Fia intervenes.

“Yes, it’s exactly as she says,” he adds. “Constructing a magic circle beforehand can greatly help a magus in a fight. Simply pour your magic in it and there’s no need for complicated incantations.”

You make it sound so easy. “So solve the riddle, and you’ll be unstoppable?”

“Not entirely unstoppable, but it does help out greatly. Since even the tiniest fraction of seconds can decide a magus’ life.”

“What is it about incantations then?” He seems to antagonize about it, making me think that there’s a faction between the two.

“Incantations are exactly how they sound, sir. You recite the spell like a song, but it’s not as simple as it sounds. Tone and timing plays a huge factor in reciting a spell. That’s why most magus who prefer to use incantations limit themselves to two or three spells. Where’s the fun in that?”

I don’t care about your opinion, and while casting spells might have been a lot of fun, I don’t think I have the time and patience to learn all of that. So it comes down to that method after all. “But I have heard of a different method: something about magic lines?”

His eyes narrows all of a sudden, like he’s giving me a warning. Well, game on. I squint back, and he accepts it.

“You’re here to get a spell installment?” His tone is a challenge, but I’m not backing down.

“Yes.” Fia tugs on my sleeve, and I can sense her anxiety, silently telling me to just leave. But since I’m here already, I might as well see how this ends.

“Then right over here, my lord.”

Fia and I follow the man, taking the flight of stairs behind the counter. Then we go up another level. As we walk pass doors after doors, I notice the landscape paintings adorning the wall on this vast hallway. Nice taste. We stop at the very end, where I can see a large mansion encased by giant walls through the window ahead of me.

Perhaps that mansion belongs to the man who governs this city? The question eludes me for a moment.

I hear the man take a single step forward, knock twice, then the door opens. Time to learn magic!

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