《Dungeon Accident》Chapter 1: Labyrinth Conqueror


Chapter 1: Labyrinth Conqueror

I was running, running for my life. I repeatedly glance behind me, wondering if that ferocious beast has caught up to me, but thank God it's just my fearsome uncertainty.

What the hell is this place? Or rather, where the hell am I?

I’m quite positive I was on my way home from the convenience store after buying a pack of cigarettes. I met this pretty girl, a blue-eyed blonde bombshell, and after obtaining her phone number through some painstaking efforts, I called my friend to celebrate. After that — what happened after that?

The next thing I know, I’m inside this darkened tunnel full of creatures unknown to man. Could this perhaps be a dream? A nightmare bothering my peaceful sleep? Heck yeah, that sounds logical and all. But wait, this searing pain on my left arm from that tumble before belies that conclusion.

Nevertheless, I have no choice but to run if I don’t want to end up dead. I can still hear the loud stomping and grumbling of that beast behind me — Holy shit!

In front of me stood a giant arch double doors with an intertwining design of vines wrapped around the silhouette of a woman… a snake woman.

I go inside, using all of my remaining strength and effort to push this heavy doors, and a sudden blinding light steals my sight away. As I settle down, what await me in the depths of this hellhole is something unbelievable. Treasures on top of treasures, weapons buried on mountains of gems and gold — a sight that make me blink and think that this is a dream again.

My reverie breaks when the doors behind me close with a bam! Though at least with that, I feel safe. That giant beast doesn’t seem like it’s smart enough to differentiate a door from a wall. Yeah…

Anyways, who could amass this much fortune?

I walk toward this altar, in the middle of all of the gold and various kinds of precious metal lying on the ground, and observe what I can. There’s a small stone pedestal of about one meter in height in the center which happened to be engraved with writings that I haven’t seen nor heard of in my short life. But aside from that, there’s one thing I do understand.

This thing is basically screaming for me to put my palm in the middle seeing the traces and arrows pointing toward it. As soon as I do, however, a small blue box appears, congratulating me for conquering this dungeon of bla bla… I read enough nonsense before I brush it off. Yet as I turn around, all of the riches I’ve just seen disappeared into thin air. Suddenly, the altar shakes and some sort of light circles around my footing, tracing the shape of a star.


“What the — what’s happening now!?” Everything trembles with it as the cause and my vision warps, distorting, crumbling into tiny little pieces. The next thing instant I regain my bearings, I’m standing in the midst of a large crowd.

Thank the heavens I’m still in one piece. But my troubles are never ending it seems. Where is this place? Is this part of the dream? I don’t remember myself coming here, nor does this place looks familiar. As I stand there thinking, someone bumps their shoulder with mine, so I move further to the side.

“Hey there young man, here to buy some Pitas?”

I turn to the manly voice. “Pitas?”

Behind a small wooden stall, a brown skinned man in his mid forties shuffles a palm-sized fruit in his hands. “Yes, Pitas. Since they're in season right now, I’ll give you a discount and sell you a bundle of five for three copper coins. So, how about it, you interested?”

The fruit in question is similar to a pear yet the shape is more rounded like an orange. It doesn’t seem like a bad deal and I can certainly use the nutrients after running for who knows how long. But as I pull out my wallet, I frown at the realization. “Wait, how much are these Pitas again?”

The man shows me a welcoming smile. “A bundle of five for three copper coins, lad. Actually, buy three bundles and I’ll add an extra one just for you.”

Copper coins? What time period do you think we’re currently in? I almost want to laugh but decide not to. “Umm, do you happen to take credit cards? Or American dollar bills?”

I’m not sure why but, upon hearing that, the man raises a fuming eyebrow at me. “Huh? You making fun of me, kid?” I try to explain my reasons, but my words fall to deaf ears. “If you’re just here to gawk then get lost!”

“Alright, old man. Geez. What the hell was that for?” Because I don’t want to attract any more trouble than I already have, I follow the line of people walking toward my direction.

Merchant stalls occupy the sidewalks and the stone paved streets are large enough for three wagons to pass side by side. Wait, was that a giant lizard inside the carriage just now? What’s worse, handcarts are being pulled by human laborers wearing a stiff collar around their necks. It’s like a scene from a medieval movie here. The sun glaring at my skin makes it even more terrible. My throat is parched and I’m starving like a hobo.

Is this a dream after all? I have my doubts, but for now I make up my mind to follow this giant, obsidian obelisk vying for attention whenever I look up.


* * *

Finding my solace in the form of a wooden bench right beside a trash bin, I stretch my arms out wide and stare at the blue sky. Something about these blue clouds makes me think over my current predicament. What if I’m not dreaming? What if this is all real? That I’m stuck in this place my whole life? Damn, the thought is scary.

To make it worse, the large roaring of people proceed to echo and I can’t focus because of it. There seems to be a gathering going on near this obelisk but, whatever it is, it’s not a subject that caught my interest. I do recognize this scene similar to that game my roommate was playing in our apartment. People with large swords and axes gather in front of this building to conquer a dungeon or a labyrinth. Is it the same here?

“Hey, is that space occupied?” Suddenly, a voice pierces through my musings and the loud jeers of the adventurers around me. But I sigh and pay the voice no mind. One, two, three… I proceed to count the clouds passing by.

The feminine voice persists, “Hey rogue, have you not heard what I just said, or are your ears merely for show?”

“Lady, I’m not sure what type of crack you smoke, but I am no rogue. I’m Dude, a college student,” I say, exacting the same rude tone the girl used beforehand.

Out of curiosity, I sneak a glance and am shocked to see emerald eyes peering at my face. Because of their close proximity, I stumble and flip the bench backwards along with myself.

“Dammit,” I complain and hoist the bench up as I stand. I just want my own peace and quiet. Is that so hard to give?

Not even offering any help, I hear the girl wheeze an impish laugh. “Dood? What kind of name is that?”

“Hurtful words coming from someone who hasn’t even introduced herself.” I sit on the bench once more and rest one foot on top of my thigh. Whatever, she ignores my question and sits on my left anyways. So much for hospitality. And she’s even one cute gal. Still, who wears a robe in the middle of the day and out the in the streets to boot? Is she one of those cosplay chicks I’ve always heard about?

As I try to divert my gaze away from her face, I notice a weird icon at the corner of my left vision. I wave a hand towards it then something clicks inside my head. The icon enlarges into a blue window similar to the one from before.

Dude Webber

Tittle: Labyrinth Conqueror, Otherworlder

Level: 150

Funny, but it seems like I’m inside a game. But don’t new players start at level one? It shows other various numerical numbers in this status screen and when I click the button [yes] to allocate my stats, my vision shakes once more. I place a hand on my mouth to stifle a cough. What the hell was that churning sensation? It feels like I almost vomited just now.

The overwhelming sensation stays in my stomach for a few minutes — like I ate something bad. Once the sickening feeling subsides, I check this tab called [inventory].

“Holy,” I curse in my amazement. Copper, Silver, Gold — all kinds of money are stacked up along with some various weapons of some sort. It must be those items hidden in that treasury I was in before.

If I understand this correctly, did I obtain all of those as a prize for clearing that final boss place — in accident? Damn, I wish I could’ve read what that blue box said and not dismiss it like some kind of trifle. Then again there’s nothing I can do about it now.

I click one stack of copper coins on the screen, and it ask me how much I want to pull out from its numerical stack of [99]. I decide to withdraw twenty-five copper coins. In response, the hand magically presses the button and sinks inside of the screen. I feel something — the coins — on the other side, and when I pull my hand out, the coins are in my hand.

“Damn convenient.” Seeing this much money made me smile a little. “Hell yeah, time to get something to eat.” I turn to the girl on my left. “Hey, Miss—”

“That’s Rosalia to you.” She stops what she’s doing and folds her arms above her minuscule chest. I didn’t notice at first, but her neck length, dark, bobbed cut hair suits her well. Really, if it wasn’t for that weird priestess robe, I would’ve ask for her digits a long time ago.

Still, I show my most winning smile. “You know of a good place to eat? I’m a little hungry and wouldn’t mind paying if you accompany me.”

She chuckles all of a sudden. “That’s some poorly chosen pick-up lines you have there, Dood. Fine, as long as you’re paying, then I don’t see any harm in coming. It’s just that there’s this cafe nearby, and it happens to be the one of the most expensive pastry shop in the city — still want to go?”

I slap a hand on my thigh as I stand up. “They’re free to test my budget.”

Oh yeah, eat all the sweets you want, and once I’ve got you hooked, you’ll be a treasure trove of information for me to abuse.

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