《Red Harvest》Prologue


Thomas was lost, in his whole 24 years of life he had never felt this lost, which was saying something, everything was black and he couldn’t feel his body at all, it wasn’t a numbing sensation it was as if what he was trying to move wasn’t there. “what’s this?” a deep voice reverberated around him and it managed to shake the fear out of him, until the source of the sound appeared in front of him. A giant beast that seamed to float in the void appeared before him, it had a long blue tail with a black 5 pointed trident tail that had a glowing blue gem in the middle, its four legs could only be described as what Thomas would think a dragons would be like, shorter blue hind legs but with a black upper thigh with a blue gem in the middle, unlike its forelegs which instead of a solid blue color they were lined with a streak of gold. At the base of its long tail there were more smaller tails which seemed more akin to tentacles with a number of larger black ones and an equal number of smaller gold ones, with a bright blue gem at the base. At the chest there was another separation from the dark blue scales to a black smooth piece of what looked like natural Armour, the smoother chest piece had another smaller blue gem at the center piece, the beast as a whole had a number of glowing blue lines that seamed to link every gem together.The face which seemed similar to a fierce dog, its piercing blue eyes seemed to look into Thomas’ soul but his vision was drawn to the black headpiece that covered the top of the beast with another glowing blue gem at the centerpiece, standing atop of the beasts head like a crown. “Lundarian what have you found?”, a similar yet different beast emerged from seemingly thin air, it looked similar apart from it had Dark red scales with golden plates linked with a glowing gold connecting the gems on its tail to its head. the differences between them was that this one didn’t have any tentacles on its tail instead it had long golden spikes, and it had more of a lizard face compared to the blue beast, now known as Lundarian. “It appears we have a lost soul in our territory, I don't know how he arrived here, perhaps we should call Alaclipse he might be able to help” “NO, he is always so draining, every time I meet him it feels like a millennium goes by” “Solord, this is not something I can help with, it only stands to reason that we call for his help as this is clearly his territory” Thomas watched this conversation go on for a while longer before the one called Solord relented to calling this Alaclipse for help, Thomas didn’t know what an Alaclipse was but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to meet one. While Thomas was having such thoughts a dark red hole appeared in front of him and another beast emerged, this time it had black scales with red Armour and glowing red gems connected across the creature, its long tail was shaped like a morning star at the end and it had another smaller tail that was pure black as well, its face could only be described as draconic and it gave of a sense of death that Tom hadn’t felt in quite a while. “What do you want, I’m quite busy at the moment many mortals are dying now and I have a backlog of souls waiting to be cleansed so unless this is important I’ll be lea-”, it seamed this Alaclipse finally noticed Thomas, he wasn’t sure if this was a good or a bad thing as this scary dragon had just been mentioning cleansing souls, actually it doesn’t matter what he thought as he had no control over anything at all right now. “I see” Alaclipse had a hint of intrigue in his voice as he approached Thomas. “This soul is not from our plane it is strange as to how it managed to end up here but I imagine it is largely due to its impressive affinity for space and time which has led it to your domain”. This seemed to upset Solord as he said” Wait up, I would have known if there was a way for a soul to enter MY domain, it should be impossible regardless of his affinity it is just a human soul after all.” the golden beast moved closer to Tom and started to study him as well, Thomas could see under that all that curiosity there was a layer of doubt hiding within this golden beast. “Well it seams there might be some holes in our dimension. Whether they were created by someone or not they need to be plugged and we need to do something with this” said Lundarian while gesturing at Tom. “Well boy here are your 2 options, you go through the normal reincarnation cycle and lose your memories but you will keep your elemental affinities or we send you down to Cerillia and we will seal some of your affinities off but through hard work you will be able to unlock them, well what do you think?” Alaclipse looks dead into his soul and the only option Tom can think of is number 2, whats the point if he loses his memories. “So you will go for number 2 then that’s not a surprise,afterall what are we without are memories, but don’t think that keeping your memories will be a gift” after flashing a toothy grim and waving his arm Thomas found himself dizzy and lost again but this time he felt warm at least so some things were looking up. “Are you sure he wasn’t an agent of a foreign divinity with those affinities I wouldn’t be surprised” questioned Lundarian. “Its fine I searched his soul there was no imprint there but I will still keep him monitored, Solord you need to find that gap in the dimension one soul coming through isn’t much but if more come through the hole will only get bigger and that would be the least of our problems at that point” said Alaclipse before creating a portal to the land of souls. “ WAIT, you want me to search the whole universe for one tiny crack in space?” asked Solord almost sounding a bit to hopeful that it wasn’t true. “Yes” with that simple reply Alaclipse left them and Solord was managing to look pretty pathetic for a giant golden lizard. “Cheer up it can’t be that hard, can it?” asked Lundarian with a bit of worry in his voice and all he got in return was a shaky smile from his brother, the sovereign of Space as only he would know how truly vast his search would have to be.

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