《Red Harvest》Chapter 9 - Bren’s bar


As we enter the bar it feels like time itself has stopped, all conversations end and everyone starts looking at us or more specifically me. It is only now that I realize that pretty much everyone we passed in the streets would stop and stare or quickly move out the way, I really don’t know if I’ll ever get used to this, but just as quickly as it stopped time quickly started again and everyone went back to their own conversations. I motion for Rafael to come and take a seat near the corner of the room, I took the seat facing the rest of the bar to get a good look at everyone. The Barman was a beast of a man in the sense that he was a massive hunk of meat and looked to be the reason why a bar like this is not rundown yet. He was big and tall had the look of a weightlifter, he looks fat but its probably all muscle he was a bit rough looking and seemed to be scowling at me from the bar. The bar-woman was not that dissimilar in the sense that she was tall and looked like she could handle herself. The bar-woman quickly made here way over and introduced herself to us, “ Hello young master I’m Paulissa and the big guy Staring at you is my husband Bren, now don’t be scared his eyesight just isn't that good anymore that's why he's looking at you like that hahaha”. With a giggle she turns to Bren and gives him a look to which he nods and gets back to cleaning the bar. “ Okay so here are the menus and today's special is Burukku steak with roasted vegetables now I’ll be back in 5 minuets to take your order”, with a quick smile she quickly walked off to another table. “Rafael do you have any idea what you want, I have no idea what these foods are?” “hmm I come here every now and then the rabbit stew is always nice if you want something different you could try the chicken skewers.” “do you have any idea what the special could be like?” “They are a herd creature of Rank E, quite aggressive creatures and can’t be handled unless you are in the teacher levels but even then they travel in groups so just being a teacher won’t cut it. Keep in mind the cost as meat from a rank E creature would usually cost 3 copper per portion.” Quickly Paulissa came over to take our order and told us the the special was 6 copper while the rabbit stew was only 3 copper, considering I only had 6 copper it was a no brainer to go for the stew. “Okay so that's 2 rabbit stews and 2 water coming right up” It was quite peaceful in the bar, I could watch and listen to everyone around me which is something I enjoyed doing in my past life as well, watching the world go by and acting as an observer and before I know it Paulissa is at our table with the 2 rabbit stews and following behind is a girl about 8 who looks quite similar to her carrying 2 glasses of water. When they arrive at our table they put down our food and the girl runs back to the bar leaving Paulissa behind, “ well that girls never usually like that, the bundle of curiosity decided to run away from our young master what did you do”. she gives me a teasing smile and leaves just as quickly. “You know what I think I might just like it here”. I say as I start to sample the rabbit stew. I’ve only had rabbit once before back on earth and I’m interested as to whether it tastes the same and to my surprise it tastes quite different. Rabbit on earth tastes like a bit like dry chicken while this rabbit tastes more like beef which was a pleasant surprise. Me and Rafael at our food in silence while I listened to the conversations going on around me which I’ve got to say helped me with a bit of general information. “Have you heard a Hydrofels has shown up in the outer regions of spider fell”. “ Young master Noah is going to be 12 soon what attributes do you think he will get?” “ Did you know that young tom has went missing that's the 2nd child this month when will the lord do something about these bandits.” “I’ve heard from my brother on the front lines that skirmishes between Osoerde and us have been more frequent now and its only going to get worse, soon war is going to break out.” I had really hoped this world would be peaceful, I guess I was asking for too much and even my father wants me to enlist, so I guess its fate. I took my time finishing my food and it was 13:00 by the time we stood up to leave. Paulissa and the girl who name I had heard was Dara said goodbye and asked us to come back again. As me and Rafael were standing outside I realized I had done everything I wantd to do today and it was only 13:00, while I was lost in my thoughts Rafael spoke. “ Well then young master it appears we still have time to get back and still do your noble studies before the end of the day”. Sigh I forgot why I wanted to waste as much time as possible outside the house, I hate noble studies, it is literally the lesson I hate the most. Everything about the lesson just seems so unnatural to me, so with my shoulders hanging I made my way back home.

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