《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 24: Civil Engineering Department


Part 1

“Waiiit!!” Shinichi screamed out as he rushed to stop Ryu from jumping out – they were on the fourth floor…

However, by the time Shinichi reached the edge of the gaping hole in the wall, Ryu was nowhere to be seen. Specifically, Shinichi could not see Ryu’s splattered body on the ground.

Shinichi felt his knees go weak and began to feel slightly dizzy. The world he knows and understands is nothing something so ridiculous – walls don’t just melt away like butter, and people certainly don’t disappear from the fourth floor. What is going on here?

Shinichi’s face was brimming with confusion and fear. He was the lead detective; the best in the Tokyo force. He had heard of many dark and inexplicable events before. However, this was the first time he had actually witnessed something so strange.

No matter how many times Shinichi thought about it, no matter how many times Shinichi examined the wall – Shinichi could only reach one conclusion. The man they had arrested was a monster or possessed strength which went beyond the realms of humans.

Shinichi placed his hand on the hole to make sure it was real. Shinichi could feel the stony dirt rubble, the firmness of the bend iron bars – this was very much a real hole in the wall. Shinichi pinched himself once just to be sure.


It was real. This was not a dream - a man made a whole in the wall of Tokyo’s Police HQ.

Shinichi felt a turbulence of emotions this incident reminded him of his grandmother’s stories of martial arts experts who could destroy buildings with a single finger or fly vast distances. Wasn’t this just to fantastical?

“Shinichi-san?” The baka junior called out as he crawled into the room. However , when he saw the hole in the wall, the baka-junior immediately shut up. The baka-junior was too stupefied. He left his senior in the room alone and then somethings happened, when he returned he finds a hole in the wall –large enough for three people side by side to fit through.

The baka junior rubbed his eyes just to be sure he wasn’t imagining this.

“Shinichi-san….” The baka junior called out once again when he realized this was not his mind playing tricks on him. “What happened?” The baka junior asked Shinichi who stood with a vacant expression near the hole.

“I don’t know….I don’t understand anything anymore…” Shinichi barely managed to mutter those words as he continued to gaze at the city skyline from the hole. Shinichi’s mental walls of reasoning and logic were collapsing.

“Shinichi-san….will the repair costs of the wall be deducted from our wages?” The baka-junior asked a question that did not match the moment.

With some color returning to his face, Shinichi broke off a bit of loose rubble and threw it at the baka-junior’s forehead with dead accuracy.


The baka-junior, who was already lying on the floor, slumped to the floor with golden stars circling above him.

Part 2

Two men sat in seiza position in the hallway of the police station. One of them had an unkempt appearance – unshaved face, hair all over the place, dishevelled clothes. This person was senior detective of the Tokyo Police, Shinichi Yamamoto. He appeared as though he never took a shower or went home to change his clothes.


The only reason people ignored his appearance and even respected him was for his uncanny ability to solve mysteries. Shinichi could be considered the Japanese version of Sherlock Holmes, respected and well renowned. The juniors admired Shinichi for his brilliant work in the ‘terrorist bombing’ case from five years ago.

The other person who accompanied him was the baka-junior, Hideoyshi Saki. Baka junior’s appearance strongly contrasted his senior’s. Baka-junior wore neatly tucked expensive clothes. Although, he was known throughout the station as baka-junior, he was one of the best dressed and good looking officers. If one ignored his level of intelligence and behaviour, he would appear as the ideal uniformed man that women would drool over.

Unfortunately, intelligence is inborn – something that cannot be changed. Hence, Shinichi and Captain-san focused on improving his behaviour – however their efforts were futile. Luckily, Captain had a great idea – baka-junior was made the brand ambassador of ‘Goodwill’ and ‘Recruitment’ for the Tokyo Police. His good looks became the magnet that attracted women to work for the Tokyo Police. In the end, his male colleagues accepted his idiocy for the flowers he attracted to their barren work place made their jobs a little more likeable.

No matter how good baka-junior’s look may be or how intelligent Shinichi is, today the Captain would not hold back.

A huge middle aged man paced to and fro in front of the two in seiza. The Captain had a bulky body, and square-ish face. His bald head only added to his menacing appearance. Captain-san could be more easily mistaken for a Yazuka or a military personnel than a police officer. Captain-san was a hardworking honest government employee. He could be described as the person who everyone got along with. No one disliked Captain-san and there was nothing to dislike about him. He had no special strengths but he had no glaring weaknesses either. As a human, Captain-san, was a very average person. The only reason he stood out was for his bulky body – but as Captain of the Tokyo Police force, the menacing appearance and aura that surrounded him suited him very well.

“One job….” The Captain muttered as he continued pacing in the hallway. “You two were given one job….it was a simple lost person case…something we give newbies….why the HELL DOES IT LEAD TO A HOLE IN THE WALL?”

The Captain was yelling the last bit at the top of voice. His shouting echoed throughout the hallways and into the fire stairway.

“Like I told you….” Shinichi began explaining as he loosened his body.

“No! Not you!” The Captain interrupted as he spun his body to glare at Shinichi. “You need to visit the doctor….I have always known that you are one of those dangerous ticking time bomb geniuses. Your head exploded? Hasn’t it? You had a melt down?”

Shinichi displayed an expression of incredulity when the Captain spoke those lines. However, that expression only lasted for a brief moment.

“Who will believe this ridiculous story of a person punching a hole in the wall….that was an RCC wall!!! Reinforced concrete!!” The Captain ranted on has his face turned several shades red.

“Like I said…” Shinichi began to speak again. “He didn’t punch the wall. He pressed against it and it simply melted away like butter….”


The Captain face palmed himself and then spoke in a low voice. “Of course….the wall melted like butter…Shinichi do you even hear yourself? Is that something a sane man would say?”

Shinichi hung his head – not in shame but to hide his anger. Shinichi knew this would sound ridiculous if he were to tell others. However, he did not expect this reaction from the Captain. They had been in the force for several years and had been through thick and thin. Why would Shinichi lie to him with such an unbelievable tale?

Sensing Shinichi’s swelling up emotions, the Captain exhaled and sighed. He understood Shinichi was not lying to him – the tale was just to incredible to believe. “Let’s say….for a moment I believe. A man was able to punch a hole into the wall, that makes him an incredible martial artist….but then explain to me where did he go? He couldn’t have flown out the hole now, could he?”

No matter how Shinichi appraised the situation back then, the way the wall was destroyed could only be described as bizarre. This world is based on science and science explains all. However, Shinichi had no explanation to offer. Shinichi could be considered a walking talking encyclopaedia of knowledge. However, nothing he knew could explain a wall ‘melting’ way.

The hole in the wall was a minor issue compared to the question posed by the Captain. Where did the man disappear to? Shinichi saw Ryu jump out of the hole but the man simply vanished after that. Humans can be strong but they definitely can’t fly. This created conflict and self-doubt in his mind, Shinichi began to imagine that he may have hallucinated the whole event….like hell I saw hallucinations.

Shinichi hung his head in silence there was no explanation he had to offer however he refused the Captain’s version of the story.

The Captain wore a disappointed face. His brows furrowed together as he turned to face the baka-junior. “And you! What were you doing?”

“Ah…Captain-san….getting angry like this is not good for your health….” The baka-junior began in a casual tone.

“SHUT UP!” The Captain violently shouted out as he stomped his foot in anger. The face of the captain was red as a tomato. “At least Shinichi is still useful to the force. I can defend him from the superiors – though he may have to take substantial medical leaves and pay cuts…..but YOU! You have no redeeming quality! You are absolutely useless!! Trash amongst trash!! Even women don't like you!!”

“Mou!! Captain-san is being so mean!!” The baka-junior cried out as he looked up to the Captain.


A fist greeted the baka-junior’s head.

“Hideoyshi, you have no idea how much of a mess you are in. It is your job to ensure that the cameras were switched on and recording the entire meeting. Instead, you were busy hitting on my secretary….” The Captain grumbled. “You were asked to look after one boy…but why does that job have you end up lying on the floor clutching on to your b*lls?”

The baka-junior was unusually pale. In a meek voice he spoke, “But Captain….that boy kicked me in the …..”

“You idiot!” The Captain spoke between his teeth. “I really want to clobber your head into the wall, to be owned by a little brat….have you no sense of shame?”

The Baka junior also hung his head in silence avoiding to make any eye contact with the Captain.

The Captain resumed his pacing. “This year’s budget was already really tight….damn you two….one simple task…..this is really your faults….no it must be my fault to entrust such a simple task to you two….” The Captain grumbled to himself however stopped talking when he noticed a woman in the distance – it was his secretary. “What is it?” He grunted at her.

“Captain, there are some people here to see you.” She spoke as she gave way to reveal two men – one old and one young.

It was the old man, Ji-san and his bodyguard – Radcliff.

Part 3

The old man and Radcliff were greeted by the chilly Tokyo wind blowing through the huge hole in the Police HQ.

“Ah! What a lovely window!” The old man exclaimed as he walked past the secretary, ignoring the Captain, and entered the meeting room where Ryu had been detained.

“Oye! Oye!” The Captain called out in alarm as he rushed behind the old man. “That place is restricted!”

However, the Captain’s path was blocked by Radcliff-san who took a giant step to stand between the door way to the meeting room and the Captain. The Captain came to an immediate stand still

“You! You dare block a police officer’s path!” The Captain angrily roared as he tried to push past Radcliff-san. However, the Captain’s shoulders hit a solid iron wall. Radcliff-san was completely immovable and did not budge an inch no matter how much he pushed against Radcliff. Radcliff was as tall as the Captain. However he was not as bulky – nonetheless he had no difficulty in keeping the Captain at bay.

“It is rather unbecoming of the Captain of the Tokyo Police HQ Station to be behaving like this….” Radcliff spoke out as he pushed the Captain away with great ease. The words were meant to get the enraged Captain back to his senses.

The Captain’s incoherent eyes finally focused on the calm Radcliff and then realized his own behaviour. “Sorry…who are you?”

“Radcliff.” Radcliff introduced himself as he extended his hand forward to shake hands with the Captain.

However, the Captain didn’t move a muscle. The reply the Captain received was the answer to his question. But since, Radcliff did not provide any further details, the reply was useless – isn’t this what they call a troll reply.

“I meant which department are you from? Are you from the police force?” The Captain explained to Radcliff.

“We are from the civil engineering department…” The old man spoke up from behind Radcliff.

“Civil engineering department?” The Captain asked in confusion and shock.

“Yes….” Radcliff unconvincingly added in assurance as he wondered where the old man intended to go with this. “The civil engineering…..department….”

Who would ever believe such a stupid lie!- everyone, except the baka-junior and old man, thought to themselves.

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