《Red Harvest》Chapter 3 - Knowledge


I’m now 5 years old and I'm beginning to join my siblings in our family practices, which includes weapons and qi training, mana and elemental basics as you cannot practice any of the elements until your 12th birthday. For the past 2 years I have been getting tutored in regards to basic reading, writing and arithmetic which I naturally excelled in due to my previous life experience, I was also called a genius which was something I couldn’t be happy about as I had an unfair advantage. The only studies that I struggled at were history, noble etiquette and general knowledge but I don’t think I was doing that bad in those subjects after all I was only 5. For general history I have been born into the Moon family with the title of count, which ranks baron-viscount-count-marquess-duke-king. I have also learned that our family was given the count title directly from the duke Clayton Lowell as if you are of noble rank you can award somebody with nobility as long as it is two ranks below and it has been accepted by the king. Technically my father can award our knights with the title of baron and while the king won’t look need top sign it off the duke probably will.

I currently live in the kingdom of Ghoere, in the city of Moon, not the most creative name but little city's like ours tend to change name quite often apparently. the current year is 942, the kingdom had previously had a war with Osoerde which started in 923 and lasted until 933. It appears that the old patriarch was an A rank Qi master and mana master. He served in the war saving the duke Clayton Lowell, at the cost of his own life, to which he granted the family the rank of earl which they could keep if within 30 years they could produce another A rank fighter. It appears that due to international law S rank and higher fighters cannot fight on the same battlefield as lower rank solders so A rank fighters are considered the top elites of any army. I have also learned of the different levels of strength and how they measure them. For magic their is four stages, 1st is the human stage which consists of connecting your mana network up with your entire body, although you do not have to complete this stage it will act as a foundation for the rest of your life. You also cannot start this stage before your coming of age ceremony as your mana is not strong or stable enough to leave your core before your 12th birthday ( for humans ). After your foundation is the teacher, master and grand-master stages which measure your level of efficiency for mana up until the half magus stage where you can use mana at 100% efficiency, while every human is born with different levels of mana your core is like a muscle and the more you use it the mana you can generate and like muscles people have different levels of growth these are the base factors which decide strength between mages. The development system for martial artists is also quite similar as the 1st stage is the human stage which also consists of connecting your qi paths up and also acts as a foundation for the latter stages of teacher, master and grand-master however this time you can practice the human stages upon the age of 5 as it is considered beneficial to open the paths as soon as possible. It is also measured in efficiency and the amount of qi in your body can also grow with time. I have been told that there is also the Half-magus and magus levels but I don’t need to concern myself with them yet as they are nearly impossible to reach and in the whole kingdom the number of half-magus does not go above 20 and the number of magus can be counted on one hand. Tomorrow I will be starting my daily physical training joining both my siblings where my father will show me how to advance through the human stages as quick as possible.

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