《Red Harvest》Chapter 8 - Blacksmith


The inside was not what I expected at all when you imagine a store you would think they would have items over the walls showing off their talents instead I was met with a office room that you would use for and interview. The woman quickly beckoned use to take a seat while she sat behind the desk, “ Good morning I am Samantha apprentice to Dastreal black hammer and I am ready for your order.” putting on her saleswoman smile which came off more frightening then calming. I look to Rafael and see he looks just as confused as I am which makes me smile considering I haven’t really see much expression on his face yet, and It calms my heart to see that this is just as unusual for him as it is for me. I hear a sigh from the corner of the room and look to see the door open and a man step through. He was probably Dastreal judging from his height and build, muscular all over and a big brown bushy beard, his hands looked rough just like the rest of him and he had a certain look in his eye when our eyes met. “Young master had I known you were here I wouldn’t have had my apprentice serve you as she might be a fine blacksmith but still has far to go when it comes to social awareness” he says as Samantha quickly stands up and looks down in shame, or is it fear as she does not dare to meet my eyes, and Dastreal quickly makes his way over to the seat. “ Well from the look on your attendants face I can see you were expecting something different, in my store we don’t show off a bunch of products we take commissioned orders to meet our clients needs instead of having a bunch or swords left on the wall to rust.” “Can I ask how did you know who I was?” I had never met him before and I haven’t heard father mention him being a guest in our house so he can’t have seen me before. “ Hehehe did you forget just how much you and your father look alike?” Now it was my turn to be ashamed, how could I forget that, pale skin red hair and eyes how could me and my father look any different. The good thing was with my foolishness pointed out it seemed to relieve some tension from the room as Samantha finally looks at me again, “ Now can you tell me what you are here for, your first weapon or have you taken a fancy to blacksmithing and want a tour of the factory?”. Now that he mentions it I am quite interested in the process but its my first day out and I can’t spend it in a factory. “ As much as I would like a tour of your factory I’ve got a full day planned and didn’t think to spend that long here, sorry” “hehehe don’t worry about it you can come by any time, now lets talk business, you are here for a weapon?” “ Yes please I am thinking a dagger small enough for me to carry and not too expensive as I’ll outgrow it at some point”. “Hmm, not too expensive eh, an average iron dagger will only cost you 1 silver but for you young lord 8 copper” “ Father always said to take generosity when shown so 8 copper it is, how will you design it?” “ depending on the client we tailor the weapon, that only matters with experienced swordsmen, such as weight and length of the blade grip of the weapon. For your average sale a training weapon can be used and my apprentices will be the ones creating them.” I take out the 8 coppers, depleting my supply to 6 coppers, and hand them to Dastreal. “ So do you have a set number of days to create my order or do I come back in a week?” “ It Varey's depending on the order but for a iron dagger I’ll have it done by tomorrow”. I stand up and shake Dastreal’s hand and go to leave when I see that Rafael is still sitting down. “ Rafael what are you doing?”. “hehehe that's a good attendant you got there, I’ll help him get up.” saying so Dastreal stands up and shouts “ RAFAEL”. Which seems to shake my attendant as he quickly stands up backs away and reaches for his sword, “ Have a nice day young master it was good meeting you”. When Dastreal finishes Rafael seems to wake up from whatever trance he was in, bows and follows me out. As we slowly make our way to the next location I notice Rafael is unusually quite, I mean he's quiet all the time but now I'm struggling to see him even do anything other than follow me silently. “ Rafael ” He finally looks at me and his eyes don’t look so zoned out anymore. “ Sorry young master I had lost myself for a moment”. He looks truly sorry which genuinely surprises me, “ What's got you so spooked?” “Strength young master, Strength, one day you will have the same experience as me.” “ How strong is that dwarf for you to be this spooked” “At least A rank Qi master that's what I felt from him, He is a brilliant blacksmith I understand now why the Lord answered his request of a monopoly”. “Why does the QI rank matter in regard to him being a blacksmith?” “ When they make equipment they use their QI the bend and shape the metal more effectively, with an A rank blacksmith they can work with obsidian grade equipment, that is only 1 below mythrill, It costs 5 gold per kilo of obsidian to give you an idea of its rarity”. “Do you think he's stronger than Father” “ Rank does not mean victory but if the dwarf knows any fighting techniques at a decent level then yes he would probably beat the lord in a fight.” When we finish our conversation we end up at Bren’s bar, Which is a place I’ve heard about from the guards at our estate. While its called a bar during the day its more like a restaurant so I’ve decided to come here to checkout what normal food is like here.

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