《Hiro's Journey》Chapter 11: Warrior Training


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Chapter 11

The next morning Hiro arose with one thing on his mind, “How can I get stronger? I thought I had gotten stronger but yesterday showed me that I’m really not strong yet. I was too weak to fight Snow head-on, too slow to fight with Foria now that she had recovered, and not skilled enough in magic to take on Korin.” To clear his head he decided to do what he had done since he came to this world, train.

“Before when I wore the heavy shield I gained strength just wielding it so that should apply to using this sword and gauntlet. I might as well kill two birds with one stone and practice with it on while I do my training.” After equipping the weapons he began doing his calisthenics. He quickly noticed the weight of his new items greatly increased his own weight. His fatigue added up quickly and shortly after about 100 repetitions he was unable to move.

Through your training, your strength has increased by 3 and vitality increased by 3.

Hiro was panting from the exertion of doing the exercises while wearing the heavy equipment.When he looked up snow was standing over him with his hand stretched out. He grabbed Snow’s hand and got up off of the ground. Snow said, “I’ve noticed you train very hard like any great warrior should. That is a good habit for a warrior. My master always told me to sharpen you blade each day as well as your body.”

“Thank you. It’s honestly the only thing that I could do right now. I don’t know much else.”

“I thought you might say that. You have great physical skills but you have never had any formal battle training have you?

“How did you know?”

“I was raised to be a warrior from the time I was very small. I can tell what skill looks like. I learned a lot about you during our spar.” Smiling Snow said, “You are raw but you have a lot of potential.”

“Can you train me?”

“I don’t consider myself a master but I can teach you some of the things that I know.”


“Of course. It is the least I can do for freeing me from that cage.”

“Thank you Snow”

“Ok. First you must train both parts of your strength.”

Hiro scratched his head. “What do you mean both parts of your strength?”


“You are only training your outer strength. You have to strengthened your exterior very well and that is good and it will slowly grow over time but the true strength of a warrior is the inner strength, ki.”

Hiro thought back to when his martial arts teacher talked about ki and what he had felt since he was in this world. “I can feel it Snow but I can’t really do anything with it.”

“I will show you how to access your ki at will then we will move on.” Hiro nodded. First watch me. Snow took a deep breath and a small breeze rustled through the grass and a few leaves blew away from him. Hiro instantly felt a powerful presence. “Can you feel that?”

“Yes. Is that your ki?”

“Yes. It is my inner energy a manifestation of my fighting spirit.”

“Now close your eyes. Feel the heat coming from your belly.” Hiro did as he was told.

“I can feel it its warm.”

“Now begin to imagine it moving from your belly all around you.”

“Ok.” Hiro began to do as Snow instructed. As Snow watched he could begin to see parts of Hiro’s body flicker with a pale blue almost white colored ki.”

“Focus! You must concentrate. Relax your mind. Your if you mind is raging so will your ki. You have to focus and relax.”

Hiro took a deep breath and bit down on his lip. His brow was full of sweat. “I must learn this! I must focus” Hiro said to himself. He began to picture his ki swirling around his stomach. Then he imagined that there were holes in his body that allowed it to simply flow out instead of trying to push his ki out.

Snow looked on as the pale colored ki that flickered like lightning flashes gained a more stable red color and became more calm a free-flowing. “This kid’s power is crazy. His aura is incredible. What kind of power is hidden away in this boy? How can he do this his first time?” Snow said to himself. “Good Hiro! Now relax and open your eyes.”

Hiro open his eyes and looked around he could see his red aura around his body. It was amazing.

"Now I will teach you how to increase your strength using your ki so that you can wield those weapons now and when your body catches up you will be even stronger. Come let me demonstrate."

Quickly Hiro activated his copy ability. Snow stood still and began to breathe slowly. Snow then let out a sound that began with a hum and got louder as he gathered more of his ki. "AAAHHHHHHHH!!!" The trees around began to rustle and a faint breeze could be felt. Around his feet Hiro could actually see Snow’s ki beginning to disperse around his body. It was emanating from his center and moving to his arms legs filling his muscles. Hiro was in awe of his comrade’s ability.


As he watched he understood more and more how Snow was able to freely control his ki. Snow continued to gather his ki as his voice got louder and louder. "HHHAAAAAAAA!!!!" Then suddenly he stopped. He had gathered his ki. Snow showed Hiro what he could do. "If you move your ki to your legs you can greatly increase your speed."

Hiro watched a Snow ran. “He moved just like the beastmaster did. It was as if there were several of them. That must have been what that monster was doing.”

"If you move it to your arms you can strengthen the swing of your sword. If you become a master at this you may not need a weapon anymore. I’ll show you." Snow went up to a nearby rock. It appeared that rock was solid and very large. It was a sphere with a radius of about 165 cm. Snow said watch carefully. Hiro saw Snow’s ki gather into his right hand. Snow then made a fist and brought it down with all of his might on to the rock. The rock shattered into pieces as Snow’s punched pulverized the rock.

Through careful observation, you were able to copy the body strengthening ki skill.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Body Strengthening/tds][tds]Beginner0100%With this skill active you will be able to strengthen your body with you ki. As you improve in proficiency you will be able to concentrate you ki in more body parts at the same time. If you reach the master level the ki will surround you whole body giving you a golden glow.

Hiro activated the ability. “It feels so warm. Is this the feeling of my ki moving around my body?” Hiro looked down at his body. “My muscles are bulging and nearly double their normal size. How strong am I?” He then pulled the sword from his back. “This is incredible Snow. The heavy sword and gauntlet feel nearly weightless. My body is now able to move as it did before. No it was even faster.”

Snow watched Hiro swinging the sword "Incredible you can already replicate what you saw me do? You are definitely gifted."

Hiro thank Snow and smiled. He thought to himself, "I definitely can't tell him that it is just one of abilities that I can copy techniques that I see."

"Remember the more of your body that is covered by your ki, the more ki it will consume so start your training small. Use it on one body part at a time. Each part of you can be strengthened try using it in different ways to get some amazing results."

"Ok. I will. Thank you Snow. You've really opened my eyes to something great."

He looked up at his display he had lost over half of his mana in the 2 minutes that he activated this body strengthening skill. He released the skill and immediately the weight of the sword and gauntlet returned. Hiro decided to make sure he spent time meditating and practicing using his ki each day. So he began by sitting down on the ground and breathing very deeply and slowly. He let his mind clear and he began to feel the ki from all of the living things around him. Snow went back to the main part of camp to begin his preparations to leave. After some time past Hiro stood ended his meditation period.

Due to your prolonged period of meditation you have raised you wisdom by 3 points.

You have learned the passive skill, clear mind. Due to your meditation you have learned to keep your mind clear.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Clear MindBeginner0100%This skill helps you to regenerate you mana at a much faster rate, thus allowing you to sustain your ki for longer periods of time. Each level that you gain in this skill you will earn + 2 points towards you intelligence.

Hiro now decided to focus on using his ki in small intervals like he trained his body physically. He gathered his ki around his legs, which he felt would increase his movement. “Let’s see I guess I should do this until my man is half way depleted. I want to see how long I can sustain this. As my wisdom increases mana supply should grow which means I can increase the number of his limbs that I concentrate my ki in. I’ll do this until I can supply my whole body for extended amounts of time.” After about 10 minutes he was half way through his ki. He released the concentration in his feet and took a break.

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