《Dungeon Accident》Chapter 5: All Is Well If It Ends Well


Chapter 5

Having been turned into a dangerous killing machine, none of the skeletons were able to impede my advance towards the [Boss Room]. Since Rosalia’s group managed to deal with the skeletons they were facing in their room, I’d decided to end this boss monster myself and call it a day.

Her group is currently resting three rooms below me, most probably shocked at the strength of this new skeleton knight that appeared out of nowhere.

I also noticed my mana pool had dropped one hundred points with [Magic Map] open for an entire hour. That’s not a problem in itself, but after resting for a single minute, I regained the lost [Mp] at the cost of fifty stamina points.

I stand in front of this giant door, and I clamp my mouth to keep my loud breaths in. I’m feeling nervous all of a sudden. Even though this boss monster is significantly weaker than me, I realize from all of my fights beforehand that strength is just strength. I’d won with brute force all this time but will it be the same here?

I shake my head to reaffirm my resolve. With the system of this world, status does play a huge part. Getting slashed by a sword doesn’t hurt as much as I thought, giving me the confidence that my skin is way tougher than steel.

Just in case, I put three skill points on my [One-handed Sword Mastery] skill. I wonder what it does? Does it give me the instincts to wield a sword or does this skill boost the damage inflicted? There’s only one way to find out, I guess.

I hoist the sword on my shoulder and take out a single knife from my pouch before kicking the door open. I remain still as this soulless room greets me in this catacombs. I expected a great dragon at the size of a building, something that’s worth the trouble of this red dot on my map at least, but here I see nothing. Yet, my map indicates there’s a dangerous being looming in front of me.

My shoulder tenses, and out of fear, my left arm jolts to throw the knife in my hand.

[Throw Knife Mastery Leaned]

The knife travels onward the stairs below. I hear the clanking of steel, spinning over and over again, then the blade hits a wall, and the air falls still around me once more. Frowning, I stare at the space ahead. I’m not alone in this room, I just know it. I enter a battle stance as I clasp the sword’s grip with both hands.

Suddenly, I hear the approaching sound of footsteps.

“Well done,” a deep voice says, followed by a clapping of hands.

My eyes shift towards the sound. It’s then that I see twin crimson eyes glaring at me. That’s all I need to see to know that the figure is a threat. Right away, I balance the sword in my hand and hurl it towards the shadow like a javelin.


[Throw Sword Mastery Learned]

However the blade simply goes through it without inflicting any visible damage. As if in response to my hostile greeting, the shadow raises a hand and aims his palm at my direction. I pull out two knives from my pouch as I wait for its reaction. What’s next? I throw knives after knives towards it, yet the results are the same: I can’t hit him.

The glint in its eyes sharpen, and I feel my body grow icy cold. But contrary to what my fears had told me, the shadow dissipates into thin air, and so does the giant red dot on my map.

“That was nerve wracking… Is it over?”

One minute, three minutes, five minutes — the shadow doesn’t show any signs of returning.

Though I’m not sure what it’s reason for leaving, what’s important is that this hellish night is over. I’ve had enough fighting in a single day.

I check my map and walk back towards Rosalia’s group.

* * *

I slow down so that my footsteps aren’t as loud. Make it seem more natural, Dude. Yeah, who am I kidding. A merchant walking by himself in a dangerous labyrinth; I’ll appear as suspicious without a doubt.

“Dood?” Our eyes meet for a moment, so I return a smile. She stands up from where she’s sitting and approaches me as if I were an endangered species. “What… What’s going on? Why are you here?” Her eyes widen with each passing second, and for the most part, I can only see her concern.

Oh great.

“I felt reluctant to leave you by yourself, you see,” I say, scratching my head.

She stares at me long and hard, then her eyes switch from concern to irritation. “How did you end up here?”

“I hired a few bodyguards,” I mumble the first excuse that came to mind.

“And where are these “bodyguards” you speak of?” Her eyebrow quivers as if she’s read my mind.

“Well, we somehow got separated in the confusion.”

“Ah.” She nods her head as if she knows, and I sure am glad she didn’t pursue it any further.

“So, how’s it going on your side here?” I look around and show my benevolent concern. It looks like everyone’s still busy recovering, including her.

“Oh.” She gives me a surprise look, giving her group a single glance before returning her eyes back to me. “We’ve manage to subdue the cause of the alarm, so we’re just about getting ready to return.”

The cause of the alarm? So it wasn’t that [Tiamat] I saw in my map that caused it? That’s good if it is, but I can’t shake the feeling that this is just the tip of something big. Hopefully, this is nothing but my needless concern.


“Rosalia! We need your help here!” A short meek-looking woman waves to Rosalia, and Rosalia goes back running to her group in a hurry. Her face lightens up as she bandages this random dude, blushing and smiling like a woman in love. The man returns a sweet smile, and probably because of something he said, they both laugh together.

Shit, is that her boyfriend perhaps? Now I feel so stupid coming here like a desperate man.

I need something to calm myself. I fish out the last remaining pack of cigarettes in my pocket and light a stick. The smoke travels all the way down inside me then I blow a cloud. There, this ought to calm me down. Yeah, there’s no point in staying here. Since everything has died down, I guess it's safe for me to say that I can return to the inn now.

* * *

By the time I reach my new solace, the inn is as dead as the night. It seems like most guest staying here are still out in the labyrinth. Once my eyes adjust to the dim hallway light, I head for the bar to order a drink. I sit on one of the bar stools, wondering why the waitress hasn’t taken notice of me yet.

How long will it take for her to realize someone is here? She starts to hum, and what a beautiful pitch of soprano voice she has. Thankful to be given a chance, I indulge myself in listening to her voice and watching her long brown hair swaying with her hips behind the counter.

I lean on my elbow on the wooden top and rest my chin on my right palm. “Nice.”

She turns to face me, and the shock in her face says she was almost startled. “Eh?”

I smile. “Sorry to surprise you. My name’s Dude, and I stay here in this inn. I’m just here to ask for a drink since I somewhat missed my dinner because of the disturbance.”

Her long lashes flicker over her eyes. “It’s a copper coin for a cup of ale, you want one?”

“If I make it two, can I have you to drink with me?”

Miss beautiful voice snorts, and I think she’s amused. “Make it four, and I’ll think about it.”

I pile six copper coins on the table then move it towards her. “I’m down for four but perhaps adding a couple more would give me that extra chance I need, what do you think?”

I give her a wink, and she laughs as a response. Smoothing her hair as she goes, she takes out two wooden mugs and fills them up in a nearby barrel. She nudges her way out of the bar and sit beside me, crossing her long legs.

“You don’t strike me as someone who likes to drink beer, but more like a man who admires a sip of his expensive wine,” she says, pushing the foaming cup to my direction.

“Ah, is it because of this robe?” I eye the fancy robe I’m wearing.

“Maybe.” She tucks her hair behind her ear, and for an instant, I see something I shouldn’t have.

“Is that a scar?” Her face darkens at my question, making me wish I didn’t ask.

She traces her finger on the notch below her left eye. “Does it look bad?”

“No, if anything, it makes you look…” I pause to find the right word. “Unique.”

“Now you’re just spouting nonsense.” She shrugs me off, giving me the hint that she dislikes that phrase. “Just look at me.”

The world seems to constrict because of that one sentence, silencing me for a few seconds. “I am, and all I’m seeing is an adorable young lady.”

I’m not sure if what I said is good or bad, but she can’t stop fidgeting because of that. “Don’t make fun of me, please.”

I see now. She lacks confidence; a trait that will make her shine more brilliantly than ever before. Though imagining her with a bubbly definition is a little distracting, as she’s quite the charming maiden as she is right now.

“Let’s make a deal; how about you tell me your name and I’ll do as you say?” I use that chance to squeeze out a more personal information.

She looks at me for moment then smiles.

“I’m Sasha.” She takes a sip of her ale, and I do the same.

The ale has this minimal bitterness and a slight carbonated flavor, as it leaves a warm impression in my mouth. It’s quite a sensation I’m delighted to have this late at night.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Dude.” I beam her a smile.

“Dood, eh? You look depressed.”

“I’m not really depressed. I’m just… disappointed. It’s not something as deep as love, but you could say that I’m attracted to this girl for whatever reason.”

She laughs. “I think you’re just overthinking things. Why don’t you give it some time and see how it goes?”

“Hmm, that’s quite the helpful advice you got there.” Because she seems polite, I start to throw jokes her way. She giggles, but then admits that she can’t get my sense of humor, making me laugh at my own embarrassment. Time flies, just like that, while I enjoy the company of this beautiful woman.

I glance at the ceiling, thinking that tomorrow will be the start of a new day — the start of my life in this game-like fantasy world.

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